Will you accept the Dhammapadda as proof of Buddha's existence and the Bhagavad Gita as proof of Hindu Deities? You don't need to see them, just accept them and follow their teachings- it's kind of like that.
2007-08-01 18:51:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
For the same reason that Christians can't see religious writings of other religions as evidence for the gods of those other religions.
I mean, take a look at the Illiad - Troy was right where the story said it'd be, archaeologists looked to the tale and found the ruins. If it was right on that, what else is it right on? Shouldn't people start believing in Zeus?
There's plenty of religious writings out there that hold provable elements, and are truly believed by their adherents. And yet... folks from other religions don't believe. The Bible, for all that many people insist that it's "different", shares many features with other religious writings. The reason the Bible seems so special to Christians, that they see it as uncontrovertable evidence of God, is because they're Christian. They believe the Bible's claims, because it's their religion's book. What many Christians don't seem to realize is that folks from other religions feel the same way about their religions' writings as well.
2007-08-02 06:40:05
answer #2
answered by ArcadianStormcrow 6
Why can't you accept the bible evidence of god is fabricated by pure imagination and hearsay?
The bible cannot make up such a creature, but the people who wrote the bible can. When was the last time you saw moses cross the water? When was the last time you saw a schizophrenic claiming to be talking to god? you god's rule is proven wrong when the person who delivered the "rules" break it himself.
If you think bible is incredible, you had not read the chinese's commissioning of the gods ..... you see human flying on swords, magic spells to cross the country in split second ..... heck .... you had not even read Lord of the Ring .....
2007-08-01 18:55:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Maybe the same reason Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Flying Spaghetti Monsterists etc can't accept the Bible or one another's books as evidence either.
Historical and widely accepted religious accounts for most religions differ. Using literature, even if very highly regarded, is not considered "evidence" by most standards - if it was, you would not have a "faith" which is technically believing something _without_ evidence.
I'm still kind of wondering about organized religion, but offering any holy book as evidence just doesn't fly. Divine events, maybe.
Maybe it's just human nature. Maybe it's part of the plan, maybe it's evolutionarily favorable.
2007-08-01 19:06:07
answer #4
answered by fotoad 2
Someone here wrote earlier that "The Word of God..." [the Bible] "...is not an inspiration, it is the actual Words of God."
Correction. The original text by the original authors may have been inspired by God. But those original documents haven't existed for many centuries. The Bibles we use today are copies and mis-copies of translated and mis-translated documents, added and subtracted to by professional and non-professional scribes in many countries.
The fact is that we simply DON'T KNOW what the original authors wrote. So today's Bible is demonstrably and inarguably NOT the "actual words of God"... and hasn't been for at least 1000 years.
2007-08-01 19:13:03
answer #5
answered by watergoat06 2
because thats not true. The Bible isn't evidence of God, God is evidence of the Bible.
had no Bible ever been written, God would still be God. And He would still exist. If the Bible invented him, then he's not really God after all.
The Bible is there for our benefit... because people are stupid and faithless and we need everything in writing and something to refer to to see the fine print and details of things. Gods way of 'putting it into writing' was the Bible, so we'd have something to refer to if we ever got confused about His existence.
2007-08-01 19:16:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'll answer the actual question, since the rest is nothing more than the crap that let's you sleep better at night...
The bible is not evidence of god for many reasons. There is nothing...NOTHING...outside of the bible to support any of the claims that it holds; no evidence of creation, Hebrew slaves in Egypt or their Exodus, miracles, talking animals, great global world wide floods, Jesus...none of it.
The bible is the oldest remaining example of circular logic: the bible claims to be the word of god. How do you know that the bible is the word of god? Because the bible claims to be the word of god. But how do you know that the bible is the word of god? Because the bible claims to be the word of god...continue until you're dizzy and throw up.
History has proven that the bible is a collection of stories, written by men, and editted by the Council of Nicea. Nothing in the book is a contemporary account.
Science has disproven many of the claims within the bible in the following fields: anthropology, astronomy, archeology, astrophysics, biology, botany, chemistry, cosmology, ecology, embryology, entomology, evolution, genetics, geology, herpetology, mathematics, palentology, plate tectonics, radio metric dating, and zoology...to name a few.
2007-08-01 19:01:39
answer #7
answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6
>Why cant atheists think of exterior the field i will. it always looks to me that theists are those that have a project with this. >and settle for that God is extremely possibly and extremely achieveable? After watching the available information, I even have concluded that the life of God is incredibly unlikely. in case you have new information in choose of God's life, i could be better than chuffed to work out it and take it into consideration. till then, i do no longer see how i might properly be faulted for in basic terms thinking rationally. >provided that we in basic terms don't comprehend the complexities in touch in a writer of all issues There are incredibly stable motives in assistance theory to have faith that, if a 'writer of all issues' incredibly exists, that's possibly straightforward, somewhat than complicated. in case you have been able and keen to think of exterior the field, you will possibly desire to have already found out this.
2016-10-09 01:01:07
answer #8
answered by lishego 4
The dudes who wrote the bible had one motto: "I think therefore I scam." The whole bible god thing with all its mythological, superstitious stories, laws & punishments, as well as it's heaven & hell, are all part of the priestcraft scam to seduce us all into bowing to them. The real god, if there is a god at all, would not require robotic worship from a place of fear and trembling, and certainly wouldn't need our money to keep himself in white suits and fake hair.
The bible cannot be considered evidence of 'God,' since it's been proven, over and over again, to have been written by men, and they can't even get the various contributor's names straight.
The bible is a work of fiction. Sure, there might be some amazing & wise sayings, etc., within its pages but really, even they're not unique to the bible. Most of the sayings of the so called messiah, Jesus, were said many times before by others, long before he ever supposedly arrived here.
2007-08-01 18:54:25
answer #9
answered by Meow 5
The bible was written by man just like you and me. Why should I believe in a book that was written by a bunch of man that did not know very much about the earth, the universe, and science. From my perspective, it is insane to have faith based on such a book.
2007-08-01 18:51:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
It's just not possible to accept the bible as evidence of anything. It's a book, not evidence.
If I write a book about a different god will you accept it as evidence that he really exists? Why not?
2007-08-01 18:48:19
answer #11
answered by t_rex_is_mad 6