Please.... Freedom of religion just gives you the right to practice your religion and not be persecuted for it.
Now, if we are going to throw out scientific theories, lets just throw out any mathematical theories while we are at it. And lets just stop teaching, because we use educational theories.
If your are afraid to have your child taught the theory of evolution, that just means that you have not done a good enough job teaching your child the fact of creation! If you do a good job, then you have nothing to fear.
Me, I'm looking forward to those discussions with my daughter this year! We've already had a few interesting ones when she was studying world religions in her social studies class.
2007-08-02 05:45:18
answer #1
answered by usafbrat64 7
Well Evolution is a theory and has never been proven. As long as it is taught as a theory I have no problem with it being taught in school I think it is important for children to learn that there are different beliefs out there. A responsible parent will encourage their children to talk about what they believe, they will discuss these things and put them in line with what they believe and teach their child how to reason and weed out fact from theory. I would not have a problem with school teaching the concept of intelligent design as a theory as well, give kids an opportunity to see both sides.
As for the first amendment- It is not the governments job to keep up with what everyone in America thinks. It is really not their job to make sure that our children aren't being taught something that is contrary to the beliefs they hold dear. That is not what was intended by the first amendment. That would be an impossible task. There are so many different beliefs out there, that it would be impossible. But then the government would be getting involved in religion, which is Illegal.
I hope that our children are taught facts in school, I fear they are not being taught the facts however.
If a person wants their children to be taught things inline with their religious beliefs, then they should find a private school, run by that church, or home school their children.
Science, logic and critical thinking are all very important things for kids to learn. By learning the beliefs of others, you can teach your children critical thinking skills, as you discuss why those things they learned may or may not be true.
After re-reading your post, I don't think you are a Fundamentalist Christian, like I originally thought, but rather an Atheist trying to stir us all up. The fact that you say that Evolution is true, gives you away- among other things. Evolution is still a theory and has yet to be proven.
2007-08-02 05:54:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Schools are teaching logic and fact. I am very christian but I still believe in evolution..does this make me any less chistian? You cannot ignore the obvious facts, there were dinosaurs, animals have evolved..ect.
The thing you must remember is that science cannot explain a God or prove if there is a god. This is something that has been on the side of every religion. The creation of man is more about metaphysics not science.
example: Science states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
what was the first action causing the reaction?
We believe it was a supreme being ( God) while science cannot explain this aspect of its own theory.
Your children are learning important things in school, let them learn and do not allow them to become ignorant when it comes to science, logic or critical thinking.
2007-08-02 05:54:44
answer #3
answered by JBSF 2
Evolution in my opinion is much too important to simply leave out of the school curriculum.
As a Canadian, I find it so hard to understand why it's such a touchy subject in America. I suppose it's because Canada is much more secular than the US, and here, religion (if you have a faith of course) is practiced in your own private time/at home--not shoved down your throat in public schools--religion is a very personal thing.
Science should be taught at school, not religion--because everyone has their own unique beliefs which don't all fit into the same mold. Science however, does not have that problem.
2007-08-07 04:38:50
answer #4
answered by Sarah 1
No way. Science should be taught. You say that schools shouldn't teach something that goes against "your" religion. Are you suggesting that schools should confer with all religions before teaching anything, or just your religion ?
"Freedom of religion " does not mean that the government can't teach anything that you disagree with. It simply means that you are free to believe whatever you care to, so long as it doesn't go against our civil laws.
You are already free to teach your kids whatever belief you care to. The government sure doesn't have to confer with you before they do anything.
So, YES evolution is a science and should be understood by anyone who considers himself above the moron level.
2007-08-02 05:49:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Woah hold up there. Yeah science is totally the worst thing to ever happen. Who would want to learn about modern technology that makes the world a better place and increases productivity daily. What an awful thing. If you want your kids to be like the monkeys they came from then teach them the earth is 6,000 years old, and that God created man and everything. I'm not saying that science is always right but the great thing is that science calls everything theories. So they could be wrong and can be changed. You accept everything as fact and that will close you off and leave an isolated human being.
2015-04-27 17:04:53
answer #6
answered by Tom 1
I think it takes MORE faith to believe in the theory of evolution than Creationism...So I would have to say NO! Evolution should NOT be taught in schools...
Evolution teaches that we started out as a single celled amoeba, swam around a bit, (fish) crawled out of the sea (reptile), grew fur to adapt outside of the oceans, (mammal)
then decided to stand upright into a human.
So we meta-morphed 4 TIMES? From one species to another???
Is this where "Power Rangers" get their story lines?
Sorry! Never in the history of the world has any species of life morphed into A DIFFERENT species!! Yet, this is what the schools want to teach our children...Does anyone but me have a problem with this??
I bet if every school aged kid would challenge this they would win or at least make the school officials realize how ridiculous this fairy tale is that they are peddling as truth!
My dear, your theory is far more intelligent and that is the intelligent idea that SHOULD be taught! Bravo!
2007-08-10 04:48:39
answer #7
answered by blogdog123 4
Where in the heck are we supposed to teach scientific theories and laws, logic and critical thinking? I doubt you would be capable of teaching logic or critical thinking to your children. Those without the ability to think logically are susceptible to being drawn into cults. Are you afraid of your children learning about gravity too? Is your faith in God so small that evolution breaks it down? Send your child to a private Christian school and not the one my child goes to. I don't want him polluted. And you are admitting that evolution is true? So now we can't teach the truth in school? No logic or critical thinking? Dear God I am on my knees right now praying for this poor soul. Please do not allow him to lead others astray into the desolate pit of ignorance. Amen.
PS the world is round and I hope to God you are joking and poking fun
2007-08-02 05:51:12
answer #8
answered by biology.teacher 3
It's a class called science. Scientists have theories of evolution and they are much more viable than "God" just creating everything. Evolution should be taught in public schools. If you dont want your child to be taught evolution, have them go to a priviate Christian school, tell them to learn what they are talking about in the class but reassure your beliefs, or just ask the principal if she can sit out from the class.
2007-08-02 05:46:59
answer #9
answered by Drew 4
Creationists really bug me. They're like flat earth people or going back a bit in history our ancestors being murdered if they believe the world is round. If you don't believe the absolutes the Church teaches then you are a heretic. Remember, also, the witch hunts in Salem, trials of ordeal, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Jesuit es in South America and so on.
2007-08-09 17:41:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous