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Why not a 1000 year ago or 500 years from now? WHY did God choose this generation? Look here what I just finished reading in Luke 21:20 When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. 21) Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. 22) For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written.
How close do you all think we are?

2007-08-02 05:21:44 · 27 answers · asked by Debs 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

FYI Jon M, I am NOT being prophetic. I am just asking other's opinion's. For Jesus or the angels don't know the day or time of Armageddon. Why should I want to insult the Almighty God by saying "I know more than Jesus." As for the days of Jesus it could not happen then because Jesus told his Apostles it's not in their time. They (people) would have to stay WATCHFUL and ALERT of the signs. Also we all should respect one another for our opinion's and take everything here as a learning process. There is something you don't know where another one knows. As the wise man says, "Its good to learn something new everyday." Just to make myself clear to all of you, I am NOT making any prophesies's in this question.
JimPettis, thank you for sharing your knowledge and being POLITE.

2007-08-02 06:23:04 · update #1

Well said Achtung Heiss.
Luke ch.23 from verse 26-49 tells about The Crucifixion. Simon from Cyrene was carrying the cross for Jesus and Jesus following behind him. Ladies from Jerusalem was mourning and weeping. Jesus told them not to weep for Him but to weep for yourselves and for your children.
The time will come when things get really bad because Jesus went on to say "For if men do these things now (when things are still good man still does evil) when the tree is still green, what will happen when it is dry?" (how much more evil will a man do when things get's bad)?
JimPettis says things today are not as bad as it was in the past (referring to certain times), but we can truthfully say the wicked and evil in man is much higher as Achtung said from WW1. We can't go nowhere's without locking our doors, people don't trust no one especially strangers. Look at crimes (all crimes), drugs, and ungodly open s*x acts. TERRIBLE! Pollution. How much longer will it be? See?

2007-08-02 10:32:49 · update #2

Moises, what a informative answer! That's oh so true about disaster's happening all the time. I know its good to keep up with what's going on around the world and I confess there are phases where I just tune myself out of it. God Almighty knows we need a break and that peace hopefully coming sooner than we think. Of course AFTER all the sheep are gathered together! The gathering of all the sheep is not done yet; sooooooooo patience everyone.
Revelations 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

2007-08-02 16:53:05 · update #3

27 answers

Shalei after reading this I will explain something more adding what achtung weiss explain, read it and I will change this comment to the one that I wish to share with you.

In view of that, we must ask, Are we seeing more catastrophic earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and famines than did generations past? And in spite of advances in science and technology, are proportionately more people suffering as a result?
To many the answer is yes. For example, the magazine New Scientist warns that “the world can expect more disasters in the 1990s than in past decades.” Similarly, in the UN Chronicle of June 1991, the director of the World Meteorological Organization stated: “The trend is quite clear. From the 1960s to the 1980s . . . , there has been a fivefold increase in the frequency of great natural disasters, and a threefold increase in total economic losses.” Providing a little perspective on the subject, World Health, the magazine of the UN World Health Organization, observed: “Examples of natural disasters and their devastating effects can be traced throughout history. However, as the 21st century approaches, we face a changing mix of demographic, ecological and technological conditions which make many populations more vulnerable to the impact of both natural and man-made catastrophes.”
Anyone who pays attention to current events is not surprised at such statements. The news media are never short of sensational stories, be it a volcanic eruption in the Philippines, an earthquake in California, a flood in Bangladesh, a famine in Somalia, a hurricane in Hawaii, or a tidal wave in Nicaragua. Hardly a month goes by without a report of a disaster in one corner of the world or another.
Some people dismiss this as insignificant. They argue that the apparent increase in disasters in our time is merely due to better reporting or to better record keeping. They further argue that more people are suffering from disasters simply because there are more people today. Are these arguments the whole story?
Note what is said in the New Scientist article quoted above. “There were 523 disasters reported in the 1960s and 767 in the 1970s. By the 1980s, the number had reached 1387.” It goes on to explain that “part of the apparent rise during the past decade can be accounted for by the greater openness in reporting disasters in China and the Soviet Union.” Then it adds: “Even so, the number is growing.” The precipitous rise in the number of disasters cannot be explained away by better reporting or better record keeping alone.

So according to silenced we are not living in the end times? then why she is preaching to people repentances or you are going to HELL???

2007-08-02 15:30:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

This is not the first time that Jerusalem has been surrounded by enemies since these words were written. The Romans in the first century, the Muslims in the 7th, the Crusaders and the Muslims (repeatedly) during the Crusades, the British in WW I, in the Israeli war for independence (1948), the six-day war (1967). It has happened again and again and again - I have hardly mentioned all the sieges and conquests of Jerusalem since Jesus' time. Indeed, Jerusalem is now surrounded by more friends than it has had in the last 60 years!

This, by itself, does *not* mean that we will not see Armageddon, or at least the so-called tribulation. But it is true that there have been preachers in every time that we have record of claiming "the end is near". Judging by what *I* read in the bible, I do not believe that the end is near. Some enormous political upheaval will have to take place before then, because according to Revelation government(s) will outlaw Christianity. I cannot see that happening with the current state of affairs. Americans, for example, simply wouldn't stand for it, and we are not the only ones.

This does not mean that such a thing is impossible. If, for example, scientists discovered the secret to eternal youth (something consistent with Revelation), the world would suffer a political upheaval such as I have mentioned. Such a discovery could be made tomorrow - or 20 or 200 or 2000 years from now.

Another thing that hasn't occurred - the increase in earthquakes and wars. If anything, we have far *fewer* wars today than we did 100 years ago, when so-called "brush wars" were common and the European powers were still using regular military action to control their colonies. To the best of my knowledge, earthquake frequency has not risen since USGS has been keeping track (for over 50 years).

Again, this could all change tomorrow - or 100 or 1000 years from now. We simply do not know. Any one of us could die tomorrow. Will we? We simply do not know.

Should you believe that the end of the world is at hand? I don't think so. Should you live your life as if each day were your last day before judgment? Absolutely. It very well may be.

Jim, http://www.jimpettis.com/wheel/

2007-08-02 12:45:20 · answer #2 · answered by JimPettis 5 · 2 1

According to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, we now live in the final part of "the last days" of this ungodly system of things.God's toleration of human rule independent of him as well as of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end. Soon the greatest tribulation this world has ever witnessed will be upon us, culminating in "the war of the great day of God the Almighty," Armageddon.This God-directed war will not destroy God's handiwork the earth, but it will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth."—There will be millions of survivors on earth when Armageddon has run its course.The prophecy at Proverbs 2:21, 22 will have been fulfilled: "The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it."

God's purpose is that a special period of a thousand years will follow the righteous war of Armageddon.
This will constitute the Millennial Reign of God's Son, Christ Jesus, as King of God's heavenly Kingdom. (Matthew 6:10) During this joyful Kingdom rule over the earth, countless millions will be resurrected from their sleep in death to join the millions of Armageddon survivors. (Acts 24:15) Together they will be restored to perfection, and then—at the end of the Thousand Year Reign of Christ—the earth will finally be filled with perfect men and women, all descendants of Adam and Eve. God's purpose will have been carried out gloriously and successfully.

Yes, God's purpose is to "'wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.' And the One seated on the throne said: 'Look! I am making all things new.'" (Revelation 21:4, 5) Without fail, that purpose will be fulfilled in the very near future.—Isaiah 14:24, 27.

2007-08-02 12:35:31 · answer #3 · answered by boyzmadison 3 · 4 1

Matthew 24:21 says that if he didn't come no flesh would be saved alive. We are at a point we could have an all out nuclear war which would ruin the earth for all time and no flesh would survive.
Also he needed to wait long enough to make enough people to fill the earth with righteous out spring. The time it took tells you how hard it was to find enough people that were good to resurrect.
God made this earth with the purpose of filling it with righteous people why would he let one person ruin it for everyone? he wouldn't! So he by passed Adam and most of his off spring to find ones who were good. Even in Noah's day only one family was descent enough to save. Lot was the only one saved out of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Then there was Daniel and the 3 Hebrew boys. They were the only ones out of all the ones taken from Jerusalem who wouldn't bow down to the image that nebucannessar set up?
And Daniel was the only one caught praying?
So there haven't been many people on this earth who were true to God.
So it took a long time to get enough people to fill the earth.
But God was going to fulfill his purpose. Also this gave him an opportunity to clean out the heavens of disobedient angels.

2007-08-03 11:33:43 · answer #4 · answered by Vanessa 6 · 3 1

to me it seems you r scared, , i beleive according to prophecy, amargeddon is a war will be started by the world politics trying to make a new one world governement that will eventualy force people to follow one religion, not jus amargeddon but also more disasters and stuff, its the worldz end, this governement will create opposition bcoz itz lawz r most likeli to go against the laws in the bible...(God does not force people, so u can clearli see who is behind this).... so some of us may have to stand our ground and lose our lives but shortly regain them , im not sure n cant say when it is, it could have happenned ago, it can be future, or now, but i agree with you that these days are a bit dodgy....Mathew chapter 24

2007-08-02 12:42:25 · answer #5 · answered by quester 1 · 1 0

With such things as Global Warming, it's time to bring to ruin those ruining the earth. Rev 10:16

2007-08-02 14:20:16 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 3 1

Goto www.carm.org. They are great resource for ?'s like thes. The word armegeddon only occurs in Rev 16:16
Jesus will come again "like a thief in the night" and take all believers past and present with him.

2007-08-02 12:36:38 · answer #7 · answered by Eric N 1 · 1 1

In hindsight, most of humankind can see the historic upheaval that began with World War I. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that mankind in general has seen a wide range of specific signs since 1914, and that anyone can perceive these as significant without even opening a bible.

Yet the bible DOES comment upon it! Jesus foretold this specific collection of signs as evidence that his "presence" or so-called 'second coming' had arrived. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that "presence" to be Jesus' presence as the King of God's Kingdom.

(Matthew 24:3) disciples approached [Jesus] privately, saying: "Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence

(Luke 21:7,24) Teacher, when will these things actually be, and what will be the sign when these things are destined to occur?

Amazingly, since the 1870's, Jehovah's Witnesses had recognized 1914 as a significant year according to the chronology indicated in bible prophecy. Decades before 1914, Witnesses noted that Jesus' discussion of his second "coming", or second "presence" specifically mentions "the appointed times of the nations", which Jehovah's Witnesses believe to be a centuries-long period of relative godlessness when God's rulership through the Davidic kingship was interrupted (the line of hereditary kings beginning with King David of Israel). Jehovah's Witnesses recognize that the Davidic kingship ended in 607 BCE when Jerusalem fell to Babylon, and would begin again during the fulfillment of the composite "sign" of Matthew 24 and Luke 21.

(Luke 21:24) Jerusalem [or 'Davidic kingship'] will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled.

How long would "the appointed times of the nations" last? Daniel chapter 4 contains a prophecy in which God's rulership, through the Davidic kings is represented by a "tree". That tree is kept down for "seven times", which seems to be seven periods of 360 "days" (See Rev 12:6,14). So Daniel 4:15 seems to be referring to 2520 "days" when God's governmental rulership would not be seen.

(Daniel 4:11-17) The tree grew up and became strong, and its very height finally reached the heavens, and it was visible to the extremity of the whole earth. ...14 He ["a holy one"] was calling out loudly, and this is what he was saying: "CHOP the tree down... 15 However, LEAVE its rootstock itself in the earth... let seven times pass over it. 17 ...that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind.

But in history, 2520 days is not a significant amount of time. Jehovah's Witnesses look to Scriptures such as Num 14:34 and Ez 4:6 and re-examine the history using 2520 YEARS instead. From 607 BCE to 1914 CE is 2520 years; so many significant things happened that year, and World War I was only one part!.

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2007-08-02 16:05:25 · answer #8 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 4 2

for 2000 years, people have been thinking their time was the end time. It's obvious that the symbolism of the book of revalation (which almost did not even make it to the cannonized bible) that John was speaking of the times in which he lived and the Roman empire's occupation of Jerusalem.

2007-08-02 12:27:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

The truth is we assume that armageddon will happen in our time. But when it comes to God. His time frame is much different than ours. A day to us could be a thousand years to God. so, we really should worry about living morally.

2007-08-02 12:25:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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