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first off i have no insurance, so what im about to say is only because i couldnt afford to go to the doctor unless im sure its fatal......i have a what appears to be a swollen bite on my thigh abouve my knee....its been there for about 3 days, its red and very tender......on the 2nd day my friend said it was a brown reclue bite and that he had one once and just sliced it open and drained it every day letting out more and more puss/venom?.....then would douse it in peroxide and then rubbing alcohol.....well i sliced mine open a bit (everything steralized) and was able to get out some puss stuff and some blood too.....i doused it and did the same thing today, and only some comes out, not all of it.....its still like a hard mass under my skin and very tender, but the surrounding area isnt as red as it was b4.....b4 it was surrounded by reddened skin....has anyone ever treated a recluse bite liek this? it still hurts and im a bit scared, cuz iv heard it can rott away ur skin...

2007-07-30 17:10:37 · 5 answers · asked by Calli S 2 in Health General Health Care First Aid

5 answers

Yes it can rot away your skin. Better be careful doing what your doing. You could really mess up you life doing your own minor surgery. There infections out there (and this could be one of them) that the longer you wait the sicker and harder to treat you'll become, and then you run into real money with hopital bills. Go to a county hospital or whatever but get it taken care of. Who knows could be a simple boil!

2007-07-31 20:31:46 · answer #1 · answered by Jay R 4 · 0 0

When bitten in the outdoors by a spider it is always best if one can capture the spider that bit you. Understandably, this is difficult but will help the healthcare practitioner treat the bite. Cleaning the bite area is of the utmost importance. And cool compresses help decrease pain, as well as decrease the spread of venom. Antibiotics are helpful in the case of a secondary infection. Basic wound care is essential in all bites.

Brown Recluse Bite Treatment
Self-Care at Home
Home first aid care is simple. This self-care should not replace a visit to your doctor or emergency department.

Do these techniques:

Apply ice to decrease pain and swelling.
Elevate area if possible above the level of your heart.
Wash the area thoroughly with cool water and mild soap.
Avoid any strenuous activity because this can spread the spider’s venom in your skin.
Use acetaminophen for pain relief.
Don’t do these techniques:

Do not place any heat to the area. This will accelerate tissue destruction.
Do not apply any steroid creams to the area such as hydrocortisone cream.
Do not attempt to remove the spider venom with suction devices or cut out the affected tissue.
Do not apply electricity to the area. Anecdotal reports of high voltage electrotherapy from common stun guns have never been shown to be effective in any scientific studies. This can also cause secondary burns and deepen tissue destruction.

2007-07-30 17:19:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I truly doubt it's a Brown recluse bite because within 48-72 hours the wound would start getting really ugly...BR bites are serious and need professional attention...you may have a spider bite but I doubt it's a relucse...I also speculate that your treatment may actually be causing you the most problems...what to do?...aside from seek medical assistance?..you say you have what appears to be a spider bite, indicating to me that you did not see what did this...If it gets worse, go to a hospital, thay have to treat you...
also you can google the BR bite and see a photo progression of the bite on somones hand, it's pretty bad...

2007-08-02 16:20:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

let me say i dont' think you got bit by recluse spider. if you did the skin around the bite dies and the only way to stop this mess is have it cut out. it gets bigger and bigger. its a very bad bite is it now sorta disappearing? well if it looks like its going away but still hurts it could be any of number of things. but i dont' think if it was this spider you would be talking about it now you'd be heading to doctor. i have had couple friends have a big area of their arm cut where the bite was to stop it from dying. if you are in calif. and you watch animal planet there are none there. i think there are none in couple other places in the west but not sue where. there are some belived to be in texas but so far not seen any.

2007-08-02 10:08:13 · answer #4 · answered by Tsunami 7 · 0 0

umm has anyone else in your family had them. or anyone else living with you??

My whole family had those at one time. It was gross. and scary. We went to the hospital thinking they were spider bites, but we were told something different just about every time. the only thing that really stopped them from coming were antibiotics! I had insurance at the time, but I dont know, so I know how it goes...just get it checked out b/c it did rot my skin...and I still have scars, and this was over 2 years ago! I would check it out! ASAP

2007-07-30 17:42:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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