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I typically get banned every 2 hours just for making calm statements like "yes, well I just don't personalyy believe in your Jesus". Sometimes they ban my accounts with no vulgarity, sarcasm or anger in them. However, ever since I made this fake Jesus account, I haven't recieved a single violation message! I've even put extra effort into being far meaner and more vulgar than ever before.

Is this because Y!A arbitrarily lets Christians troll as hard as they want without penalty, yet they go out of their way to persecute the unfaithful? Is this indicative of christian trolls in the Y!A hierarchy helping spread their own brand of hatred and bigotry?

Methinks so. Just to test it, would everybody please make a new account with both a christian sounding email and Y!A name & avatar, troll harder than ever before and watch and see the truth... Yahoo lets Christian trolls on here get away with murder?

At the very least, we can get tons of Christian email name choices banned!

2007-08-01 09:26:59 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

"Methinks that

"What kind of a woman-hating perverted misogynist has a prostitute clean his feet with her hair?"

is not a question a Christian would ask. "

I know man! I was REALLY trying hard there to offend as many people as I could, and expose that I wasn't a christian at the same time. That right there proves my point though... Y!A is NOT reading flagged posts for content before they violate the users. It seems as though they are looking in an in-box which only shows the flagged person's name, not even the question title or anything.

They skim through reports and see "Jesus_Loves_Me & jesuschristismylordandsavior@yahoo.com" and automatically assume its a christian being reported, so they don't even READ the content reported!

Meanwhile my "Pledge_or_Die" accounts get nixed about every 20 minutes, even when I'm being polite and serious and havent been vulgar yet.

This is evidence that Yahoo staff are persecuting non-Christians on a very large scale!

2007-08-01 09:57:36 · update #1

20 answers

I know of no atheist that has ever gone down the list of a christian and reported everything they did to get them suspended. I know of several Christians that do that.

2007-08-01 09:32:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

You're just saying that. Yahoo is an equal opportunity violation-giver-outer and banner of users-er. So, don't think you're so special just cos you haven't been banned when you want it to happen. You could ask the same question as one of the "official" members, and get banned or a violation notice. Don't worry, good things come to those who wait.

2007-08-01 09:31:59 · answer #2 · answered by Hot Coco Puff 7 · 5 0

Methinks that

"What kind of a woman-hating perverted misogynist has a prostitute clean his feet with her hair?"

is not a question a Christian would ask.

2007-08-01 09:31:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think it's probably more that christians are the majority when it comes to 'flagging' questions and answers. Other faiths and atheists don't tend to flag as they're more open-minded and respectful than christians.

How any flags do you think I'll get for this answer??

2007-08-01 09:41:04 · answer #4 · answered by Grotty Bodkin is not dead!!! 5 · 1 0

I was gone for a couple hours, just came back and read this, then read the wiccan rant. Your rants are freaking hysterical, man. I also liked the monotheism rant this morning. I think they're too busy laughing their @$$es off to click the report icon. Seriously.

2007-08-01 11:02:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

whether or no longer they choose to be approached, or left on my own is frequently the version between approachable and not approachable. everybody must be approached in a hypothetical situation, no longer all circumstances are hypothetical however. maximum human beings %. up on whilst somebody desires to be left on my own, and whilst they experience like drawing near human beings, they frequently enable human beings comprehend by using drawing near human beings.

2016-10-09 00:13:10 · answer #6 · answered by robinette 4 · 0 0

Well I for one think you've been quite entertaining and obvious to a fault. Maybe Y!A has a bigger sense of humor than we realize? I think there is equal zapping of accounts.
(They must be on vacation.)

Star for you for being an A+ ranter today.

2007-08-01 11:52:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I do not know but your "pinch off a loaf" surgeon comment had me literally on the floor laughing!

2007-08-01 09:42:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's because your questions are so LONGWINDED. Christianshave neither the patience nor the intellectual ability to read that much. They are skipping over your comments.

2007-08-01 09:39:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yahoo answers is fun and all but do you really lack such a life that you actually do this kind of stuff.....wow

2007-08-01 09:37:18 · answer #10 · answered by like the ocean needs the waves 4 · 1 0

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