2007-08-01 07:26:26
answer #1
answered by JND 4
I'd definitely join my hubby. My hubby leads a good life. I would rather spend eternity with him than with a vengeful god that would send him to Hell.
Following fundamentalists' beliefs, Gandhi and the Dalai Lama would also go to Hell, so I will be in good company.
Fireball- my, what a loving marriage you must have. Hope your hubby is getting some on the side!
2007-08-01 14:37:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
- if the abrahamic god existed- there would be no choice. I would rather burn next to all the freethinkers and people with the guts to question authority, than to go to heaven with all the people who just did what they were told and begged forgiveness everytime they farted wrong.
I wouldn't even have to think about it. I would probably try to attack and destroy that god if I met it.
Let me put it this way- the abrahamic god is a god of hate and intolerance who claims that he "loves us" and made some great sacrifice for us (after killing millions of OUR sons and daughters for centuries)... Going by the bible, Satan did more good for humans than god ever did... and I do mean that to the fullest- THAT god did NOTHING good for humans. He put us here to be his slaves and expects us to apologize for even being born.
2007-08-01 14:34:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Alot of people live that way now. I'm saved, but my husband is not. So if we both were to die right now I'd go to heaven and he'd be in hell. So of course I'll follow God and keep praying that one day he'll realize his need for a savior
2007-08-01 14:31:02
answer #4
answered by kittykat 4
God... because, regardless of what my significant other chooses for himself, I choose for myself the Lord. And if my "other" ends up in hell, then, even though that would sadden me, as it would sadden God, I would also be in agreement with God that this was the correct decision.
2007-08-01 16:00:37
answer #5
answered by wyomugs 7
The flaw in you hypothetical question is that hell (as a place of eternal torment) is a hypothosis and can't be proven to exist any more than evolution or the big bang. In otherwords its a lie.
I would choose life. Thats God for the atheist who doesn't understand Christian speak.
2007-08-01 14:32:39
answer #6
answered by Tzadiq 6
Unless God starts acting as he's portrayed, I wouldn't want to follow him even if he did exist. So I guess it's hell for me.
2007-08-01 14:53:56
answer #7
answered by LifeIsAFreeTripRoundTheSun 6
It isn't the abarahamic god (or even the G-d of Abraham) who writes such laws, it's the Christian one.
Hypotheses fall apart when they're based on mistaken assumptions.
2007-08-01 14:33:21
answer #8
answered by The angels have the phone box. 7
1. God doesnt put people in hell for no they would deserve going there.
2. If one is permited into heaven NOONE would willingly go to hell..even if everyone they loved was in hell...thats just the way it is.
2007-08-01 14:30:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When a man and woman marry, the 2 become 1 so that if I'm a believer and wifey isn't, she's coming with me anyway.
2007-08-01 14:31:52
answer #10
answered by Sir Offenzalot 3
whenever I am confronted with an arbitrary and capricious set of choices that don't really offer a choice, I refuse to play the game or otherwise lend my acquiescence to injustice. let the cards fall where they may; I'd rather stick to ethics than capitulate to an unjust and arbitrary system of false "choices."
2007-08-01 14:30:16
answer #11
answered by kent_shakespear 7