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I'm related to several, and I still haven't figured it out.

2007-08-01 08:38:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

Good luck, my friend! It took 10 years to get my uber-Catholic SIL off my back. She sent ecards on saints days, she wrote snide comments in Christmas cards and Easter cards, she even wanted me to buy my nephews rosaries for their first birthdays (evidently it's their family tradition for the eldest aunt to give them). I spent 10 years sending Reformation Day ecards, reminding her that the Lutherans follow the same liturgical calendar, and telling her flat out that there was NO WAY I was buying them rosaries, but I would certainly buy them Luther's Small Catechism when they turned 6!
She finally got the message, and now she knows better to pull any of her Catholic piety on me or my other brother.

2007-08-01 08:48:41 · answer #1 · answered by usafbrat64 7 · 1 0

you don't prod THEM and you try to stay out of situations where they can prod YOU.... if they bring up religious conversations and want to debate, you just tell them that everyone has a right to believe what they WANT to believe and you refuse to debate the issue with them. I have one particular FRIEND who is EXTREMELY opinionated and NONE of her opinions are the same as mine---some are rather WAY OUT IN LEFT FIELD as far as I am concerned but we both remain GOOD FRIENDS because we know what we CAN and CANNOT talk about....mostly we differ on religion and politics... so we just decided we would not discuss either---and we don't and have been able to keep our differences AND our friendship going for YEARS.... it's called RESPECT----I respect HER RIGHT to her beliefs no matter how wrong I MAY THINK THEY ARE and she does the same to me....

2007-08-01 16:30:35 · answer #2 · answered by LittleBarb 7 · 0 0

Just continuously smile at them and don't answer any of their religious questions.

Usually makes them shut up, look at you weird and walk away. But *note* make sure you dont laugh when they make the weird face.. or else they'll continue talking for at least another 20 mins.

2007-08-01 15:43:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Ingnore them and they'll go away.

2007-08-01 15:44:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Could it be that you are just as irrational?

2007-08-01 15:43:20 · answer #5 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 2 2

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