read the well thought out, articulate responses from the atheists, or do they just read what they want to read?
Some compelling, fact-based responses on this board seem to be completelty ignored by all theists.
Granted- there are some silly responses, but on the whole regarding serious issues, atheists have a compelling argument. Do you theists just turn your head and pray when you read something that makes complete sense, but goes against your belief system, or are you willing to contemplate these arguments and weigh them objectively without prejudice?
17 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Seriously, where are these so called "fact based" Theist arguments? there are none. they are based on blind faith in something they can't prove. Link me to one. Just one.
08:59:22 ·
update #1
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Religion and Theology and we are required to read the compelling arguments of all great philosophers of theology -- including those who are Atheist. I happen to be Christian, but I am at seminary with some people who are Atheist, and I find their arguments to be very logical and thought-provoking. I have learned a great deal from one of them, in particular.
When I was an undergraduate, I heard Elie Wiesel, the Pulitzer Prize winning peacemaker and author, speak of his experiences in Auschwitz as a child.
Elie Wiesel is an atheist. I entirely understand why. No one whose arguments I have read was ever more compelling than Wiesel.
I think that perhaps you are speaking of certain sects of Christians when you say that people do not pay close attention to Atheist arguments. A good theologian MUST take all philosophy of religion, or non-religion, into account. Failure to do so would be academically irresponsible and morally reprehensible.
2007-08-01 08:57:50
answer #1
answered by conductorbrat 4
I read all arguments, atheist or not. I always find it interesting to see what people have to say and I am always up to reading those who have a compelling argument. It gives me a chance to study and reaffirm my faith as a follower of Christ. But I wonder do the atheist here read the fact-based responses that are given or do they just skip over those and give a thumbs down?
2007-08-01 15:56:57
answer #2
answered by ~Niecey~ 4
I truly think that you find the arguments of Atheists compelling. I see it's full of holes, and becomes boring.
What Atheists here seem to be in denial about is that they have a system of belief. They say," I do not have a faith, it's a dis faith." And they say," All I am saying is that I don't believe in God."
But then they hang here day after day telling us whatever else they believe in, not as if their own belief is a non systemic island, but that it is complex and takes devotion.
What I am talking about is that Atheism, if it ever were singular in thought, has evolved into this full blown religious activity.
They believe that they are right about what they believe.
That is a faith.
They come here daily to tell everybody about it, that's preaching.
They hold fast to what they believe and defend it. That's Holiness (dedication) .
They partake of this ritual daily in many cases: That religious observance.
They might not have a God that they recognize, but they act like there is because the reason why religions are so dogmatic is because they are all built to get rid of the other ones.
So Atheists are VERY religious, and act like they have a religion. Interesting to me anyway!
2007-08-01 16:07:18
answer #3
answered by Christian Sinner 7
You know you could turn that answer around and ask that of Atheists. Do they honestly read the questions or do they come in with an attitude?
I do carefully read most of the questions, but I am finding there is some really off the wall ones. And they are seeming to get worst. With digs, put downs, and no really dialog between anyone. So as a Christian, I don't see any sense in answering something that is meant to be a joke, and a FU to me. As it will not bring any knowledge, wisdom or understanding to anyone.
2007-08-01 15:59:17
answer #4
answered by Kathy H 3
I must have missed the well thought out articulate responses from athiests. I promise if I see one I will respond. In view of the evidence of creation it is very difficult or impossible to give a compelling argument against God. I will watch for what you claim and respond after contemplation.
In Christ
Fr. Joseph
2007-08-01 16:02:36
answer #5
answered by cristoiglesia 7
Theists as Atheists believe in what they believe whole-heartedly. Therefore their knowledge and understanding for what each provides in an answer is a knowledge-based and a factual-based answer according to their faculties.
You're assuming Christians don't know what they're talking about, but they do.
The same argument could be made against Atheists, but they know what they're talking about as well.
Why would anyone make an argument against something they have no understanding or knowledge about? Usually those people that risk making an uneducated post like to make a mocking or ridiculing statement in their comments for the hell of it.
2007-08-01 16:00:21
answer #6
answered by Querida 5
To Love God, what ever his/her name is based on pure strength of faith with in not from proof from width out. That is why it is called faith; there is no true proof of GOD beyond the fact we are here on this planet, space, and time. As for your compelling arguments, they are not as compelling as what my soul believes in [FAITH]! If you could prove then it would not be faith, would it!
If any one is throwing prejudice around it is the ATHEIST people that have a God in no understanding at all! Is far better than having no GOD at all!
2007-08-01 16:06:47
answer #7
answered by zipper 7
I could ask the same thing of the atheists in response to some well thought-out responses from Christians.
Sure, some of the answeres are silly, but many of the Christian responses have a deep and compelling argument.
2007-08-01 15:55:35
answer #8
answered by no1home2day 7
Well, I would love to give you a link if I had one which I don't. Read into that what you will. To my eyes, you are doing the same that you accuse the theists of doing. Do you yourself read the comments of others that you don't agree with or just turn your head and ignore them? Did it occur to you that it may not make sense to them? It obviously does to you but, why would it to them?
2007-08-01 16:52:47
answer #9
answered by gwg1965 3
Yes, I do. I don't ask many questions on here because I am picky about the questions I ask. I don't ask for information, rather, I ask for opinons. So, I want to see how people are thinking about something -- so absolutely, I will read someone's response even if I do not agree with it or their faith.
2007-08-01 21:19:59
answer #10
answered by One Odd Duck 6