It helped convert me from a Christian to an atheist.
2007-08-02 05:24:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm amazed that you asked this question today, because I had an experience this morning on the way into work and I kinda wanna share it, right here, right now.
R&S has really given me a bad outlook on humanity as a whole. It will make you think everyone is sarcastic and out to make you look bad.
This morning I went to the doughnut shop on the way into work. My plan was to get myself an iced coffee and a couple of doughnuts.
As I walk in I see a white guy open the door for a heavy set black woman and smile kindly at her. I get in line and the guy turns and gives me a really polite hello.
As I wait in line, a guy taps me on the shoulder and so as to not embarrass me lets me know that I have shaving cream on the back of my head. (He was really kind about it.)
There just seemed to be all this kindness as everyone smiled politely and was just really, really nice.
I decided instead of getting one doughnut, to buy enough for the office. That's how good I felt. Again, not a great deed, but it brightened somebody's morning.
There were a lot of other really nice little things that happened, nothing over the top, but it made me realize that not all human beings are out to make you look bad.
Sometimes a little bit of politeness goes miles.
2007-08-02 12:37:24
answer #2
answered by The Brian 4
I can't say humanity as a whole, but it seems to me that a startling number of Americans are just this side of illiterate and woefully uninformed. I say that as an American, and I'm sure I'll get some ill-spelled emails about being an elitist, but I don't care. It's true.
I tend to think that the majority of people on this earth are decent enough, but many, if not most, are too easily swayed by their religious or political beliefs. Too many people lack the ability or desire to look at or even consider multiple sides of any given issue.
2007-08-02 12:28:55
answer #3
answered by ReeRee 6
When I first came to Yahoo Answers and started dabbling in the Religion and Spirituality Section I was pretty unknowledgeable about my own beliefs as well as others. Frequenting R&S has inspired me to research my beliefs as well as the beliefs of others and I have discovered a lot about myself in the process. I've read and purchased many books that were recommended to me by R&S Regulars such as The God Delusion End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Atheist Universe, Thoughts without a Thinker, Essential Spirituality, etc.. which I probably would have never even heard of it I didn't come here so much. As far as my views of humanity, R&S has reinforced my opinions that existed prior to coming here.
2007-08-02 12:41:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The words of Simon and Garkunkel from their song "The Boxer", which I quote so often, seem more true than ever - "Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." We find the proof we want in order to justify what we already believe and find it difficult, if not impossible to alter our cherished beliefs, even when they are very clearly refuted. The ability of the human mind to create its own realities and "truths" truly is utterly amazing. This is seems especially true for religious people.
2007-08-02 12:44:01
answer #5
answered by Boris Bumpley 5
My view of humanity was already less than bright before I came here. It still is, but I've realized good people come from all walks of life, not just from those who think like I do.
2007-08-02 12:41:46
answer #6
answered by Darth Cheney 7
As a christian
My view of atheists has changed , I respect them more as they are mostly intelligent people who ask good questions. Some i am afraid are just rude and stupid but i think the smart ones out weight dumb ones.
Christians also surprised me and i have chastised a few.
As Christians we must turn the other cheek and respond to insults with kind words ..remember we represent our god in all we do.
That don't mean I haven't given dumb answers myself but i do try to answer as Jesus may have
As far as my view on humanity goes the sooner god puts and end to all this the better
2007-08-02 12:33:39
answer #7
answered by pestie58 the spider hunter 6
I never realized how many atheists there are in the world. I "live in a different world" so to speak and I am blessed by it. The people I associate with, all believe in God. On a day to day basis, outside of Yahoo Answers, R&S, I never hear anyone speak irrevently about God. I guess I should be greatful for my "bubble"
2007-08-02 12:30:17
answer #8
answered by loufedalis 7
R&S is just a stage setting where the extremes meet to do mock battle. Whatever a person might think about humanity, a tug of war by extremists probably shouldn't influence it.
In my case, it hasn't.
2007-08-02 12:30:08
answer #9
answered by Jack P 7
i don't know about my view of humanity as a whole, but it is nice to hear opinions of people other than christians(i live in the south, and i rarely meet anyone who is not christian) it has opened my eyes
2007-08-02 12:25:59
answer #10
answered by drinklifetothelees 4
It's shown me the inflexibility and close mindedness of some people and humanity's aversion to change and differing viewpoints.
2007-08-02 12:27:58
answer #11
answered by Kronos 3