If God sees people suffer and does nothing, he is evil. If God sees people suffer and cannot do anything, he is impotent.
2007-07-30 17:22:32
answer #1
answered by AuroraDawn 7
“The gods can either take away evil from the world and will not, or, being willing to do so cannot; or they neither can nor will, or lastly, they are able and willing. If they have the will to remove evil and cannot, then they are not omnipotent. If they can but will not, then they are not benevolent. If they are neither able nor willing, they are neither omnipotent nor benevolent.. Lastly, if they are both able and willing to annihilate evil, why does it exist? ” -Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 BCE)
Epicurus asked this a long time ago. The theologians still haven't answered it. Christians theologians will try to blame it on Adam and Eve in the garden, but this doesn't solve the problem at all. An all-knowing god would have foreknew that Adam and Eve would eat the fruit and he'd foreknow what the result of that would be...billions and billions of good people being eternally tortured, childhood cancer, tsunamis, etc..
Besides this. Where is the justice in punishing people today for the crimes of thousands of years ago? By this logic we should be bombing Germany right now.
2007-07-30 17:28:25
answer #2
answered by AiW 5
We must all admit on the surface we can see no real purpose for suffering encountered on earth, particulary when it involves the lives of 'innocent' children.
There are no easy answers to your question...There is evil, pain and suffering in the world. Why? God allows such. He doesn't lay blame, "the devil made me do it." But just because God permits evil, pain and suffering this is not the same as saying God is the causation. Just as He doesn't cause us to sin.
I'm offering this explanation which Jesus gave when asked why a man was born blind, He said it was not because of sin on the part of anyone , but simply that God should be revealed. Up to that moment no one knew why the man was blind - then Jesus permitted the blind man to have sight and then the people 'Saw' that Jesus is the 'Light of the World.'
The world today is under a curse (for ex. cancer, a disease) (see Genesis ) and just as we can't 'see' our black dog sleeping on the floor in a dark room until we turn on the light... we may not completely understand the answers to such questions ; but when he does give sight ...How Great will be Christ Power and Glory revealed when HE returns and brings those who follow Him out of darkness !
From the perspective of the ones left behind, I find it comforting that God shares our heartbreak > our grief.
None of us are exempt from pain, perhaps we might contemplate that through Job's suffering ( terrible losses); He came to know God in a deeper way.
I sincerely pray for parents today suffering from the loss of their children.
2007-07-30 19:27:15
answer #3
answered by sharpie 2
"God" has nothing to do with it. Death is a fact of life (sic!) on the physical plane. All the great Avatars and 'sons of God" certainly didn't get off this particular hook; they had to die just like everyone else, and lots of times slowly and painfully too. Just because someone is an "innocent child" doesn't exempt them from the laws of existence. The moment you accept physical existence, you begin to move towards the day when it will come to an end. For some that will come soon, for others, not for a long time. That's the way it is; get used to it!
2007-07-30 17:28:15
answer #4
answered by Vajranagini 3
Why does man insist on having his own way. God allows these things to exist because of the sin of man to begin with. Man started the problem through disobedience, and so this continues on to this day. It is, our fault, not any fault that could be laid against God.
I would offer to you that since the children die in their youth, and are innocent of the knowledge of "right and wrong" then they are taken to be with God immediately. They suffer not the ravages of age, and are given the gift of eternal life with God because of their innocence. In many respects, they are better off than the rest of us.
2007-07-30 17:27:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I for one don't know why but I got tired of asking the question and decided that I had better do something about it if I want something done about it. So now I will help a child avoid it if possible. If not then another of the saddest events in life ever happens and it is too sad to leave it up to a deity to not solve. There is the heart pump that motivates us forward.
2007-07-30 17:27:36
answer #6
answered by JORGE N 7
Contrary to popular belief, God is NOT punishing the children or their parents. When Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, they gave all humans original sin, or a first blemish that only God can take away, if we ask. Human sin, not God, causes pain and suffering in the world, but also remember that everything happens for a reason. A person might donate all they have to cancer research if a child close to them dies of cancer, and that money might help find the cure to save countless others. I'm not sayin that children should die to inspire others, but like I said, everything happens for a reason.
2007-07-30 17:24:54
answer #7
answered by razzledazzle41191 2
There are many such questions, such as yours, that are not able to be answered by any fellow man but if it is of any assistance these innocent children are the only ones guaranteed to look upon the face of our father and have a safe passage from here into heaven - on call no waiting, straight to their new home. AMEN!
2007-07-30 17:23:59
answer #8
answered by S.O.S. 5
The ultimate and classic Christian answer would be: "This is not the world as God planned it, but He does have a plan to redeem it. Come to Christ, read the Bible and find out what His ultimate plan is."
Wait a minute, that still doesn't answer your question, does it?
2007-07-30 17:22:15
answer #9
answered by Yuri ze dude 2
A fallen world, (such as this one) is a breeding ground for disease... it isn't the children's fault, it isn't anyone's fault. Even if you and your parents were perfect and sinless... you may still be affected by the disease and sin that is prevalent in a fallen world. Jesus Himself was greatly harmed by it...
just remember that "no follower is greater than his master"
2007-07-30 17:31:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
God offers healing to anyone who will have faith to take it, in the case of little children it is the parents responsibility to receive the healing God offers.
"He was bruised for your iniquities"; "Is any sick among you? Let him go to the elders of the church to be anointed, and the prayer of faith will heal the sick"
and many more. Being that God gave control of the earth into our hands - Ephesians 1, it is actually us who allow it by not receiving healing from God.
And Lisa K - If you are an athiest then to you God does not exist, so he could not have possible taken your neice or nephew away, because in your mind He does not exist.
2007-07-30 17:24:41
answer #11
answered by Ledreru 3