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Isn't christianity very cult like......how could and why would a perfect god need blood to make everything okay....?????

2007-08-01 12:57:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

i always find it funny when evangelists pray that everyone be covered in the blood of Jesus...freaky at the same time

2007-08-01 12:59:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

The idea of the Blood is figurative. It has always been said that "The life is in the blood" and when the blood is spilled, then the life ceases. When you offer your blood, you offer your life.

God is a God of perfect Justice, and the Law of Justice says that any sin is punishable by death: Physical and Spiritual. Physical death is the separation of the soul from the body. and Spiritual death is separation or banishment from God and the influence of God. Any sin from anybody is punishable by this death, and without a Savior this physical and spiritual death is permanent for ALL men because ALL have sinned. That is why you cannot atone for your own sins with good works and prayers because you automatically have already deserved the punishment because everyone sins. EXCEPT A PERFECT PERSON AND NOBODY IS PERFECT.

So this is where the Law of Mercy enters in. It allows a redeemer or a substitute to take your punishment. God being the only perfect one, Himself became a Man, and being perfect, could be your Redeemer and take your punishment for you and you can be justified through Him. And it had to be through HIS voluntary death and suffering individually for YOU. But you have to accept his offer to get rescued and if so, you are no longer your own, you belong to Christ. He sacrificed his blood and body, his life, for your sins and took your punishment for you, and overcame death and hell for you by the resurrection to Eternal life. If you do this you are justified. You are not perfect, but you are treated as if you were.
That is why Christ was made sin for us.

2007-08-01 13:23:44 · answer #2 · answered by Gma Joan 4 · 0 1

For one in the very begining it was not required, until Adam chose to not to follow God and "did his own thing." Things were were just fine, until Sin through Satan's tampering with a perfect thing. THe basic idea was Mankind was to expand and slowly cover all the Earth with a paradasaiac Garden this would have given us work to keep us busy which would help in keeping us satisfied. But we know the course Adam took, and that threw away the gift of perfection.

Just as a dented breadpan will always make dented bread, all of the Children that have come from Adam and Eve are "dented" with Sin. When the Jews had to make the blood sarifice such as at the first passover in Egypt, the Blood signified (prefigured) the sacrifice of Christ. Imperfection could not buy back perfection. Also in the offering process made by the God of the Jews allowed the priest's and temple servants some part of the beast that was sacrificed, and such the temple arrangement would be self supporting because it was supported by God's arrangements. Instead of passing the plate, the tithe system was put in place by God. He even made arrangements for the poor through gleanings on how crops should be harvested. But back to the sacrifice arrangement. "Men" under Law (Mosaic Law) understood they were sinners, and needed to repent. They were also given specific prophesies that spoke to them and the perfect fulfillment of the arrangement which was to come.

Christians, first amidst the Jews, then the Gentiles were taught since Christ followed God's commands perfectly, and trained his disciples to do the same that following in Christ's footsteps was the best course since he perfectly fulfilled the scriptural prophesies to that point, and proved his obiedience unto death, that his sinless life was the perfect fulfillment of the need for regular sacrifice. Perfection could buy back perfection. I am not saved in his blood, I have to come to an "accurate knowledge of God, and the one he sent Christ Jesus" accurate knowledge is a tough nut to crack when you have every slick suited peddler of what he feels is the truth you want to hear. Sad part is when they all get caught up in not being known by Christ at the very end. Not all Christians know Christ. How many do everything he commanded his disciples to do? Having your ears tickled is a far cry from worshiping God in the manner "he" set forth. Not some I'll take this leave that kind of Christandom, but Following God, and His Christ.

One neat trick did you know that God has a name, and it is not Lord, or Most High, for those are just titles, even God is just a title, and at one point is applied to the Sanhedron Court regarding their ability to judge life and death matters. In the begining of most versions of the Bible there is a perface, and a note in the preface is about the Tetragrammaton. YHWH/JHVH (due to differences in pronunciation either works) Yahweh / Jehovah in either case his name means "He Causes To Become" interesting trick Satan pulled trying to obscure the actual name of God, especially since in the OT he saw fit to use it some 7000 times. Especially regarding his worship and his right to "rule" mankind with righteousness, and peace, instead of the hatred, and violence that are so prevalent today.

2007-08-01 13:42:27 · answer #3 · answered by Michael 2 · 0 1

Deuteronomy 12:23  Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh.

"for the blood is the life"--> This is the point. Only by shed blood can someone atone for sin. However, a perfect sacrifice was needed to remove our sins.

GOD bless

2007-08-01 13:08:23 · answer #4 · answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6 · 0 1

Christianity isnt a cult. Your talking the old levitical laws. To God sin equales death. He gave the levitical Jews a way to atone for their sins. Then Jesus Christ came, died on a Roman Cross, shed his blood for our sins. Enter the age of Grace and Christianity.

Please read the entire Bible, with good study notes, and you will learn.

Then again, if your just trying to start arguments, you clearly picked a subject you have no understanding of. I truely hope you are honestly trying to learn the Bible, and not start strife.

2007-08-01 13:04:49 · answer #5 · answered by frosty 3 · 1 1

would a sane person question God ?God does not need blood..The sinner needs the Blood of Jesus Christ...His Blood was shed for you, that YOU could find redemption,,WE are the WHY,,,what an awesome loving GOD !!!! HE did it all for YOU and ME,,,,,

2007-08-01 17:19:15 · answer #6 · answered by Greg C 2 · 0 0

Sanity is a subjective human trait which cannot be applied to a supposed omni-(insert here) creator god.

However, in comparison to what we see as sane as it applies to a human being and when you take into to account that it is human nature to be self-centered and think that god is more like us then any other animal, you could say that ;)

2007-08-01 13:02:06 · answer #7 · answered by misterFR33ZE 3 · 0 1

I don't know about you but I love a juicy steak so in a way that animal has been sacrificed by the farmer for me. As a consumer.

2007-08-01 13:05:03 · answer #8 · answered by saxman232001 2 · 0 1

So don't go to church. Nobody is bothering you. You're just here to harass and annoy Christians of whatever denomination. You're a troll. Begone,dull lad.

2007-08-01 13:00:51 · answer #9 · answered by Galahad 7 · 3 2

without any concept of what the creation is all about,
am I to second guess the Creator ?--- I think not.

2007-08-01 13:02:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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