Cant say for others but I will give you a basic ideal on Christian view points.
Homosexuals, no hate. God loves each, we are too, but with that said, the action is condemned by God as abnormal, We did not say it, we did not write it, we are required to live by it. Not the person just the act. No different that a man or woman having sex with a child. God says it is wrong. The first thing God commanded man to do, was be fruitful and multiply, in homosexual relations that is not possible.
2. Abortion, God says in his word, Before I created you in your mother’s womb......, Abortion kills the pre-born child, why would you want to see a child murdered?
3. Women, Christ was the best friend Woman ever had. He commanded husbands to love their wives just as he loved the church.( that was to the point of dying for it, as we are for her) Proverbs on many cases praises a Godly, just, wise woman, as to be sought as you would a great treasure, no hate there, clean, pure, love.
4. Different cultures? Christ commanded that the disciples go to ALL the world, for all the world can be adapted in to the love of God. NO one is excluded. Further more, the case can be made that Christianity has sent missions to the most retched parts of the world, to help ease hunger, misery, and pain. No where is there any hatred for other ethnicities.
Now I am not so naieve as to say that what God has commanded has always been followed out, but that can not be blamed on God, only on mans own weakness, fear, and stupidity
2007-08-01 05:34:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Because people want to think that they are right about being wrong. They rationalize it as being a message from God. They pick a scripture that they apply out of context and apply it openly.
Being a Bisexual Christian, I look at other Christians on this. I see that they ignore the abomination of eating shellfish, and apply the 'man laying with another man as with a woman'. They have rationalized that in no way is the former worse than the latter.
But upon understanding why the Law of Moses was directed at man; " To convince all men that they are sinners"
( Romans 3:19 - 20 ) , I know that we are all guilty before God by the unbending Law. But through Christ we are justified by faith, " For the righteous shall live by faith." (Habakkuk 2:4 )
So I try, as difficult as it is to negate years of poor teaching that they received, to show those other Christians that they need to set aside their ignorance and bring the Gospel message to the forefront.
2007-08-01 12:36:53
answer #2
answered by Christian Sinner 7
God is a convenient source of absolute moral authority, and, since no one can prove whether He exists, or what His opinions really are, it's not difficult to shape a religious doctrine to suit your existing prejudices.
OTOH, many religious doctrines do teach intollerance, anyway, so it's not always a matter of using God to justify hatred you already feel, but of being taught hatred by God (in the form of the religious faith you've been indoctrinated into, that is).
God is also used as an absolute moral authority to justify the extension of Human Rights to all people - by Deists like Thomas Jefferson, for instance - just for contrast.
2007-08-01 13:21:36
answer #3
answered by B.Kevorkian 7
Because they cant blame anyone else and feel good. They should know that God is a loving God and doesnt show hatred.Everyone is imperfect,therefore everyone sins.U r suppose to be teaching God's word lovingly not taunting them for the mistakes they have made.As for abortion God said life is is not yours to take,abortion is murder whether you want to believe it or not, the baby has a heart as soon as it starts forming it starts beating, that detects life,and to get an abortion they have to inject poison into the heart in order to kill it so that clearly shows a life is being taken, if it wasnt living what use would you have to go through all of that to kill it.
2007-08-01 12:36:38
answer #4
answered by poopsywickle 2
Hate is a sin, no one should hate. And everything you named is a sin, God created man and woman, abortion (go to my profile and click on my answer to the question asked about abortion), why would people hate women (we're people just like the men, besides without us they wouldn't survive) and their are many cultures/ethnicities, its not that I hate them cause I don't I just don't agree with everything they believe. If people use God to justify their hate then they are wrong because God does not hate, he loves all even the ones who do not love him, and if you choose him he will show mercy. But judgement day will come and those who hate will not like the outcome.
God Bless you
2007-08-01 12:28:19
answer #5
answered by m 2
well as far as abortion goes (and this isnt from a religious perspective) we kill our offspring rather sickining trait possesed by our species, sadly only lower life forms eat there young, and we do it out of convienince.i hate the fact that many unborn children are killed everyday, and i belive in god as much as i do aliens(which isnt much),but then agin if your dirty enough to kill your own child you dont deserve to reproduce anyways, people always speak of the womans right (and yes im female) but what of the childs rights which are in the womb( a right is a freedom only if all are equally protcted under that said right)otherwise its just another form of sick one sided logic. as far as the argument goes over rape and incest only.006% of all abortions in america are because of these reasons the remainder are from convienence, if there was a god which i dont think there is i dont belive it would allow the wholesale slaughter of our offspring for the sake of convience.And you can say well i was only 14 etc etc but when it all boils down its a matter of self serving self centered selfishness.
2007-08-01 12:30:59
answer #6
answered by anonomous 4
I think that the people who use God to justify hatred are just people filled with hate who would use anything to justify their hatred (such as political viewpoints, etc.). Unfortunately, it's so easy to use God as a justification because, when it comes to God, too many people abandon reason altogether, and instead they let their faith be driven by emotion. Too many people pride themselves in having faith without really knowing faith.
2007-08-01 12:30:46
answer #7
answered by Stephen 2
Not real sure, but the first two is because most religions forbid homosexuality and abortion.
2007-08-01 13:13:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because they're as blinded to the truth as those who use any other excuse to hate. There is no place for hatred in the heart of anyone who claims to be a Christian. We are called to love, not to hate. We must see that the atrocities of this world are the natural result of those who reject God's truth. When we do, we will finally understand that we can only present God's Gospel of Love in love, and let people decide for themselves. That's all we're called to do. Do I hate abortion? YES! Do I hate those who get abortions? How can I? I'm a sinner too. Shall I hate myself? Be it homosexuality, abortion, murder, whatever, we're all sinners and equally guilty of sin. I cannot claim to love God, Whom I have not seen, and hate my brother whom I have seen. To claim such is to prove myself a fool.
2007-08-01 12:27:09
answer #9
answered by Steve 5
(sorry long answer, possible typos, happy day :)
I can't see the reasoning for using God as a justification against cultures and ethnicity's. In Christianity all peoples are welcome, as for all status and gender. Christ was not biased against anyone except the proud regardless of their position economically or otherwise.
I can understand how many of the White race will use passages of the OT to refute a marriage or union between Whites and people of color or different ethnicity, but It is a lame duck argument in my opinion from Christs perspective.
As for same sex relationships, this activity from the Judeo -Christian perspective, was established as improper conduct among it followers both in the Old and New Testament. Among the Israelites this type of behavior was considered an abomination befor God, and was not to be tollerated. Among Christians, the idea of stoneing practicioners was done away with, but the practice of shunning them, and casting them out from the fellowship was taught and rightly so.
For a believer in the Gospel of Christ you just can't pick and choose what you will or wont believe, we are called as Christians to turn from such things as immorality (homosexuality is just one of the imoral behaviors mentioned in the NT, there are others, but for the sake of this answer we will leave it at that).
As for abortion, The idea again for a Judeo-Christian is as such. This was a pagan practice, to offer a child as it was being born to Molech in the time of Moses, or for a king to kill an unwanted threat. (happened to Moses and to Jesus) this went on from then to and thru the kings and in to later empires. Child sacrafice was always forbidden by God, and it carried over to the NT as well. The Bible teaches that God knew Jerimiah as he was being formed in his mothers womb. That God had called him to be a prophet before he was born. This to me establishes an identity to the human soul at conception. To take the life of an unborn child is just as much murder as if the child outside the mothers body.
Think of Scott Peterson charged with the murder of his wife and unborn son 2 counts of murder. The recent issue of the policeman that killed his pregnant wife in middle America, he is being charged with murder of his wife and unborn child. Now switch to this example: a woman almost term can go ino a clinic, have the child induced, before the child is removed in come cases its arms and legs are broken, and as the child emerges from the birth canal it is killed. This is not called murder, it's called partial birth abortion.
For all of our progress as a scociety and all the great and wonderful things we as Americans have done, we should hand our heads in shame. Christians and non-Christians alike will have to give an account of themselves for this to Jesus at our prospective judgements. We will be required to tell our savior what we did to promote or stop this act, if we thought it was destruction of tissue, or the murder of a human being. We will be judged accordingly for the works we have done in Christ.
I used to not have a care about this last topic, abortion I believed it was a womans right to choose. I think now it should be a womans obligation to choose to not to have sex, in the first place. If the woman is attacked, and the pregnancy was by rape, she should always lean to the life of the child, verses the destruction of it. I know how harsh that may sound, but that baby can be loved, and God can heal a bad wound with a great joy of a child. Even if the child is given up for adoption, God will give the blessing.
Long answer my friend, Good question.
as always may God continue to richly bless you
al 4 now b.
2007-08-01 12:54:28
answer #10
answered by ImJstBob 4