That depends on which day. Depends who needs me the most. If no one seems to need me, I am quite content to be alone--in front of my computer or doing my own work.
2007-08-01 10:03:15
answer #1
answered by old_woman_84 7
Family are more important to me, I care most about my family and love them in a way that friends do not compare but I am close to my family and they have always treated me well. I have friends with no bond with their families and to them friends are their new family, I still like spending time with friends as well it is not an either or you can have everyone in your life. I suppose to answer your question it would depend how your relationship was with the member of your family and which friends you were comparing with, I have some cousins etc that I rarely see and would choose my friends over them as far as closeness goes so again it is not as black and white as blood or water.
2007-08-01 18:38:37
answer #2
answered by misspinkkitten1978 3
Family is more important, however friends require a lot more attention and work. Family is always there for you, and you may only see them a few times a year, while friends are people whom you constantly have to keep up the relationship with. So, although family is more important, friends are more work!
2007-08-01 21:48:55
answer #3
answered by ~*Mrs. GM2*~ 5
Totally depends on my relationship with them. There are certain family members, like my parents and my sisters, that are more important to me than friends. I am extremely close to them and always have been. I would choose my worst enemy over my mother in law though, who treats me horribly. So bottom line is, its all about what kind of relationship I have with these friends or family for who I'd pick as more important.
2007-08-01 20:50:05
answer #4
answered by Mom 6
Aarrghhh-tough one there!
I think to me (on a personal level!) friends that are as close as family are in the same bracket AS my family (For example, the friends I grew up with who were and still are around me and my family on a daily basis ARE clased as adoptive family!) rather than acquaintances.
BUT if it came down to it, I'd go to bat for either my best friends or my family hands down.
Acquaintances they come, they go, and I'd sooner be around those I'm much closer to, for anything, be it fun, help, or just sitting about in front of the tv doing nothing together.
Having said that though, there is a line to be drawn somewhere and if I had to draw it, the way I see it is certainly to look at the saying "a man who has no family, has nothing."
Families are there to the end, and you're stuck with them through thick and thin. Your friends though-you get to pick them. Pick wisely, you'll be rewarded more or less for life. Pick not-so-wisely, you need to fix it.
2007-08-01 16:15:30
answer #5
answered by Loulla 5
Friends come and go, but family is always there in one way or another. You grow out of your friends as you age and you get new ones to fit into your lifestyle. It does not mean you lose these friends, it is just that they are a different part of your life as you mature and grow old. Your family, you cannot change and it is always going to be your family, no matter what.
2007-08-07 15:12:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't understand the "excluding children" part. Obviously it depends on the friends or family. If your family is supportive and loving then you'll choose them. If your family is selfish and criticizing then probably friends. Likewise, friends can either be wonderfully supportive and kind or not so great.
Everyone has different answers based on their own situations.
2007-08-01 15:31:07
answer #7
answered by Katie W 2
Family to me. My family are all so good to me and we genuinely look after each other. A lot of my friends are great too, but I know it is not the same and I know I can rely on my family but I am not as sure about my friends. Even the ones I have had for years.
2007-08-01 15:30:45
answer #8
answered by Louise 6
Glad you specified excluding children - that changes my answer. Friends have always been more important in my life. The answerer above was correct- you can choose your friends, but not your family.
My friends have always been more supportive, honest, and involved in my life. In my heart, they are family.
2007-08-01 16:02:35
answer #9
answered by ~Biz~ 6
Family is more important to me than friends, your family is blood, they are gonna be there for you no matter what life brings, at least that's the type of family i have, we all stick together and we are close and no one could come between that, and we support each other no matter what we do......and yes, it has always been this way for me.
2007-08-01 16:23:49
answer #10
answered by Nita and Michael 7
Family. No matter what they are there for me. You can have the coolest friends in your life and have one argument and they will be gone. With family you just get a cold shoulder then ignore the subject and act like nothing ever happened.
2007-08-01 15:39:09
answer #11
answered by Anonymous