Best. Troll. Evah.
2007-08-02 05:30:55
answer #1
answered by stym 5
Thats not what evolution says. Far from it. It took millions of years for molecules to form the right combination to even make a single celled organism. And to say that apes "magically turned into humans" is also not what evolution states, in fact if that was ever observed it would be completely against evolution and more supportive of creationism.This shows your lack of understanding of the evolution theory and I will try to explain it too you.
First you have to understand Abiogenises. This is the process of non-living molecules forming self-replicating molecules which are the key to life. This has been shown in laboratories that simulate the Earth about 4 billion years ago and has been shown possible multiple times. Although it is a highly improbable process it only had to happen once in a uncountable number of chemical reactions happening on the Earth at the time. Given such numbers and such a large time scale it is inevitable that this process would take place.
Next is biological evolution. Biologists define evolution as a change in the gene pool of a population over time. One example is insects developing a resistance to pesticides over the period of a few years. Even most Creationists recognize that evolution at this level is a fact. What they don't appreciate is that this rate of evolution is all that is required to produce the diversity of all living things from a common ancestor.
Now you have to understand that it takes millions of years to, as you put it, get a human from a ape. There is nothing magical about it however. Through selective breeding certain traits become more and more dominant and a species alters because of that. You can literally look at an ape and see what just a small change in genetic information (only 4% difference) leads to. We, however, did not evolve from any modern ape as many creationist seem to believe. All Hominoidea stem from a common ancestor, but that common ancestor is thousands of years extinct.
2007-08-02 05:47:46
answer #2
answered by draconum321 4
Um...maybe because i'ts not a scientific theory, and it may just be something that church says to get people to not believe in evolution, Anyway, the Big Bang theory is the beginning of the universe, not life. And it wasn't a big lump of coal, scientists don't know how the Big Bang started (that I'm aware of at least) and when it exploded, it realeased all the stuff needed to make the stars and planets, (I would hope you know all this but since you asked this question, I'm guessing you don't know the basis of evolution OR the Big Bang is, so I'm explaining it to you) so a couple billion years from then, you get life, and monkeys and apes diverged evolution wise, as did the eventual divergence of the Homo genus and the rest of the Great Apes, and you'll eventual get humans...
2007-08-02 05:36:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
So it is easier to believe in an invisible being that zapped us all here out of nothing just becuase it was bored one day???
Also, there is no magic in science and apes are our cousins not our brothers and sisters. We did not descend from apes but we are in the same family as they are. You came from your parents and not from your cousin.
Also, there is evidence to support evolution that is why it is called a theory. There is no evidence to support the belief in a god so that should be called the hypothesis of religion. If you look up the differences in these words you will see what I say is correct. Plus if you really want to know about something quit asking us and pick up a book other than the bible.
2007-08-02 05:36:54
answer #4
answered by dlee_75 3
It really is not necessary to understand the other side. As you get more familiar with Christ, and the teachings of the message of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, you may be in conversations with some evolutionists and all of the sudden God will give you the proper words to speak.
In the mean time, Creation Reasearch Institute, is a Christian based team of scientests that are ever searching the mysteries of science with a mind to use creation and nature to show the atributes of God. You can also ask your pastor or church leaders to recommend the best books on the subject. I would advise the folowing by Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ. The Case for God, and The Case for Faith.
All are in paperback and mr Strobel is a wonderful author that was an athiest at one time and in an attempt to prove once and for all the invalidity of Jesus, wound up discovering he was a sinner in desperate need of a Savior.
Blessings on your journey in life with The Lord Jesus Christ.
al 4 now B
2007-08-02 05:40:43
answer #5
answered by ImJstBob 4
Theory is concluding something in the same family. For examples; animal has 4 legs. If thing without 4 legs is taking out, will minimize the confuse. Then see how the motion of the subject see what is the same way of motion. Then see how it become change to something. And say it is comeing from so and so. This is the evolution of Dalman. The question is after the evolution; suppose the thing is changed but we still see the unchanged thing. And their interpretation is being changed.
For being change theory; there will be so many possibilities. The evolution cannot be stand.
2007-08-02 05:36:59
answer #6
answered by johnkamfailee 5
That's because there is no such theory and you're either being deliberately dumb or you're very poorly educated.
Unlike the religionist concept of the begining of life, science places the major events leading to humans in three distinct stages, each based on it's own scientific theory [definition: scientific theory is a model of a set of circumstances which fits all known facts]. These scientific theories are:-
1. The formation of the universe:- the most generally accepted model is the Big Bang Theory or a variation of it. The Laws of Physics make the generation of the entire universe from a single point or "singularity" an entirely feasible concept
2. Abiogenises - the evolution of living things from non-living substances. This has been modelled in the laboratory in conditions which simulate the Earth about 4.5 Billion years ago. The generation of self-replicating molecules which are the key to life has been demonstrated. It took about a billion years for full abiogenesis to take place and only had to happen once in all that time in all the uncountable trillions of chemical reactions that were taking place across the entire Earth every second. Over such time scales and in such numbers even the high improbable becomes inevitable (a bit like you actually reading this because you genuinely want to understand it)
2. Evolution - the gradual change of one life form into another through the process of natural selection. Evolution as a scientific theory (see definition above) has existed under the most strenuous testing for nearly 150 years. The gradual change needed for evolution has been demonstrated in many species and the larger changes whereby one species forms two daughter species (speciation) has been shown in many species in the wild and in the laboratory and can be inferred by DNA analysis in many others.
There is no magic (OR supreme being) required for humans to evolve from apes - a simple separation of the common ancestor species into two populations would be all that was required to start it off. Such a separation may result from a physical barrier such as the African Great Rift Valley or a behavioural separation such as choosing to mate with certain members of the species that displayed a particular characteristic - such as hairlessness or bipedalism. This separation would trigger a positive feedback based on the inherited characteristics of each population, causing their divergence as they each capitalise on their respective environments. The estimated 7 million years is ample time for humans and apes to diverge from their common ancestor.
2007-08-02 05:29:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You don't really want an explanation...that's patently obvious. If you did, you would have posted this in the Biology section. This is not a question; it's a challenge or a dare. You know, like 6-year-olds do when they argue...."I double dare you to prove me wrong". Bottom one has to prove anything to you; what you believe or don't believe is irrelevant to the truth of cosmology and I'd be willing to bet money that you will pick as a best answer someone who agrees with you and you will ignore all the rational answers that try to give you an explanation. This is so very lame and so are you.
2007-08-02 05:39:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
That's a good thing, because nowhere does science say that we all came from a giant lump of coal exploding and creating a bunch of primates that magically became humans.
If it said that nobody would believe it. Fortunately for us, it is far more complex than that and verifiable by observation.
2007-08-02 05:34:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
IN a six-person game you start from the back right and can only rotate out in the servers position. What makes it difficult is the 6-2 offense or the 5-1 offense, which tries to change rotations to allow the outside hitters to get time up front.
2016-05-21 01:04:41
answer #10
answered by ? 3
Only the monkeys had the magic. That's why they still exist today even though we evolved from them.
I could be wrong though. I had trouble sleeping last night after I accidentally looked at a banana in the kitchen before bed.
2007-08-02 05:32:43
answer #11
answered by Bahmo 3