Absolutely not! Even the Watch Tower itself says so, in an article dated 8/15/81:
". . .from among the ranks of Jehovah's people. . . haughty ones. . .say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But strangely, through such 'Bible reading' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago. . ."
Oh, my, there is nothing strange about it. If you read the Bible for what it actually says, instead of what your indoctrination says, it is the simple plan of salvation through Grace. Reading God's word, with the help of the Holy Spirit worked for me, it will work for others.
Stop living in bondage to the Watch Tower Society, people! Jesus said that if you truly know Him, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). JWs are just as much in bondage to the legalism of the WTS as the Jews were to the Mosaic Law. Why do you choose this, when you could be enjoying the glorious freedom as Sons of God?
If you truly want "new light", turn to Jesus and seek a personal relationship with Him, before it is too late.
If your worship seems hollow and futile, it is because you don't have a personal relationship and you do not know what it means to have the Holy Spirit as the Comforter than Jesus promised He would give to His followers.
Read the Bible with an open mind for once and get it together before Judgement Day comes because, if the Watch Tower is right about anything, it is that we are living in the Last Days.
2007-08-02 01:06:55
answer #1
answered by Simon Peter 5
" The call "Jehovah's Witnesses", in accordance with Isaiah 40 3:10, became into accompanied at a 1931 convention of Bible scholars on an identical time as below the management of Joseph Franklin Rutherford." They have been initially customary as "bible scholars" Following Rutherford's death, Nathan Knorr took over the presidency of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Later, 1975 became into heavily under pressure as a a risk date for Armageddon. In 1976, management of the Jehovah's Witness stream began to be directed with the aid of a "Governing physique".
2016-10-19 08:43:02
answer #2
answered by ? 4
People who insist on deriving meanings only from a silent book many times lose the meanings. Words over time have a way of meaning different things to different people. A clear and common example is the word "gay" which used to mean happy less than a few decades ago. Now it has a completely different meaning.
If there was a verse in the Bible that would say "there was a gay celebration on the occasion of Christmas in which so and so Prophet participated" people at that time understood that it was a happy celebration, but in another age a powerful case can be made that the Prophet approved of a "gay" parade.
Thus refering verses to those who "know" the essence is critical, if not, words can lie and mislead just due to the passage of time and the subtle changes that take place in various meanings over the centuries.
Many times we use the word Lord for God Almighty, but the word "lord" was also used for people of "noble" birth... (whatever that means, as they are still created by semen and are born through a woman's private area, and turn the good food of the Lord into filth each morning like everyone else).
I hope this explains how it is not correct to rely only on the bible but also look to deeper meanings beyond the words alone, whose meaning changes over time and places due to changing circumstances.
Coming to your more specific question, even the word Jehovah is not pronounced correctly if you find out how it is pronounced or used to be pronounced in Hebrew. Insistence on a certain word for the Most High as the only way to call him is as if the siblings begin to fight with each other based on whether one calls Mother mom, mommy, mummy or mum. It would be silly to fight about that, when the child knows who he is calling and mom knows who is being called.
Besides, the Lord was there in full glory before the first human being was created, let alone the creation of words and languages, so it is silly to fight about names. Water by any name is still water. If I am in France and I need water, I can not insist that I will use the english word only. If I did, I will remain thirsty longer!!
I hope this makes sense.
2007-08-01 18:12:15
answer #3
answered by NQV 4
Which is why they never conduct a "Bible study" with someone using ONLY the bible.
2007-08-02 14:02:03
answer #4
answered by Esmerelda 2
Great question Sister! I would say no because of the following verses.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim. 3:16-17
The Bible alone gives correct doctrine and it's not the doctrine the JW's teach and thus no one has ever become a JW by reading the Bible alone.
God can't lie. Titus 1:2
Much love Sister!
2007-08-01 18:14:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
yes, in fact every body who read the whole bible from Genesis to Revelation will do it.
But you know that, already?
you know why the majority of people even know where in the bible is the date of Jesus ´s death cause don´t read it completely only read the most easy the NT, and think that the OT is worthless not according to 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
I can prove my believe with a KJV, are you willing to do it?
Matt: have you read the whole bible?
2007-08-01 17:59:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Jehovah's Witnesses understand the bible to be the only inspired infallible means of knowing God's will and purposes. They never pretend that bible study aids are more important than the bible itself.
Those who attend the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses will likely note that nearly everyone (adult and child) can comfortably and quickly locate each referenced Scripture during the talk. Other bible-study aids may be used by the audience during the meetings, but never even approaching the ubiquity of the bible among Jehovah's Witnesses.
Learn more:
2007-08-02 03:36:39
answer #7
answered by achtung_heiss 7
Some parts of it are pretty clear in any bible. ( christ as the son, not as god himself, ect) but the vast majority of it is through their self-serving translation, without which one can not agree.
2007-08-01 18:01:37
answer #8
answered by Zarathustra 5
Their theology is about the same as most Christians..
2007-08-01 18:01:03
answer #9
answered by LadyCatherine 7