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If so, then why are so many horrible things in the world. How come the bible which is supposed to be the word of god have so many flaws in it. For example, how can the human race get started from two people "Adam and Eve." If they had 2 kids then how could the kids mate when they are brother and sister. And how come there are so many different races in the world if Adam and Eve were 2 white people. Also how could Noah collect 2 of every animal in seven days. He would have to travel to Antactica for a penguin, North America for a grizzly bear and so on. Also the bible says the world was created 6000 years despite so much proof that is wasn't. Also if God wanted us to believe in him so much why does't he just show himself. He always showed himself in biblicle times. Long story short, does god exist.

2007-08-01 10:14:21 · 23 answers · asked by adrian s 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

LOL good point! The bible, which was written by men IS full of inconsistencies and there are horrible things going on in the world. The idea of the christian God often times does not make sense, that just means the ideas are flawed...isn't it possible that a God could exist different from your understanding of what God is?

2007-08-01 10:21:49 · answer #1 · answered by NONAME 5 · 0 1

Whew...lots of questions but I'll give 'em all a shot.

Why do so many horrible things happen?
God doesn't take away man's agency to choose. Sometimes the choices we make cause other to suffer. All God can do is provide comfort but He can't take away the trial. I've learned from some VERY sad experiences (I mean the really bad ones) growth still occurs. They help us in the long run and expecially if we have an eternal perspecive. (For example, death isn't really that big of a deal.)

Adam and Eve's children's children.
A brother and sister can produce a child together. After a while (I don't know how long), when it wasn't nessicary any longer, it became wrong. Adam and Eve had perfect genes but their children didn't (they were born in mortality). Genes slowly became a little corrupted and inbredding became an issue. So, God said "no more!" That's the best answer I have for that question. As a side point, through most of history and still in a large portion of the Earth, marrying one's cousin isn't an issue. I think when we shrink from such ideas it is because of an ignorance of other cultures. We get more familial closer in America to our sisters and such than do most people.

Different races?
Living in different locations of the Earth can change one's skin color quite quickly. Also, everybody has unique genes so the physical look of other races comes from decending form various individual which looked different themselves.

Noah? The animals came to him! he probably could be seen as collecting them through faith and prayer.The animals tend to listen to God better than we do. (So does dust, for that matter! lol)

It doesn't say the Earth was created 6000 years ago. That's how long it's been since Adam fell. The creation took place in seven periods of time (called "days" when translated into poetic English like the KJV does) taking about two or three (maybe four) billion years overall. Maybe day one was a million years, day two was a billion and a half...I don't know for sure! :o)

He does show Himself at times to some men. Usually He doesn't because most people aren't ready to see Him. We have to make our own choices here on Earth and He made a rule that only the faithful will see His face. As a point, I think He appears to more people than we think He does. Revelation continues in our day! After all, He said:
"This is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
His whole existance is about us! He's much more of an involved parent than we usually give Him credit for.

2007-08-01 17:50:07 · answer #2 · answered by Chris B 4 · 1 0

"For example, how can the human race get started from two people "Adam and Eve." If they had 2 kids then how could the kids mate when they are brother and sister."

Cain & Abel were BROTHERS.

Let's read Genesis 5:3-4 for a minute

Genesis 5:3-4
3 When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. 4 After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.

Incest was permitted to populate the world since birth defects and diseases hadn't come about yet ... 930 years of life gave Adam more than enough time to create probably 50 more children after Cain, Abel and Seth.

I know it's creepy to think of creating a baby with your sibling but what other choice did they have at the time?

2007-08-01 17:27:51 · answer #3 · answered by Catherine M. 2 · 1 0

We do the horrible things, God doesn't. He gave us free will.
Adam and Eve had two sons, the bible doesn't say they were the only people on earth at the time. The sons get married. No one knows is Adam and Eve were white or not. Consider that God directed the animals to Noah, then it is possible, besides he was building the Ark for years.
There is as much proof of the earth being 6000 years old as there is for it being millions of years old. Both are theories.
God does show himself if you believe and pray.
Is this a statement or a question?

2007-08-01 17:19:30 · answer #4 · answered by Summer B 5 · 2 1

>>> why are so many horrible things in the world <<<

Not because God desires them to happen, but because people choose to make them happen, this is called free will.

>>> How come the bible which is supposed to be the word of god have so many flaws in it. <<<

Flaws in it, are in the eyes of the beholder. Those who do not understand the Truth, see flaws in it. Those who add their own interpretations to verses that they do not agree with, will also find flaws in Scriptures.

>>> how can the human race get started from two people "Adam and Eve." If they had 2 kids then how could the kids mate when they are brother and sister. <<<

Because at one time in the early race of the humankind, God allowed incestuous relationships, but that changed. God allowed humans to live for hundreds of years, that also changed. God allowed men to have more then one wife, that also changed. It then is not to hard to imagine how the world could be populated at an incredible speed, one man have 4 wives and each of those four wives have 3 children, continue this and it will not be very long before there are millions.

>>> And how come there are so many different races in the world if Adam and Eve were 2 white people. <<<

How come i am allergic to shellfish yet there is not one person in all of my family tree that are allergic to shellfish? Genetics is the answer. Color of skin is genetic. What happens when a brother and sister have sexual relationship and they have a child, odds are that child will be deformed in some way, do research and you will find this to be True. Maybe a long long time ago when incest relationships was permitted, a brother and sister had a child, that was healthy in every way, yet the skin of the child was yellow, or red, or black, or brown. Then that child lives, and has a white wife, but the offspring is yet another color. This then would explain quite simply why so many different races.

>>> Also how could Noah collect 2 of every animal in seven days. He would have to travel to Antactica for a penguin, North America for a grizzly bear and so on. <<<

Tell me, did God know when He was going to flood the Earth? Sure He did, He knew months before it was going to happen, therefore God, being that He is God and can do anything, already had all the animals enroute to Noah's Ark, Noah did not have to do very much at all, except build the Ark, the animals pretty much knew what to do, call it instinct when God puts it into them to go to Noah's Ark.

>>> Also the bible says the world was created 6000 years despite so much proof that is wasn't. <<<

The proof that you are talking about, is merely what humans SAY is proof. The proof that we have today is ONLY accurate if the air we have today was the same ALWAYS. Yet it was not the same air ALWAYS. Before the flood the air and the environment was 900% different then it is today, before the flood humans and animals alike all lived 10 times as long as we do now. Prior to the flood you have 40 foot cattails and grasshoppers two feet long. The air was entirely different then it is now. There is ABSOLUTELY no way whatsoever to accurately measure the age of things today, based on what is in our air today. They, that is to say, those scientists are basing their proofs on what they see today, in THIS environment, and they are all wrong and incorrect. When they can acquire the proof of how people lived to be 900 years old, when they find the proof of what was in the air that allowed people and animals to grow so big and hardly age at all, then will they be able to accuately age items that we have today counting in the equation that the air that was breathed over 4000 years ago was 900% different then it is today. ONLY then will the be able to accurately perdict the age of a bone or a rock, but until then they will continue to say the Earth is Billions upon Billions years old, basing this solely on what atmosphere we have today, they are incorrect and Scriptures are still Truth.

>>> Also if God wanted us to believe in him so much why does't he just show himself. <<<

Where then would Faith come into play. We are all here to be tested to see if we deserve to be in Heaven or not. and we choose where we want to go, by our decisions that we make whether good or evil. If God merely showed Himself to everyone, then all would believe. But we are here to be tested, that is the meaning of life. Those who believe and do what Scriptures teach are they that will enter into Heaven, those who do not believe and do not do what Scriptures teach are they that will not enter into Heaven. Therefore the test is Scriptures, you either believe and do them, or you don't believe and don't do them, then there are those who believe Scriptures yet do not do what they say, these also will not enter into the Kingdom of God. for only the doers of the Word are justified before God.
We are here to be tested, to see who is worthy to enter into Heaven and who chooses not to obey Scriptures and therefore declining to enter into Heaven thier own selves. This is the Test.

In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ


2007-08-01 18:07:03 · answer #5 · answered by DiscipleDave 2 · 0 0

Lots of questions there... but in short it appears that you are trying to interpret things within your own sphere of knowledge and experience. Not bad, but sometimes we just don't know the answer to everything. For example, children of the same family can't mate with each other in our days, but perhaps things were different back then. After all, even if you trace the world's population all the way back to our original progenitors, whether you include evolution or not, we must have started off with a very small population of something! As far as Noah's ark goes, who knows if the continents weren't all combined into one large land mass before the flood? And who says the world is only 6000 years old? (I know, the literalists do, but many believe the "days" of creation were actually very long periods of time with various lengths). At least the Biblical account is in agreement with science, in that plants existed before animals, and various kinds of animals existed before humans.

There are many questions we may have that God will not answer yet. He wants us to develop faith. I used to be agnostic. I couldn't believe in God without some kind of evidence. However, I couldn't deny God's existence, either, because there wasn't enough proof to support that point of view either. What it came down to was me exercising faith in God, fasting, praying, and repenting of my sins, before I received a spiritual witness that he is there. And as I have lived in accordance with his will, I have felt the Spirit testify to me over and over again that he is real. In short, I know that God does exist.

2007-08-01 17:43:16 · answer #6 · answered by zxcv 2 · 0 0

No there is not a god. God and the story of god and Jesus was made up a long time ago to give an answer to questions that could no be answered. This explains why there are so many different gods and why there is no proof other than gut feeling.

2007-08-01 17:21:31 · answer #7 · answered by Chris 2 · 0 1

These cannot be explained by science either. Who said Adam and Eve were white? This is a common misconception. People think Prophet Isa (Jesus in English) was white, but in real life he probably would've been darker than A.I. You just have to think, some supernatural thing must have created this. If you don't believe in Allah (God) than that is your choice.

2007-08-01 17:19:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

yes god exists but He will don't care about the past so

you eventually so go join Hell, thats what italian abaddon wants because then eventual He can suceed in his rebellion against the ONE TRUE GOD.


God=God Most High=God named within WAR=Real God
each side of the equation sums up to 8


God Jehovah=5

thus God Jehovah is not GOD MOst High!
and seeing name pronounced /AR\ Ta-D is named within WAR we see:

God=Called LArry Todd Stevenson=8

thus YEs Virginia God does exist And is in a WAR even JIHAD since within JIHAD we see the name TAD (when written in times new roman font.

And being in a war i freely admit my prayers frequently get answered, even blue angels and snowbirds could be causualities in this WAR against God. My prayers could have affected they flight paths of these suppossedly best fighters in the world, and since America/canada has been bothering God lately, i laff at the whole WAR, and being free nobody can do anything about it. I say these things because perhaps the militaries of both countries are giving the streets to these so-called angels of hell. Even police are murders accomplices so i have really lost respect for the police. so to quote the great american, eat my shorts you crown entities.
but the God your talking about is Jehovah and He is a fing liar like Hell He also lied and murdered.
In fact i order the law enforments to do their jobs and arrest the criminal elements tied to angels.

also as i fear nothing evil, watch Gods will be done.

2007-08-01 17:30:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Bible clearly tells us the earth the kingdom of Lucifer, for he was cast down to here. So the evil, wickness, killing, murder, etc you see, is not cause of God, but cause of Lucifer. Blame the correct one who is responsible. Lucifers best trick is to have man forget he exists.

2. there are not flaws in the bible, the fact is man is the one confused. over time, languages and hands, there have been errors in the translations, these errors are what are deemed as errors. plus at times Lucifer has tried to mess with the bible, his Gnostics version was printed at one time and then held captive in the catholic church basement. later to get out again and now today we call it the NIV, NKJV, NWI, etc.

3. Adam and Eve were the first two but no where does it say there were white. The image that they and Jesus are white is only in the white mans world of fantasy. For the bible tells us what color people were, The Son is bronze (Revelation). Don't let the misguidings of a few closed eyed people change the truth for you. This is where the line " lead, don't follow " comes from.

4. understand what makes peoples skin color different. just a single chemical called pigment in the skin. this pigment is released to block the sun's rays. white people call it a sun tan. now say you are white, and say you go live in the south, you will tan all the time. now after generations of your family living there, your family line of DNA for pigment would be altered into a darker tone skin. and over time, this would alter more n more to adapt to the surroundings. hence why we have the skin colors of today in the locations of weather we have today. remove the skin from any human and we are 100% identical and the same color.

5. Understand the passages talking about Noah and the flood do not state he had to collect the animals. It states that they will come to him. So that idea he had to travel and collect is false, just another trick by lucifer to make you not believe the truth. And it wasn't seven days, Noah had 160 yrs to build the ark. The 7 you are thinking of is a special 7 types of animals to be added to the rest.

5a. Here is a video showing what earth most likely use to look like and how it is formed today. this is a leading new theory on earth and most in science (the old guys) won't accept it as it makes them look like fools for telling us what they have. But this new theory fills in all the blanks in all stories from bible and non bible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjgidAICoQI

6. understand 1 day to God is like 1000 yrs to man. also realize a simple but huge error at the very beginning of the book. the line " in the beginning " is wrong, one just has to learn some simple hebrew and read the original scrolls to realize it actually says " in a beginning ". Meaning a cycle, not the very beginning. Many are starting to realize we are on a 3600 yr cycle due to a 12 planet. This cycle is also mapped through history. We are riding on a time line, but not a constent one, but one that is broken ever 3600 yrs. This helps explain the drastic changes to the human skeleton which makes it seem like it didn't evolve, explains parts of the earth and its layers we can't explain, and even helps explain multiple parts of the bible.

7. He has shown himself in the past, and we have a book talking about it. the problem isn't God, but Lucifer. For again this is his world, the flesh earth. He tricks us, flips words, removes words, anything he can do to make us not understand what is really going on.

8. great example is how lucifer has tricked the masses into believing in ufo's. there is no such thing as we deem is as but they are real for they are the fallen angels, the reptile aliens as many call them. then the children the fallen angels had as they took up wives (the nephilim, the men of old the men of renown) are what most call the Gray aliens. When a Gray alien dies, since it was not created by God, its spirit roams earth as what we call a demon or ghost. God tells us he did this to them and will deal with them during judgement.

Lucifer has even invaded the church and has most mislead and few realize it. Look at how many "christians" scream for blood of the middle east..... yet can't show me one passage that says God says its alright to go kill. It actually says the opposite. So who would want you to go kill so he has more spirits in his domain? and who would want the christians to do the wrong thing so they fall so they too go to that same domain? Lucifer, the one and only.

9. The Jesus picture so many have come to known is not Jesus, but was painted of a Fallen Angel, Sandreen around 1503 and for some reason was widely accepted as a picture of the Christ. Sorry to those that have one in their home, you hold a picture of a demonic soul. Even Mayan's were lead by Sandreen for they describe him the same way and we all know what the Mayan's were doing was evil and wrong.

10. As God says in his book..." do you not have ears to hear and eyes to see? " He is asking, telll you, pay attention, to every little thing, for deception abounds you in multitude that you just cannot understand.

2007-08-01 17:35:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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