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ive got to write a toast for my sister... who is getting married in a bit of a hurry.. i cant really think of anything sincere to say sicne i dont feel like shes the same person ive grown up with.... whats a girl to do? - theyve only been together for a bit over a year and i dont have any good stories or a sense of humor

ps its this saturday

2007-07-31 15:53:27 · 6 answers · asked by sweet_carofine 3 in Family & Relationships Weddings

6 answers

Just be yourself. Keep it short and sweet. Say how much you love your sister and that you will miss living in the same home as your sister and spending all your time together, but that you are happy because you are not really losing a sister you feel as though you are gaining a brother. Tell them that you wish them a blessed and happy union and that you know he will bring joy into your sisters life. Remind him that if he does not, you will come looking for him. Jokingly tell them that you are anxiously awaiting little nephews and nieces. hen wish them the best. Please do not be very long, remember the day is about them and not you. Keep it short and sweet.

2007-07-31 16:06:17 · answer #1 · answered by 2Cute2B4Got 7 · 0 0

Keep it simple. No funny stories which usually somehow embarass someone. Do something like this.

You are my sister. I wish all happiness to you and Kevin. It was a beautiful wedding and I hope you have a beautiful life together.

That's it. Keep it short and sweet. There is nothing worse at a wedding that those horrible longs toasts. Everyone will think you are sweet and a genius.

2007-07-31 23:03:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Read a sister to Sister Poem

2007-07-31 23:26:21 · answer #3 · answered by ?¿Whatcha Doin'?¿ 5 · 0 0

I'd just go about saying something along the lines of you being happy for her, and that you wish her the best in life. Peace, love and harmony. Or something like that. :P

2007-07-31 23:02:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here are a few link that may help, good luck!

2007-07-31 23:00:51 · answer #5 · answered by Reba 6 · 1 0

Just tell her congrats and you love her. Make it short and sweet....

2007-08-01 13:21:46 · answer #6 · answered by Mrs. 26 3 · 0 0