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why be born just to die? so you might have a little fun in between!! big deal! i'd rather just not be! what do you think? please don't call me dumb either! (:

2007-08-01 17:58:01 · 17 answers · asked by julie h 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i am not being rude or anything!!!!! you don't have to read my stuff! i just wanted to see if anyone felt the way i did!!!

2007-08-01 18:06:13 · update #1

how in the world am i disrepecting atheists here like the one person mentioned??? i just said if there is no god, this life seems like a waste to me...i don't even believe in god....i don't not believe, i just am confused!!! jeeze ppl chill!

2007-08-01 18:24:26 · update #2

look, my statement does NOT imply that atheists are atheists just b/c they want to run around doing whatever they want! i was just saying that it seems sick and depressing that there probably is no god and that we're just alive here for a little bit and then we die and there is NO MORE! i really meant nothing towards anybody! i am more atheist than anything anyway...i doubt there is even a god...idk...but i just wanted other ppl's opinions on what they thought...like why even be alive if one day you will never exist again?? it scares me! that's all...i respect everbody....i do not judge anybody...i really meant nothing by it! i swear!

2007-08-02 08:27:13 · update #3

17 answers

You indicated a good point dear.
That means there is some one Almighty who is resposible and master of all these activities.
There is some one we have to give answers how we spent our life on earth.
There is some one who is going to ask us what you did on earth.
There is some one who is going to judge Humans and Jinns according to there deeds.

You infact raised a very valid awakening point to justify finding Master of universes, The God Almighty.

No begining and No end.
Solepower, without sharing,

Peace :)

2007-08-01 18:31:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's your opinion, and you should not be judged or attacked for it. You asked an honest question, I think.

Actually, you made a statement: That if there is no God then life is just a waste. That is a statement most atheists and agnostics, including myself, and even many Christians would strongly disagree with. It is pretty immature when a teenage girl says something like, "If Johnny won't love me, then I just want to die..." Your statement that if God doesn't exist then you would rather "just not be" sounds just as immature.

That doesn't mean you are dumb, or stupid, or ignorant or any other such thing. It is just a statement of how you feel. And if pleasing and "fellowshipping with" God is important to you, that is what you should try to do. But if pleasing God (meaning, of course, only the God in whom you were taught to believe) is your only reason, or even your main reason for living, then you are missing an awful lot that life has to offer.

2007-08-01 19:06:06 · answer #2 · answered by Don P 5 · 0 0

Not dumb at all. If you are then so is all of mankind because everyone seems to ask themselves that very question. But what makes you or anyone else believe you are different than any other living thing on this planet? We are born, we live and we die. Life continues just as all other living things by passing on our seed for the next generation to live.

2007-08-01 18:04:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good idea. I should believe in god so I can feel better about death. Do you think he'll notice that I am just playing it safe?

All joking aside, I do not believe there is a god. Nothing I can do about it, short of lying to myself for the sake of making my life just a little bit easier (in my head, if not in reality).

Just because we want something to be true doesn't make it true. And so I live my life. And, I am quite happy with it, thank you.

2007-08-01 18:13:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How is life a waste? We have fun, relationshipis, sad parts, happy parts. That's what life is about. Accomplishing things. Being the best person you can be. Life shouldnt be about looking forward to what happens after you die. We dont get to choose whether we come into this world or not but as soon as you come into this world you just have to make the best of it.

2007-08-01 18:11:26 · answer #5 · answered by Drew 4 · 0 0

your life is what you make of it. I would rather have no hope of an afterlife and thus live my life to the fullest it can be, be happy with my friends and family, and do things i enjoy, than spend my days praying and worshiping only to find out it was a waste.

if atheists are wrong (which isnt very likely) i think god will be ok with me living as a good person.

2007-08-01 18:04:22 · answer #6 · answered by sprocket9727 3 · 0 0

that's your ignorant opinion, & you are certainly entitled to it.

just like i'm entitled to believe that your god is make-believe.

don't insult atheists when you really don't know what their beliefs are or how they live their lives. it's very disrespectful.

EDIT: QUOTE: "why be born just to die? so you might have a little fun in between!! big deal! i'd rather just not be!"

how is this NOT an insult? you are assuming we are atheists because we want to run around doing anything we like, which implies that we are immoral savages or something. that's why i said you should try to learn what we're really about before you just assume you already know.

2007-08-01 18:12:59 · answer #7 · answered by superwow_rl 5 · 0 2

i think it is sad to say that i don't believe in God because it just doesn't make sense to me... i decided that i haven't the courage to kill myself, so might as well just hang around. i am jealous of the people out there that think they're going to heaven. i really am.

i heard something on tv once about people who feel they've been called to do God's work (monks, priests, nuns, etc.) and that their brains perform differently while they're praying/meditating than other people, and they suggested that it was a possible evolutionary advantage. they feel they have purpose in life.

2007-08-01 18:10:02 · answer #8 · answered by trinklest 2 · 0 0

First, there is no god (or gods for that matter).

Second, your life is only a waste is you allow it to be. It is what it is, and even though it's the equivalant to the blink of an eye in the cosmic scope of things, there's no reason to not enjoy it.

2007-08-01 18:07:00 · answer #9 · answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6 · 0 0

How sad. I find it hard to comprehend thinking of this wondrous life as just some kind of stepping stone.

If the "next" life is what counts, why bother doing anything in this life? Why love, laugh, learn, explore, enjoy, why do anything?

2007-08-01 18:03:10 · answer #10 · answered by t_rex_is_mad 6 · 2 1

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