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My little boy is extremely gifted. I recently read up on crystal children and just sat there saying "YES" to everything written! It describes him exactly! He's always had these huge violet eyes that seem to seeto your soul, I've had so many strangers comment on them. He always knows about things before they happen and is such a serene little boy. the doctors actually thought he was autistic at one point but I knew he wasn't.. he's just not like any other child. He can also make things move though that's only ever happened when he's been upset or afraid. I do have some abilities, reiki, crystals, tarot but because he is so much more powerful than me, I'm unsure of how I should guide him and encourage him. It'd be like trying to teach your grandmother how to suck eggs!

2007-08-01 00:44:14 · 16 answers · asked by Velvet_Goth 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

C- yes I'm quite sure thank you. Don't judge me by your own standards thanks. Do tell me what was wrong with the phrase used?
Lucid- I am dismissive because he is not autistic..simple as that. Sorry if that ruined your speech!

2007-08-01 01:06:47 · update #1

isildurs_babe please don't read things into my question that aren't there. I know my son is gifted because he can do things other 3 year olds (and indeed most adults) can't, simple as that. I also have another son too who has no abilities so I'm not pushing my beliefs onto them! If a lesbian couple end up with a gay daughter, did they make her gay??? Think before you speak! Looking for agreement? I was actually looking for advice but I can see how those two could be easily confused!??!!

2007-08-01 02:27:27 · update #2

Louise, when I said he was more powerful than me, I meant in his psychic abilities, nothing more. Of course he'll need to be taught normal day to day stuff, how to share, tie his shoes, how to read, to respect people etc the question was purely about developing his gifts. I see that you're not able to help but thanks for answering.

2007-08-01 02:45:24 · update #3

Hi peeps, think I need to clarify that my son is not autistic. He has been through 3 specialists and a speech therapist who have all confirmed it.

2007-08-01 02:51:50 · update #4

I love you coffee_pot ;-)

2007-08-01 04:01:00 · update #5

16 answers

You have a gifted child, please do not let people ridicule you over this, your child will grow up being able to see or hear the spirits around him.
Just treat him like a normal boy, he does not need training just yet, when he gets older he may then wish to develop his gift.
My daughter was a crystal child,she knew when the spirits were there and sometimes they would show themselves to her, she knew three weeks before it happened that she was going to die(please do not be alarmed about this) it does not mean that your son is in any danger what-so-ever and I am sure he will live to be a ripe old age, it's just that my daughter found her soulmate, (they were together in another life), he was a crystal child too, he also died with her due to a car accident.
Just treat your son like a normal boy, do not try to teach him anything, (he already knows).
Good luck and I wish you well and you should be proud to have a son with such a wonderful gift.

2007-08-01 01:04:25 · answer #1 · answered by angelswings 3 · 8 1

the two links up top are good ones. the indigo children started being born around 1984 (just in time for me!) and supposedly have a much higher general intelligence level than previous generations. They also supposedly have a better genetic disposition to digesting "junk food" than others. Not all children born after 1984 are indigo children, but its belived that somewhere between 80% and 90% are. they also have much higher sensitivity to psychic phenomena and some are even empathic. There isnt a whole lot of solid scientific evidence for this yet, but ive been convinced by personal interaction with people my age and younger as opposed to the older generation. there really is just something different about them, whatever it may be

2016-03-16 04:43:23 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I remember watching a programme on channel 4 on this. From what i remember the mother was really pushy and although the daughter was gifted she was pushed into things

I would encourage this only if he is keen too. You could practice your reiki on him and use crystals together as this could be a fun way of looking at his talents. it sounds like you have a very gifted child. Can you not speak to the Crystal Children people for guidance?

2007-08-01 00:50:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I think there may well be two different things going on here.
1. You have a child who might be gifted. You need deal with this in the normal way through your local education people, (if you're lucky) and through various internet searches if you're not. Certainly such kids need stimulating from an early age - so don't wait.
2. He may also be a crystal child. They are very sensitive to foods and need a diet as 'pure' and natural as you can get it.
They are sensitive to atmosphere and to 'energy' in general, so you need to keep yourself and his surroundings as level and clear as you can.
As far as their development is concerned, you don't need to go looking. Expect help and guidance and it'll come.

Don't lie to children anyway - they'll spot it and get confused and upset. But absolutely don't be untruthful with a crystal - if that's what he is. He'll see through you in an instant.

2007-08-01 02:46:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Crystal child movement hurts the bright young things that get sucked up in it....

There are reasons everything you read makes you say yes, and those reasons are hard for those untrained in propaganda to make out.

It sounds like you have a genuinely gifted child....but you're running the risk of killing his gifts.

He might be in the Autistic spectrum....that's not a bad thing if it is not accompanied by developmental problems. Some children in that field have IQs in the 170s and up. Don't dismiss it and assume a metaphysical solution.

2007-08-01 01:27:10 · answer #5 · answered by LabGrrl 7 · 3 1

Let him be the child he is, childhood is so precious.

I can't get into this Crystal Children theory, it's doesn't fit well with me, all children are special, all children are naturally psychic to a greater or lesser degree. "because he is so much more powerful than me", I personally find this statement to be quite worrying, you are his mother, you are an adult and have life experiences behind you, it appears you are holding a mere (and I don't mean that in a derogatory way) child in such awe.

Be natural with him, neither discourage or encourage. Let him be who he is, whatever he says or does just except. Love and support him and help guide him on life's pathway, the pathway that he himself chooses.

Edit: I am talking about his psychic gifts, I am a psychic medium myself, I know children who see, hear and sense spirit as well as other psychic abilities. I know people who are now adults who were like this as children, including myself.

I answer this question with experience. There is nothing more precious than a child, and nothing more precious to that child than being allowed to be a child. Neither encourage or discourage, as I said before, just let him be who he is. "Developing his gifts" Let him be a child first please.

2007-08-01 02:36:40 · answer #6 · answered by Louise 3 · 4 0

If your purpose is to teach your child becomes proficient in studying both money and lowercase letters. You then will require the program, Children Learning Reading from here https://tr.im/etD2y .
Children Learning Reading shows your child phonemes therefore they've really a strong base in the skills that'll allow them to take to be a prolific reader. With Children Learning Reading may also focuses on developing on the skills learnt to allow your son or daughter to get their studying skills to another level.
With Children Learning Reading is easy to instruct your son or daughter how to read.

2016-04-29 19:48:53 · answer #7 · answered by nelda 3 · 0 0

If he is coming with gifts then you dont have to teach him that, right?
The new wave of education says that we know all that we need. Mentoring isnt putting things inside, its allowing what's inside to bloom.

So that's a blessing for you, just help him build his self esteem so he can be cool with who he is.
Then when he wants to do stuff later, you can just let him and support him to taek classes or seminars or whatever as long as you can afford it. You just love him mom and he will be his best. Other things he needs will come naturally.

2007-08-01 00:58:58 · answer #8 · answered by sahajrob 4 · 3 0

I know that you are probably looking for someone to wholeheartedly agree with you here but I don't think that is going to happen.
You are a typical mother wanting and thinking that her child is special or gifted in some way. what you are doing now is perfectly normal but it is a bad habbit to get into. You are pushing your own beliefs onto him and he's too young to stop you. You don't sound like the type of person who believes in the spiritual indoctrination of the young but from what you have explained above, this is what you are doing.

Please dont push your little boy into all of this, He'll grow up to resent you for it. Give him the freedom to choose and decide for himself.
if he is special let him find out in his own time and let him come to you for guidance. Just do what any mother would do and protect him from harm, help him learn what is right and what is wrong and how to grow to be who HE wants to be.

2007-08-01 01:47:22 · answer #9 · answered by isildurs_babe 4 · 5 2

Interesting imagination you have.

And also an interesting attitude regarding us of the Autistic spectrum. Autism is not just another thing to be disregarded; it is the next stage of evolution... The re-adaptation of humanity to a world that is gradually becoming hostile to it.

You decorate what you see with symbolism, rituals, pretty words and nonsense.... but all that is unnecessary.
It is all distraction....
Folly to keep your will away from its deserved freedom.

If you want to help your son then drop the names and the rituals. Drop the ornamentation and decoration. None of that is necessary. Try to understand what he can do for its own core values and encourage him to put that to practical use.

2007-08-01 00:52:14 · answer #10 · answered by Lucid Interloper 2 · 7 1

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