I have had an interesting experience on Y!A...
While many of the so called "Christians" leave much to be desired (by their own standards)... I have had some very positive interactions with a very few Christians. Despite being a strong atheist, there are a select few Christians who have been flexible, accepting, and actually have a sense of humor. We raid other sections in jest, and theist, agnostic, Islamic (one), atheists, and christians have fun, play and are good to each other.
The christians who are bright, fun, and joyful frequently fall under the criticism of more stoic and mean-spirited "christians."
In summary... most christians leave a bad taste in the mouth of other users... but there are a few who transcend the stereotypes...
2007-07-30 16:55:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ideal Christian behavior should not be determined by what people answer in Yahoo Answers. Ideal Christian behavior is laid out in the Bible, starting with the words of Jesus, then, Paul, Peter, John and others.
No matter how hard we try on our own can we ever achieve success. It is only with God's Grace and Mercy can we do good in that area. No matter how righteous the person, or perfect in regards to Christian standards they are, the truly honest one will always say he/she could do better.
The key is to be always striving to do better and walk more perfectly in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
As far as the kind of witness does the behavior that most Christians make? Some not good at all. Many times it is hard to tell who is a Christain and who is not. Personally I am blessed whenever I come accross a conservative Mennonite, an Amish Mennonite, an Apostolic Christian, and others like them, because their behavior and witness as a Christian is very powerful.
2007-07-30 16:25:03
answer #2
answered by tastoller 2
I've definately seen the holier than thou frothing at the mouth for judgement day types here, but I've also seen some people who talk about loving Christ, their religion, way of life etc with out expecting others or passing judgement. There is a lot of antagonsism between Cristians and Athiests here. Sometimes Athiests are pretty mean too. I've probably said mean things myself, unfortunately (on the Athiest side). I don't think being spiteful helps anyone out, and it doesn't make anyone look good - Christian or Athiest.
2007-07-30 16:27:14
answer #3
answered by Lillith 4
Hi Brother Dave, It took me a few days to decide on my answer here. This is just my opinion, of course. I believe that Chrisianity is a man-made religion about Jesus rather than the actual religion that Jesus taught. A sort of Jesus Cult, the membership of which changes the rules pretty much constantly. The religion of Jesus, the religion that he taught and lived, was a life dedicated to the doing of the Father's will. Each of us gets to use our own free will to make that decision, nobody else gets to decide for us. How many people on earth are currently living a life totally dedicated to doing the Father's will? God only knows. God only knows what is in anyone's heart, and that is where the answer lies, in secret. What isn't secret is how our lives effect others. Jesus said by their fruits you shall know them. How many people do you see in your life who manifest the fruits of the spirit? Do you? Do I? I'd have a hard time answering this even for myself let alone anyone else.
2016-05-18 02:46:49
answer #4
answered by merle 3
Well, we are all known by the fruit we bear! I know some Christians who go to great lengths to make sure that everyone sees how pious they are. I also know quiet humble Christians who live for the Lord and are hardly noticed by anyone. So, I can only speak for myself...
I love God and think of Him and pray several times a day. I give when I can. I try to be fair and honest with everyone and a good role model for my children. I love all people of all races and backgrounds. I also disappoint myself and God, I'm sure, several times a day - more like, constantly. I get angry and vent. I swear. I'm not patient.
But, I am forgiven. I think he must look at me as I view my children. They make all kinds of mistakes and messes, but as long as they are genuinely sorry, I forgive them. And I love them, no matter what. There is nothing that could make me stop loving them. I'm pretty sure that is how He must see me. I am a mess, but He made me and loves me and can see me through His son.
2007-07-30 16:26:14
answer #5
answered by Adele123 2
Sorry, I do not check links but I think that we all should be more concerned about our own behavior rather than pointing out what other people do.
We all fall short from the glory of God, all of us. We all need God's mercy and grace. Some people just do not accept it, so they will not have it.
This question is mainly irritating.
2007-07-31 00:20:32
answer #6
answered by Ulrika 5
Most of the christians I see frequently are good and decent people ... except for their silly beliefs and their habits of continuously blessing me or inviting me to attend their church, you'd probably enjoy being around them, too.
That's about as close as I can hope for, I guess... that's what I call a nearly ideal christian.
The absolutely ideal christian is, of course, the one who's about to become honest enough with himself to accept that he's actually an atheist in denial of his own understandings of reality.
But, give 'em a little more time. They're all beginning to come around little by little.
[][][] r u randy? [][][]
2007-07-30 20:27:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Judging from the christians who act up here on YA R&S, they do a disservice to their beliefs, and are poor witnesses for their god by their own behavior.
I think it may be exactly their belief in their god that may stand in their way of behaving as their god proscribes. As Gandhi said....Likes christianity, dislikes christians.
2007-07-30 16:32:22
answer #8
answered by CC 7
...we all fall short of the Glory of God...but God loved us so much, he sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins...now, that being said...I am a Christian, all my life...some times more spiritual than others...do I follow an ideal Christian walk ?...hardly...am I a perfect believer ?...no...do I at least try....yes, I do...but because I am only human, I need God's Grace to see me through, to guide me and to correct me when I fail...failure isn't final with the Father....isn't that great...that we have a God that loves us all enough to help us get back up when we falter....and for me, that's been many times...
2007-07-30 16:29:14
answer #9
answered by EvelynMine 7
well, one of the answers was "sex, drugs, and Rock n' Roll", all xians I know love at least 2 of those, and a good many I know love all 3, if we add hyprocicy to that list, I think we'd be in even better shape
2007-08-02 09:31:31
answer #10
answered by martin 4