Why is abortion any more acceptible than murder?
that was the question, my question is
How many Christians would admit to having an abortion, and of those who admit to it, if there are any, what do you think God thinks of it?
personally, I think life starts when the sperm enters the egg, and the cells start dividing...that is the start of a new life when cells are dividing-multiplying. That is just me, my opinion.
I wouldn´t be suprised if this question gets removed, I know some one has it in for me. Been trying to get my account suspended...I am still here :)
25 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Got a lot of Good answers so far.
Me and my tapeworms have an agreement, I eat all I want and they keep me thin :) We get along just fine.
and i do have more than one question, but its not a trick question, i am looking for opinions, i gave mine. I have not giving any thumbs down, i have given a few thumbs up so far.
06:00:15 ·
update #1
That is the accepted definition of human life beginning.
The medical profession are trying to change it to implanting.
That's so their 'morning after pill' can be sold over the counter.
2007-08-02 05:34:34
answer #1
answered by Robert S 7
I don't really want to mouth off on the subject; it's never good to publicly judge too much, because you may be in that position yourself one day (and I hate being a hypocrite).
When you lay it out clearly, yes, abortion is murder. I can't say why it's more acceptable - even though the parents gave life to it, if the mother gave birth and then killed the child, that would be murder. Why is it different before the baby is born? I just don't know. I disagree with abortion, because I just think it's wrong, and selfish - unless the mother's health would be at risk through carrying the child/giving birth. Or if the girl was raped and got pregnant - it would be seriously psychologically damaging to give birth to, and possibly raise, that child. And it's not like the parents brought the "rape baby" into the world by just being careless; it was just a horrific accident. On the other hand, what's the point of bringing an unwanted child into the world? There's a huge chance that the kid is never going to be happy if it's not loved by it's parents - it could even be hated, and abused. And even if it's up for adoption, it may never be wanted, and might just end up living a miserable life. But then again, it's up to the child to choose whether it wants to live or die, in later life (you know, I'm talking suicide here). Shouldn't all babies be given the chance to live and thrive? I'm sorry that I don't really have a proper answer for you (just going off on my opinions again). I'm an Atheist, by the way.
2007-08-02 05:51:54
answer #2
answered by Legate Tatiana 3
The determination when life begins varies on who you ask. If you ask a medical person, some will state it it when a zygote is formed, others will state it is when the life can be sustained on its own. Religion teaches it is at conception. Depending on what each person belives, that is when life begins. No laws have been able to concretely determine when, nor has an ethical pannel been able to agree on when life begins.
I have a scientific look at life, due to years of (wasted) medical education.
To answer you question "Why is abortion any more acceptible than murder?" The simplest answer is to determine when life ends, you have to determine when it began. Was there a life to end? Because it can't be set in stone, there are no laws that can treat it as murder.
Without starting a religious debate, I had seen church going "good Christians" getting abortions. It always amazed me the reasons they would come up with that it was ok for them, but not other people.
2007-08-02 05:46:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't feel men have the right to talk about abortion since it doesn't effect your mental state or body and at the end, its the women's choice not the man's.
However - I am catholic and I, too, believe life begins at conception. Some people don't believe that, others do. That all comes down to faith.
I have never been put in the situation where I would need an abortion, so I can't honestly answer a question regarding abortion.
My faith tells me that God thinks it's wrong, that it is murder since life begins at conception. To some, life doesn't begin til first breath so I guess it would not be considered murder.
This question has two very different sides and you won't be able to get a straight answer because no one really knows what God thinks. So, good luck in your quest - and in getting suspending, I guess .. ?
2007-08-02 05:36:01
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Abortion is legal, murder is not.
I agree they are one in the same, but the law makes a distinction.
I am a Christian and I admit that I had an abortion...actually two. These abortions were for convenience. I thought it was my right and my choice. I killed my own babies...and it devastates and haunts me. It's been almost 20 years and I still suffer.
I was blinded by societies view and since at that time, I had not stance on abortion, I was easily led. I bought into the idea that it was not a child and that it was my right as a woman to do as I wanted with my body.
I think about my children...who would they be? I know they'd be two people that I would love with all my heart...two people who would make me smile and fill my heart with joy. How could I,their own mother, have treated them as anything less than human?
I think God is hurt by abortion. The Bible says he knows when a sparrow falls...he certainly knows and cares when an unborn baby, created in his image, is wiped out and denied life. I also know that God has forgiven me.
Yes, life begins at conception..there is not doubt. When a woman is pregnant...there is never any doubt that if she stays pregnant she'll give birth to a human being.
If I could undo what I have done I would. I'd take it back without a moment's hesitation. I'd bring those children into this world and give them their right to life.
2007-08-02 06:01:20
answer #5
answered by Misty 7
Haven't had one, am pro-choice, would rather not know if my friends have had one.
When God laid out the laws for the Jews in the Old Testament, there were penalties for hurting and even killing people that depended upon the intent of the person as well as the outcome of the act. Causing a pregnant woman to lose her child carried a lesser penalty than killing a child. Christians and Jews may conclude from this that God considers abortion evil than murder of a born person. The answer to why is it more acceptable is that God said so.
2007-08-02 05:37:38
answer #6
answered by Sarah C 6
Beacuse there are exceptions to the rule. If a woman is raped,society allows the option. If you got drunk to the point of retardation,then you deserve to have DCF up your nose and have your gonads taken from you. Never judge anyone we hear. But anybody that kills a child should be ripped piece by piece the same way a fetus is. Have a good day
2007-08-02 05:34:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have a friend who had an abortion when she was a teen.
She told her boyfriend and her sister. She never told her parents.
She did eventually marry this guy, but even as the wedding date drew near, she was crying, wondering if this guy was only marrying her because of guilt over getting her pregnant and getting rid of the baby.
She couldnt be happy on her own wedding day, I was there, and I know that her tears were of the baby and how old he or she would be at the wedding.
No one that I know if berated her about it, very few of us even knew about it. No one accosted her at the clinic. Her heart was forever torn in two over the loss of that baby at her own convienience.
So, while I do not know if my friend would publically speak of that abortion even today, I know that it has had a profound impact on her even to this day.
2007-08-02 05:35:30
answer #8
answered by cindy 6
Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.
Having an abortion doesn't mean you are going to hell(and i know you didn't say that). Sin is what gets us our ticket to hell. Christ is our salvation from that. I don't know any christians that have had an abortion but there are some that became a christian later in life. They aren't proud of the fact that they had an abortion but they're not going to lie about it. Is abortion a sin? Yes. It is murder. there is life(which begins at conception) and the abortioner is taking that life.
2007-08-02 05:38:02
answer #9
answered by toshiomagic 3
If you saw the organism in its 2 cell stage you may not feel it was human (unless you were told). I think that's the main issue with the opposition to abortion--many opponents don't see an unrecognizable blob, they see a fully-developed infant. By sticking dogmatically to ideals rather than facts at hand, abortion opponents dismiss the abortion option all together.
2007-08-02 05:38:44
answer #10
answered by Peter D 7
I totally agrre with you!!!
abortion is so very wrong, and it is no different then commiting murder, because it is murder...
wish people would understand that...
i know some peopl cant take care of a child, but if you can give it to someone that can, it would be much better!!!
2007-08-02 05:33:49
answer #11
answered by lauren 1