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I've been w/ my guy for 3 and a half years and we are happy together soo i thought the things that bug him is that he wants to do more things w/out me But what can i do when he leaves me and where can i go cause when he leaves i feel lonely then i think he is cheatting on me but i do trust him and i want to but what can i do when he gose out w/ his buddie. All most all my gf has a kid or they still live w/ there folks and can't go out soo please help me out here so we can be better at our relationship thanxs ev

2007-07-31 14:31:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

6 answers

You need to get a life. Your SO should not be the center of your universe. Get out and make some friends. And if you think he is cheating on you JUST because he isn't home, then no, you don't trust him. I think it is time for you to evaluate your relationship.

2007-07-31 14:35:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You need to find a hobby, get involved in something in your community. Also just because your friends have kids doesn't mean you can't hang out with them, watch a movie or go shopping.

You definitely need to find something to keep yourself occupied. Also why are you so insecure? The more you try and control him the more you will distance yourself from him.

Things you can do:
Take a dance class
get involved in your church
take night classes at community college
take a ciramics class

Find something you are interested in and find out how to get involved in your area.

Good luck!

2007-07-31 14:37:08 · answer #2 · answered by Reba 6 · 3 0

first you need to just be more secure with your relationship. rent a movie, get a manicure, read a book, there are TONS of things you can do on your own.

but how old are you that your friends have a kid or live with their parents and can't go out - they just seem like extremes

2007-07-31 14:52:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

leave him if you can't trust him and he wants to go out with out you then, he is not going to be a good man because a real man wants to be with you all the time but not( fishing )..LOL
no really if you think if he is cheating on you then he probably is..i mean woman intuition.trust your intuition..

2007-07-31 14:50:33 · answer #4 · answered by mrhrb666 1 · 0 0

take yourself out to dinner...or possibly one of those chick flicks guys dont ever seem to want to sit through...or you could always to the the local book store find a good one and take a nice long bubble bath reading...hope that helps...danielle!

2007-07-31 14:38:21 · answer #5 · answered by Danielle! 2 · 0 0

join a club so that HE has to figure out what to do while YOU're out

but aside from that, take yourself out, girl! go shopping, to a movie, have dinner...who knows who you'll meet????

2007-07-31 14:36:10 · answer #6 · answered by SweetPandemonium 6 · 0 0