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He has scratched it so bad that his feet are raw the stuff the doctors give him doesnt realy work does any one know any natural remedies or Over the Counter drug or lottion that will help? He is on his feet all day and his work requires still toed boots that are water proof. He needs relief ASAP!

2007-07-31 04:14:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

5 answers

First in order Tinactin powder ( not the ointment ), next Mexcina, then Quinsana,
Here's the important part. Athletes foot forms cracks between the toes. The bactaria lives in the space under the loose skin. First wash and dry the feet thoroughly. Next put a generous amount of the powder between the toes. Now roll the skin from side to side, to get the powder under the loose skin. Use your finger to force the powder under the skin.
Next, powder the rest of the feet, and put some in the shoes.
The secret to athletes foot control is dryness. Use a lot of powder, and change socks often.

2007-07-31 04:30:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is he using the prescription medication the way the doctor prescribed it? Is he taking the stuff, or putting it on following the schedule it requires? If he can't be bothered to follow the schedule, he probably won't do that either for any OTC product.

If he is using it on schedule, has he been using it long enough? This doesn't always work overnight - he may have to use it regularly for a month or three to completely kill the fungus.

Has he also tried disinfecting his shoes? Try a spray of lysol inside the boots every night when he takes them off. If he's killing the fungus on his feet, he may still be reinfecting himself from the fungus in the boots. Be sure he does this to any other shoes he wears, too - dress shoes, tennis shoes, etc.

If he still has problems, go back to the doctor.

2007-07-31 04:27:17 · answer #2 · answered by Ralfcoder 7 · 0 0

tell him not to step in his underwear without putting socks on first when he gets dressed. then you will have a big problem on your hands.

2007-07-31 04:36:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

heat lamp to dry it up, careful don't burn

2007-07-31 04:18:41 · answer #4 · answered by Golly Geewiz 4 · 0 0

tinactin will work

2007-07-31 04:36:56 · answer #5 · answered by Foxalot 3 · 0 0