It's not 'goddidit', it's HOW Goddidit. And that question will connect the physical fact of Evolution guided by Intent (even human intent, incidentally) with the noncorporeal world of Spirit and Thought. This is how Science can finally understand metaphysics.
2007-08-01 17:28:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This is actually an excellent question. Each of us should be more aware of what we believe and why. As a science teacher in a Christian school, I did teach Creationism, and I believe in a literal 6 day creation. To explain it in this forum would be difficult at best.
Let us just look at one issue:
The "evidence" presented by the secular scientist is suspect at best. For example, our "geologic column" is supposed to prove the various ages of pre-history. In no place on the face of the earth is every strata level present.
If asked how the levels of strata are dated, the evolutionist will claim that it is achieved by carbon dating. Carbon dating, however, is in inexact science. Often the strata is dated by the fossils found in that layer. Once they identify the fossils, they date the layer. How do they know the date of the fossils?...they look at the layer in which they are contained. We call this circular reasoning.
I could continue, but I think that my answer will probably not satisfy you. Hope you find your answers.
2007-08-01 17:37:34
answer #2
answered by mizmead 4
Just saying "god did it" is not good enough. these people making these claims have to prove god did it.
Making a claim, with no evidence is insufficient.
Also, these claims are a cop out to having to actually do work and research. the results of which just might provide more proof against their deity.
The ultimate example of this is Intelligent Design in which their scientific method is that some supernatural being created life and the universe, so stop looking for answers.
2007-08-01 17:40:44
answer #3
answered by Atrum Animus AM 4
To me nature itself is a process. A process is a working procedures which is control by something. In order for the nature/working procedures to works smoothly and harmoniously, it must be controlled by the most superior being which we call God.
2007-08-01 19:28:48
answer #4
answered by z_jepoh 4
spirituality is a union with nature... i have a lot of those answers,,, but mostly I have answers of how their catholic/christian religion and their lying god has damaged nature, interfered with evolution, and is very very bad for the planet...
2007-08-01 17:32:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God did it is the equivalent of because I said so.
Mizmead you didn't teach science you taught fiction and bullshit.
2007-08-01 17:27:21
answer #6
answered by Gawdless Heathen 6
do a cross section on a leaf,
take a drop of water
or blood, etc
prove to me it was came about randomly
you are too easy....bye!
2007-08-01 17:29:11
answer #7
answered by firechap20 6