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I just saw an answer where a lady said that if a fertilised embryo does not attach itself, so an abortion naturally occurs or if a child is stillborn, this is a result of original sin!!



So miscarriages happen because Eve and Adam ate from the tree of KNOWLEDGE!!!!!

The biblical god is still punishing innocent babies because knowledge is bad?

Is that what "original sin" is?

And some people actually worship this monster?

2007-08-01 14:58:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

OK, the simple answer is no.

Are we still reading? Ok, lets begin. The person who posted that question was attempting to get people to think or get a rise from them (I was suprised the he/she knew that most fertalized eggs did get miscarried- in school we were taught that is was the deformed male sperm). Only the twisted, obsessed Christian Fundamantalists would make such a statement. (any reader pissed off by that comment- it means that you're one!)

The concept of "original sin" is not only limited to the religons from Abraham (Jewish, Muslim, Christian - yep, the religons that fight the most wars and kill each other come from the same heritage!). Origingal sin is questioned by many different religons, is human nature good or bad? That's it. Are we good by nature with the capability to do harm, or are we bad by nature with the capability to do good?

The Old Testament points to the serpent's successful temptation of Eve (big suprise- at a time when men where considered better than women, the world's troubles are the fault of a woman) and the Tree as the moment of the human original sin (what about the serpent? The word satan oringinaly meant "one who opposes, obstructs, or acts as an adversary" it was used to label "any angel sent with the purpose of blocking or obstucting human activity" which is why "satan" was allowed in God's court in the OT [book of Job] and used by God many times). As punishment, all suffering of human kind (physical and mental) was cursed upon us as Adam and Eve where forced out of Eden. Thus, anything that fails to match the desires of a fundamentaist can/will be blamed on "original sin," completly forgetting "God's will" or long term concequences.

In a nutshell, I know its a big nut!; the general concept across religous lines of "original sin" is the point in history when the human mind seperated from the cosmic "one-ness," around the time that "ego" came to the scene, when we stopped being amazed and respecting the natural world that supported us, from there on out the s*** hit the fan. Now all religons (at least in theory) attempt to put the human spirit back in touch with the original source/will there by re-entering Eden.

Hope that helps!

2007-08-01 18:26:42 · answer #1 · answered by The Soap Man 3 · 1 0

No, you do NOT understand the concept of "original sin". Also, "knowledge" in and of itself is not bad or sinful.

A full explanation of "original sin" can be found at:


Short version: there are two understandings of the idea of "original sin".

One is the actual sin that Adam and Eve were guilty of, namely, the rebellion against God in their choice to know, experience, dive into, and commit themselves to, evil (as well as good).

The second refers to the results of that sin as it has affected humanity as a species (imputed sin). Adam and Eve were told that their actions would have consequences for all of their offspring, namely, hard work, sweat, pain, tears, longing, and finally death. This is NOT the same as a punishment being passed along from parent to child. It is more like a mental/psyche/physical mutation, brought about by the choice of rebellion. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome serves as a handy metaphor in this instance: the mother's choice to drink while pregnant can have drastic affects on her unborn child, even if that child survives the birth and NEVER takes a drink in his or her life.

I hope this helps you to understand this concept a little better.

2007-08-01 15:32:10 · answer #2 · answered by MamaBear 6 · 0 0

Original sin is the thing that all people, according to the Abrahamic faiths, have and is what leads us into sinning and doing evil in the world. It is removed by baptism according to christians. Knowledge itself isnt bad, but going against Gods decree was the sinful part of the story. People today tend to blame original sin on anything bad happening. The problem with the whole concept of original sin is that if its the source of why we do bad things and are tempted into evil and disobediance, then how is it that we sinned in the first place to receive original sin, the temptation part came after Man ate the apple before that people were perfect without fault.

2007-08-01 15:06:41 · answer #3 · answered by Benotafraid 3 · 0 2

I disagree with "original sin". It's an absolutely ludricous idea. Babies are NOT born into "original sin". My soul tells me this is so. Babies are born with a clean slate. As far as I'm concerned, even thinking such a thing is a sin! People wish harm upon humanity with this type of negative thinking.

2007-08-01 15:08:04 · answer #4 · answered by Soul Shaper 5 · 2 0

ahhh...no. Original sin is when Adam and Eve CHOOSE to have the knowledge of Good and Evil instead of remaining Innocent in the garden. The consequence is that Death was brought into the world. (IOW we all Will die someday) Jesus overcame the original sin in the form of the Resurrection. We will be judged by our own choices and actions and not by Adams transgression.

2007-08-01 15:10:40 · answer #5 · answered by LDS~Tenshi~ 5 · 1 2

Ironically enough, the same people are opposed to abortion. Even funnier, they don't see the irony in that.

It's amazing some of the ways a religion can be manipulated when the followers become too lazy to actually read the sacred texts of their faith.

After all, if you love Jeezus, that's all that matters. You don't need to actually read nuthin' cuz the preacher-man can tell you what you need to know.

2007-08-01 15:06:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I answered a similar question yesterday, and I stand by it...original sin is the biggest lie perpetuated by modern religion.

2007-08-01 15:05:35 · answer #7 · answered by Jewel 7 · 5 0

The original sin is Adams disobedience to God.

i didn't read that answer that your talking about.

Miscarriages happen for various reasons, some man made, some because of congenital.

When someone chooses to drink their baby to oblivion and drug it so badly that there is no nutrients able to pass through the placenta, is that God's fault??

Nope, God isn't the monster, people are.

2007-08-01 15:05:43 · answer #8 · answered by Mulereiner 7 · 0 4

Death has no connection to the pursuit of knowledge. Adam and Eve's sin wasn't in desiring knowledge, but in their disobedience to God's law (and there was only one). If they wanted knowledge, they could have gone to God for it rather than disobeying Him. You're upset bc there are consequences for disobedience? Why? Any good parent does that. Yes, these are grave consequences, but they're a result of a grave offense, disobedience to our Creator.

2007-08-01 15:10:23 · answer #9 · answered by STEPHEN J 4 · 0 3

people do not understand what they read in the bible. God does not punish children for their parents sin. sometimes bad things just happen it has nothing to do with God being mad or not. people that go around calling themselves Christians need to understand what they read. And people that don't believe in God [as yourself] can take that up with him one day.

2007-08-01 15:06:02 · answer #10 · answered by firefly 5 · 2 1

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