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I have done a little research but i am not 100% sure so far i have "Semper Tempero" if any one could give me a little advice or even a website that would be much appreciated

2007-08-01 20:17:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Languages

4 answers

It really depends on what you control. Latin does not have a phrase like 'in control.' The Romans would have used a verb for this, and there are several verbs that carry the idea of 'control'.

First, 'Semper tempero' may indeed mean 'I am always controlling', but here the type of control would be more like regulating - controling the temperature of a water flow for example. English verb 'to temper' comes straight from this. I don't think this is what you were after, but it is a possible choice.

Semper guberno - this has a couple of uses as control. First, it could be used to mean 'I am controlling a boat (or a wagon, team of horses, etc - it means to steer, drive, pilot, etc.) It could also be used to mean 'manage' or 'conduct'.

Semper moderor - This one is more like using moderation. If you are talking about control of your emotions or holding your tongue, this is the verb to use.

Semper impero - use this one for control in the sense of governing/ruling

Semper coerceo - This one is to curb, restrain, coerce. This would fit something like handling a team of horses for example.

There are a few others, but these cover the main possibilities.

2007-08-03 08:00:44 · answer #1 · answered by dollhaus 7 · 0 0

"I always control myself" would be the meaning of your sentence. The word (one of them) for controlling others is "gubernare" or "guberno" in the first person
If you have the basic grammar, I can recommend http://lysy2.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe? to look up words.

2007-08-02 06:07:41 · answer #2 · answered by haggesitze 7 · 1 1

what "Latin" do you want? Mexican, Spanish, Portuguese? there is so many "Latin" languages
be more specific and maybe i can help...

2007-08-02 03:35:16 · answer #3 · answered by Mrs.Durossndamaken 4 · 0 4

I got usquequaque in imperium .

2007-08-02 03:21:50 · answer #4 · answered by Max A 7 · 0 4

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