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I know what God's Word says, and I don't obey it like I should. Even knowing this, I still tell others what the Bible says. I may be a hypocrite, but I still know what is true. I am a hypocrite, but God is still working on me. I won't be perfect until I die.

I think everyone but Christ, when you get right down to it is a hypocrite. So let's put this hypocrisy hang up away and just deal with the fact that none of us are perfect.

Let's forget hypocrisy and focus on our own personal walk with God. We only need to worry about what God thinks- not what others think of us.

I have just come to this realization.

2007-08-01 07:12:02 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Cleoppa- my holiness is nothing compared to Christ- the true standard of holiness.

2007-08-01 07:22:54 · update #1

Singing star- when an LDS person says something that does not line up with the Bible I will still speak out against it. WHen there are questions to ask I will ask. Asking is not bashing. Asking is tryin to stimulate comversation and clarify points of view. I will not make fun of them, and I will try to love them. I'm not saying I will be perfect, but this is what I will endeavor to do.

2007-08-01 08:09:55 · update #2

32 answers

No one is perfect except Jesus. That's why He had to die in our place for sins we've committed. as our substitute, since God's punishment for sin of any kind is death!

No one is perfect except Jesus. That's why we have rubbers at the end of our pencils. I bet the self-proclaimed infallible pope uses his delete button sometimes!

2007-08-02 10:23:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK, let's look at the definition of a hypocrite. In the Bible hypocrisy was firmly condemned. You don't want to be a hypocrite.

But you do need realize that you're always growing and often messing up, too. Hypocrisy is worrying about what people think when you're acting like you're worried what God thinks.

It sounds to me like you're not a hypocrite. Like everyone, you have a lot to learn and a lot of ways you need to grow. But you're not pretending just so others will be impressed with your "holiness", are you?

IN RESPONSE TO YOUR RESPONSE: I'm not saying that you are holy or anything. I just am trying to define "hypocrite." It means that you're trying to look good and spiritual so that people (not God) will be impressed. It seems to me that you're working to please God, not man. So you don't fit the definition of a hypocrite.

I have no doubt that you and I and everyone else practices hypocrisy from time to time, but from your description of yourself, I wouldn't label you as a hypocrite.

2007-08-01 07:17:15 · answer #2 · answered by Cleoppa 5 · 1 0

Hypocrite only if knowing God's Word you deliberately set out to do wrong. Usually it just happens. We have good intentions, but being human we fail. If you can see that God is still working on you and are attempting to allow that to happen, you are on the path He has set for you.
May God be with you. It IS our personal journey that we need to concern ourselves with, and not look for the approval other other humans.

2007-08-01 07:42:21 · answer #3 · answered by guppy137 4 · 0 0

No. Hypocrites think that they are righteous when they are NOT.

You realize you are NOT righteous, and yet you hate your sin. That makes you a Christian!

You are simply in the process of sanctification. This sanctification involves becoming less sinful and more righteous as you pray to God daily to give you increasing victory over your sins; even asking Him to show you the sins you are committing that you are unaware of.

Specifically, you are positionally righteous: you have been justified and made righteous through your faith in Jesus Christ. You will never be condemned for your sins.

Practically, you are working out that righteousness daily as you confess your sins and gain victory over them. This happens as you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. That's progressive sanctification and it is evidence of true, saving faith.

2007-08-01 08:18:30 · answer #4 · answered by Alien Brain 3 · 0 0

If you get into a car accident but tell others to drive safely, you are not being hypocritical, but rather offering a warning.

It would be good to listen to your own admonishments, as well.

No one is perfect - I don't think we're even perfect at death (but I'm Catholic and believe that sanctification can be incomplete at death without compromising salvation - hence Purgatory).

It's good to be honest with yourself. It's terrible to deny the need for growth in your own life. With this realization, I hope you grow much.

2007-08-01 07:15:44 · answer #5 · answered by Veritatum17 6 · 0 1

Your growing and changing in his word. in the spirit.we should all pray and ask for guidance as you or doing.yes were not perfect. we simply must be vehicles for the holy spirit of God to cause us to grow and change and do Gods will thru his holy spirit.I wish you the best on your spiritual journey
I tell people to eat right.to put only good things in the body. to help their arthritis and i still smoke cigarettes.so i am hypocritical also.

2007-08-01 07:17:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Maybe you are beating yourselve up too bad. The only person to answer for my actions is me. You won't, my minister won't, my parents won't, no one will have to answer for what I do to the lord except me.

You are right that we all have some degree of hypocrisy. But to me there is a difference in knowing what is right and wrong and doing wrong, then there is in preaching what is right and wrong and doing wrong. It is a pure case of "practice what you preach".

You admitted that you just realized it, now begin to practice it, then someday before you know, you will begin to live it.

Good luck!

2007-08-01 07:39:48 · answer #7 · answered by Brad M 5 · 1 0

trying to do what you believe is right with both words and actions (whether or not others think it is or not) is admirable whether or not you succeed or fail.

this is not hypocrisy.
hypocrisy is a choice, or perhaps a limitation of intelligence or blindness to ones self.

a person whose actions and words do not coincide with one another, a person who holds others to a different standard than they hold themselves, or a person who passes judgment on others for doing/failing at the same things that they themselves have done or failed at IS a hypocrite and deserves all the ridicule and abuse due them.

why would you want to defend a person for being insincere? the excuse of god is a cop-out...If a person decides to kill someone because he/she thinks god is OK with it and screw anyone and everyone else would you defend this person? how "bad" does someone have to be for people to disapprove of their actions?

2007-08-01 07:29:29 · answer #8 · answered by Free Radical 5 · 0 0

If you are a hypocrite, we will only pray for you to know the real and living Word of God, that says you can obey all He calls us to do. By the power of the blood , that was shed upon the cross, God gave us ability to not stay sinners, but to be overcomers. The only way we can do that isknowing that, and by walkin g in the Spirit of the Living God all the time. We must know God and His word, surrdender our will to His, and do what we are told to do to be like Jesus Chrsit, and then the rest begins to come, till we are seen as perfect in Gods eyes, as we become perfectly obedient. Dying to self daily is necessary. But with many preaching it cant be done, most wont even try. PPL say grace covers it all. NO. grace will not cover continued, willful and deliberate sin. Disobedience leads to curse, just as obedience leads to blessing. BUt God is eager to forgive, so we will be praying for you. The more you pray for yourself to be fully Gods and will obey what you now know to obey, the more you will become just like Jesus. But you are right, we are to concern outselves with what God thinks, and not the world. ITs not about them, its only about God and where we stand with Him To receive that, you must be listenign to God. Continue and the rest will come.

2007-08-01 07:18:18 · answer #9 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 1 1

I totally agree. Everyone is a hypocrite, especially those who say that they aren't. I'll be praying for you as your walk grows. Always remember to trust God, He will always direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

2007-08-01 07:20:20 · answer #10 · answered by charity 2 · 1 0

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