Well the main belief in my religion is to help others, so that might be a bit problematic.
Other than that- in a heartbeat! Heck, I'd do it just to end the genocide in Darfur or eradicate childhood cancer. I'm easy like that.
2007-08-01 19:26:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wouldn't we have to Believe that doing so would actually solve the world's problems?
I'm already in the process of transformation from a person that Lives what I Believe into a person that Lives what I Know. I'm doing it to solve MY problems, not the world's.
2007-08-01 19:35:43
answer #2
answered by Champion of Knowledge 7
Sorry, I do not understand your question.
It depends on what a person believes in.
Why is everybody hung up on these words "religion" "non-religion" "christianity".
People can have beliefs which they do not call relgious or non-religious.
What a person believes in, is their business.
The way a person lives his life is everybody's business, because -
What we do affects averybody. We are all made up of the same "stuff".
If the end of the world came, it is because "all of us" have allowed it/deemed it/or made it happen.
God will have his way in this world, of that I am certain.
2007-08-01 19:33:04
answer #3
answered by Astro 5
Despite how tempting this sounds, no I wouldn't believe just to solve everyone else's problems. I wouldn't even believe if it would solve my own. Now then if there was hard proof that there was some supernatural mega being then yes I would accept that then. Not without the proof though.
2007-08-01 19:32:57
answer #4
answered by draconum321 4
we are a exceedingly boastful lot as a species. We continuously attempt to administration and control nature. the army Corp of Engineers has made a living doing merely that for some years. We save thinking we are smarter, that in case you throw some brainpower and money at some thing we are able to make it shake our way. Yeah, good. people are no longer "thoroughly insignificant." how are you able to even say that with a right this moment face? We pollute rivers so thoroughly they seize hearth and burn. We overdraft from groundwater reservoirs so harshly the floor sinks, or salt water intrudes. i ought to circulate on and on alongside those lines, the checklist of follys that makes those words laughable is plenty longer than it must be. contained in relation to climate substitute, learn have been completed, extra are underway. i'm going to contain some hyperlinks (warning: some would contain graphs and charts) that checklist learn on the government, college, and private sector. there is politics in contact, of direction there is politics in contact. And whilst has the media ever gotten each thing good? we live in a valid chew form of international, they circulate with what sells. And yet, some sources do an mind-blowing activity of offering techniques. of course no longer the sources you're employing on your techniques. i'm happy you revere "mom" Nature. I do too. I took a 5 mile walk immediately with my dogs and watched city nature attempting to get around guy's insignificance as ultimate they might. plenty extra relaxing to objective to discover what passes for desolate tract in recent times and watch wildlife in a extra organic putting, with out mans insignificance.
2016-10-13 11:14:49
answer #5
answered by ? 4
No because it won't end our worlds problems. What belief system would we adopt... Now Christianity has been labeled "robot religion" because they believe that we are God's drones... but that is not the truth.... what you are suggesting definitely is robot religion and the beliefs that we would have to adopt would in themselves cause an uprising because not many people like to be told how to believe...
Except I know it has already begun subtely... and there has to be something overseeing it.... bigger than us... I will not step on my beliefs because you think it might "fix" the world.
2007-08-01 19:27:41
answer #6
answered by Abbasangel 5
Certainly. I believe what I believe because it appears to be the best (or only) solution to the world's problems. The only reason for not believing in some sort of god is that there isn't any evidence of such.
2007-08-01 19:27:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't understand the question, but perhaps I'm just overanalyzing. But how can a person choose to believe or not? Is belief not a matter of what is the most convincing/what makes the most sense to you? I mean, you can't just really change that at the drop of a hat.
2007-08-01 19:27:07
answer #8
answered by Zac 4
What are the all the world's problems? You and I (and anyone else) probably disagree greatly on this issue.
But that aside, I'll say sure. I'm not that pigheaded. It's an impossible scenario, but I'll play along.
2007-08-01 19:35:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Not believing will NEVER solve all the problems in the world as God is the only one possible for that.
2007-08-01 19:29:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous