1. Unknown
2. 969 years
3. Who - unknown, what - a man, when - unknown
4. God has no beginning nor end.
5. Source? I believe you're mistaking resurrection for reincarnation.
2007-08-01 05:41:51
answer #1
answered by Machaira 5
1. Genesis 1:1 The earth was already here when God decided to put living things on it. "The earth was without form and VOID."
2. Methuselaha lived 969 years and then he died making him the oldest recorded living man. Genesis 5:27
3. If the anti-christ were plainly spelled out then someone would have tried to do away with the Bible completely---and indeed they did try.
4. God always was and always will be. John 1:1-3 and John 14:1-17, and revelation 1:8
5. Where in the Bible is reincarnation found? Can't find it!!! in fact please read Ecclesiastes 9:5 & 6 "For the living know that they will die but the dead know not anything neither have they any more reward for even their memories are forgotten.
Also see study guide below on "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
2007-08-01 05:46:47
answer #2
answered by I-o-d-tiger 6
The bible spoke about resurrection, that's NOT the same as reincarnation. And just because you think the bible doesn't address any of your concerns does not mean it didn't give true facts.
1.) We have all sinned
2.) Apart from God there is no good in us
3.) We have all fallen short of Gods glory
4.) Man will be lovers of themselves
5.) Man will reject wholesome teachings so they can listen to other false teachings that simply itches their ear.
6.) Jesus died for our sins
7.) Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day
8.) Jesus is coming back to judge the world.
9.) God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. Before Him there wasn't another.
10.) need I say more?
1.Will knowing the age of the earth change anything?
2.Does it matter who was the oldest man to have ever lived?
3.No one but God knows who the antichrist is but after the rapture of the Church, the anitchrist will appear.
4.God always existed. (see my # 9 above)
5. Where does it say in the bible "reincarnation"?
2007-08-01 06:30:03
answer #3
answered by Gir 5
The Bible never states exactly how old the earth is, this is a fallacy.
It is old. You want an exact date, you have unrealistic expectations, it is a guidebook for salvation, not a science text.
Methuselah was the oldest, at over 900 years.
Read 1 John and 2 John about Antichrists. Yes, plural.
God is, always was, and always will be. This is illustrated by the I AM in the Bible.
Resurrection is in the Bible, not reincarnation. We are resurrected as ourselves, to punishment, or heaven.
Please study more, you may learn something.
2007-08-01 05:41:09
answer #4
answered by great gig in the sky 7
1. The bible does not specifically give an exact age of the earth.
2. Oldest man in biblical times is Methuselah who lived to be 969 years old.
3. The bible does talk about the Anti-Christ
4. God has always been and always will be
5. The Bible never mentions reincarnation and in fact states the contrary...
It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)
So what are you talking about?
2007-08-01 05:38:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Bible is what it is a book of faith. The age of the earth, how long men before the days of the flood lived. God told us that we would see the Antichrist before the end of days. God told us that He is the I AM. To Christians that means that HE IS ALWAYS. You will have to show me where reincarnation is taught... Jim
2007-08-01 05:46:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My answer to you is awaken!!!!! To the certainty!!!!!! Catholics have not got there own sacred texts....till its the "tale of romulus and remus" the brothers who have been assume to have been reared with the help of a she-wolf and then went directly to construct rome,the place then you definitely get the holy roman catholic church.remember and understand that the previous testomony isn't christian or catholic in any way shape or form. Now the hot testomony......it particularly is unquestionably a shameful humorous tale.....in accordance the story......Jesus spent a hell of plenty time with the three mary's and wait a minute the testimony of his mom certainly may be the main precise and actual.And what approximately each and every of the so-referred to as lost books of the bible...such because of the fact the gospel of Peter or Andrew or any of the different ten disciples that did no longer get a seem in. in case you knew that wars have been fought over which books could be ok for the story and positioned right into a sparkling e book referred to as the hot testomony,then you definitely've a greater robust theory on the subject of the certainty,
2016-11-10 22:14:38
answer #7
answered by dugas 4
I am a Christian and here are the answers to your questions:
The earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old
Methuselah lived 969 years
The anti-christ is a still future event
God has always existed
In the Bible reincarnation - none, resurrection - Yes.
2007-08-01 05:40:45
answer #8
answered by ignoramus_the_great 7
The Bible is not a science book but a story of Gods relationship to us in our salvation history
2007-08-01 05:41:42
answer #9
answered by Gods child 6
The Holy Bible is the truth.
2007-08-01 05:54:15
answer #10
answered by caroline j 4