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So if the bible was put together 400 years after christ died before that people must have used something else, not a book, but something else for guidance.

My guess is that it was the oral or written teachings of the early followers of Jesus. Some of their writings on the faith still exist today.

The bible was put together by early christians over a period of time. Forget the argument of weather they were early catholics or not, just put that aside.

So for 1200 years we have the bible that was put together by early christians. It is used in the Catholic Church (there were no other historical branches of christs followers.)

Now Martin Luther (who didnt want to leave the church just change a few corruptions that had creeped in (like in acts etc)

Martin Luther changes whats in the bible, he takes multiple chapters out of the OT and books out of the NT. A Man does that 1200 yr after the bible was made. So how can the bible be the word of God if only Catholics have it.

2007-08-02 02:30:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Further the ancient writings of early church leaders and early christians are around today.

Not only do they support the bible they actually help to explain some difficult passages.

Passages so difficult that it split the protestant church into 67,000 seperate pieces.

Its available today for anyone. Its like having a 1st century concordance.

Why do people ignore this, is it because they feel their own, or their pastors own interpretation is more valid than the initial followers of Jesus.

If Jesus himself wrote a book would they ignore that.

The bible itself clearly isint God so why have some groups created "God the Father, God the Son, And God the Holy Bible!!!!!"

When you think about it its highly illogical, its a faith based on an interpretation on a book which differs from the authors of the book (and people refuse to read the notes about what the books refered to)

2007-08-02 02:34:39 · update #1

14 answers

The idea that all revealed truth is to be found in "66 books" is not only not in Scripture, it is contradicted by Scripture (1 Corinthians 11:2, 2 Thessalonians 2:15, 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 1 Timothy 3:15, 2 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Peter 3:16). It is a concept unheard of in the Old Testament, where the authority of those who sat on the Chair of Moses (Matthew 23:2-3) existed. In addition to this, for 400 years, there was no defined canon of "Sacred Scripture" aside from the Old Testament; there was no "New Testament"; there was only Tradition and non-canonical books and letters. Once Scripture was defined from the many competing books, Bibles were hand-copied and decorated by monks, were rare and precious, so precious they had to be chained down in the churches so that they would not be stolen.

Christianity did not embrace Judaism, but Judaism Christianity," Christianity can only be fully grasped by understanding it for what it is: the Old Covenant growing into the New Covenant, the fulfillment of the Old Testament religion, the organic result of the coming of the expected Messiah Who was Himself from the Tribe of Judah. Tradition and earthly authority have always been an extremely important part of this:

Malachi 2-7
For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.

An oral explanation had to accompany the Written Torah. Otherwise, much of it would be incomprehensible.

If no oral explanation had been taught to the nation from the outset, the uniform observance of the Torah's commandments would have been impossible.

Our Lord founded a Church (Matthew 16:18-19), not a book, which was to be the pillar and ground of Truth (1 Timothy 3:15).

2007-08-02 07:45:41 · answer #1 · answered by cashelmara 7 · 0 0

Christians always had the Old Testament and they had the New Testament earlier than you speculate. Church fathers referred to circulating New Testament Scripture as early as the second century. By the third century many Christians were using the same New Testament we have today. The New Testament canon was essentially settled early in the fourth century and during this century the official New Testament canon was declared with increasing authority. Martin Luther had no effect whatsoever on the canon of Scripture. He did not add or subtract anything at all. The apocryphal books found in the Catholic Bibles are an addition to the Old Testament books. These apocryphal books were never in a single Hebrew manuscript of the Old Testament and the Jews never considered them canonical. They were first included in the Septuagint (a late Greek translation of the Old Testament). In the 4th century Jerome added these apocryphal books to the Latin Vulgate, calling them "additions" (not Scripture). Church scholars debated thereafter what place these writings should have in the church. It was not until 1546 that the Catholic Church decided at the Council of Trent to declare these books canonical, thus officially adding them to their Bible. BTW, it sounds like you really haven't read the Church Fathers. You will find the answers to your questions about them if you read them. Protestants do highly regard their writings and refer to them often. They are not ignored.

2007-08-02 10:49:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have some facts and some misinformation (lies) false information, etc.

The old testament was together well before Jesus Christ was born. IT was however, held by the temple priests and not available for every day people to read individually.

One such person that it was available to was Paul. He had studied it for years and he was a San hedron, which was the lawyer part of the temple movers and shakers.

Martin Luther changed nothing in the old testament. He also had nothing to do with the historical texts that were not included in the King James version of the bible.

I have the catholic version, and I have the king James version and several other versions from before and after Luther, including the Goose, whom was an inspiration to Luther. You may need to look him up on your own, as he was actually murdered by the Catholic church for heresay. He was not wrong, certainly not a heretic to God, but was a victim of powerful catholic men in high positions.

there is so much that you do not seem to know, or do know and want to set aside for your own comfort level or agenda.

Please look further into this and study and read in order to have enough understanding on your own without just the words and thoughts of powerful men in high positions.

2007-08-02 09:45:57 · answer #3 · answered by cindy 6 · 0 0

Early Christians were converted to the faith by the writings of the Torah being taught correctly. The scriptures of what we now call The Old Testament were written out and read regularly in Jewish Synagogues.

The Old Testament thoroughly points to Messiah throughout the text(s). Early Christians taught the scriptures they had, and people got saved.

[while the Bible wasn't "put together" (assembled) in book form until much later, most of the New Testament had been written by the end of the first century. Paul's letters to the churches were written and sent to the churches by 70 C.E.]

2007-08-02 09:40:43 · answer #4 · answered by Bob L 7 · 1 0

Martin Luther was calling out the Church-- on what had been corrupted- he was pointing his finger @ the Catholic officials and letting everyone know about the things they were doing that were NOT Biblical-
Books removed- did NOT correspond w/ the rest of the Bible-they were out of place- not spiritual as the rest of the Bible.- What the Catholics have--- has the unspiritual books in it also- they focus to strongly on tradition of man- than the holiness of God.

2007-08-02 09:40:25 · answer #5 · answered by darkness breeds 5 · 3 1

hmmm.... I'm not sure what this is based on, but the Bible we read in modern day is from manuscripts that date around 40-90AD. We've found thousands of copies of them all over Israel, the middle east, north Africa, Europe, etc., which had been sent by early Christians to the new churches.

In the New testament they are mainly instructional letters and biographical accounts of Jesus life that were sent by his followers and their churches.

The Old Testament comes from Jewish scripture (the scribes and clergy kept them over centuries). It's mainly historical accounts, laws of ancient Israel, and other writings of kings and prophets.

It's not owned by the Catholic or Protestant churches, but simply circulated by them. Its' not owned by anyone, but is a collection of documents on historical record books.....

2007-08-02 09:40:41 · answer #6 · answered by peacetimewarror 4 · 3 1

I' m not sure really what your question is but I agree that "bible only" Christians differ from the early Church. The idea of Sola Scriptura is itself not biblical. I think the best answer is to pray for unity in the Church and leave it up to God.

2007-08-02 09:40:46 · answer #7 · answered by sparty035 3 · 1 1

Jesus himself read the scriptures. He quoted from them on a number of occasions.
At Mark 11:17 Jesus said “Is it not written, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But YOU have made it a cave of robbers.”
Here is where he quoted it from -  Isa. 56:7 - I will also bring them to my holy mountain and make them rejoice inside my house of prayer. Their whole burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be for acceptance upon my altar. For my own house will be called even a house of prayer for all the peoples.”

Another instance - at John 10:34 - "Jesus answered them: “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said: “YOU are gods”’?
(Psalm 82:6) “I myself have said, ‘YOU are gods, And all of YOU are sons of the Most High."

There are more instances, when Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus answered him with the words, “It is written, ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah’s mouth.’” (Matthew 4:1-4)
(Deuteronomy 8:3) "So he humbled you and let you go hungry and fed you with the manna, which neither you had known nor your fathers had known; in order to make you know that not by bread alone does man live but by every expression of Jehovah’s mouth does man live."

From these examples we can see that there were scriptures before Jesus walked the earth.

2007-08-02 10:34:13 · answer #8 · answered by SisterCF 4 · 0 0

The Holy Bible is the Book of God's Words spoken by Him to prophets who were anointed, blessed and chosen by God to write what God said to them.Let's see 2 Peter1:20,21:"You must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit".The writers of the Bible whom were the prophets before Jesus was born, wrote not from their minds with their ideas, but wrote what God told them to write. All these writings were carefully protected and saved to be passed down from generation to generation. What occured was that there were many that did not want to listen to God nor obey Him, so what happened is that many people extracted some things from God
s word. The King James Version is the the closest, along with the Thompson Bible. To translate the Bible in different languages, the real meaning for God's word was not exact. I was catholic before and the contradict themselves. Their Bible says that Jesus arose from the dead and went to heaven on the third day, which He did. But, they still have on the alter crosses with Jesus still on it and instead believing that He is dead so they pray to Mary, Bernadette, Joan of Arc and others whom are dead and never went to heaven because the only way to God is through His Son Jesus Crist.
In my Theology class in Sacred Heart University here where I live, the "nun" had a Bible that she wanted all of us to buy. I took the Thompson, then the King James, and she told me they were not permited in the classroom. I told here that the one she was using had a lot of things missing and that it gives enfasis in Mary Madgelene and not in the True Savior who is Jesus Crist.
Many religions only want to believe what they think and do all types of convincing so that other can follow. Why? Because no one take the moment to realy read the Bible. Also they buy Bibles that have changed the meaning so much that all what Jesus said gets distortioned. The O.T was from 1450B.C. to 400B.C. conntaining 66 books. The N.T. is from 50A.D. to A.D 100. The prophet Moses was the first to write and the first 5 books he wrote word for word all that God told him to write. The other O.T. books were also written by prophets inspired with the Holy Spirt and wrote what God told them to write. Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter wrote the N.T. telling all the Jesus said, did, prophesied and of Hid death and resurrection.
Many can rewrite and translate the Bible, such as the New International Version which the scriptures are written to clearly explain what God and Jesus said, but as I have check some scriptures, this Bible has some changes, so I stick with the Old Bible. The Bible is a book of truth from our Creator who is God. There were many who do not like the truth. If you stole a candy bar and someone saw you and said you did it and you know you did it, would you say that person was wrong and you did not steal? Well, the one who is wrong would be you because you did take the candy without paying. When telling the truth, you will be in the correct path and those who lie or try to "twist" the truth always fall in the wrong line. I asked once a nun when I was in catequism "Why does the Bible you use say Jesus is alive and you still have Him on the cross on the alter and always pray to statues of Mary and others? I thought we were to pray to Jesus?" All the nun did what beat me with those old time thick rulers and told me to say the whole rosary. Well, I realized that now, she was wrong. The rosary is not directed to God, it is directed to others. They accept the birth of Jesus but not His resurrection, why? because they do not like the truth. This I saw and have been through it and experienced from other religions how they change the word of God into what they want to believe. The only way is to get a Bible from a Christian store and have them help you with one that is not redone.

2007-08-02 10:06:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Yes. I agree with you. Humans will tend to interpret things into their own will. That's the problem. I don't even know whether anyone has a true copy of the bible since even before that it could have been translated and rewritten.

2007-08-02 09:40:21 · answer #10 · answered by Ironic Destiny 3 · 1 1

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