HI! ha, i feel sort of a responsibility to answer this the best i can, seeing as how this probably stemmed from one of our conversations. the most important thing to remember is that if you believe it whole heartedly, and it's real and makes sense to you, then that's all that matters. in the jewish faith, they do not believe that Jesus Christ was divine, but merely a mortal, not of God. as many people had mentioned, jews believe they are still waiting for their messiah. while in the christian faith (catholic, being your denomination) they believe Jesus was the messiah, and the son of God, or God's physical manifestation on earth, depending on who you ask, but they're both pretty much the same. So yes, in the christian religion, you pretty much believe in both. you can't have one without the other.
everyone pretty much has their own religious beliefs. it doesn't make it right, it doesn't make it wrong. not many people can or would agree with that statement. which is fine, i suppose, but i truly believe that whatever makes someone happy and whatever comforts them is right for them to believe in, and they should never be judged for it. unfortunately that will never happen for we do not live in a perfect world.
okay that's all :-)
2007-07-30 16:32:03
answer #1
answered by doomed 3
Dear you got the best of both worlds.
You are right. Let me repeat that.
YOU ARE RIGHT! WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS TOTALLY RIGHT! Take a deep breath and absorb that into the center of your soul. You have ancient scribes, theories, sacraments and modern day wisdom all in your being. Wonderful!
Perhaps more enlightened than most your age and much more than many people will ever be in this short lifetime.
I study theology. I was raised Catholic and Baptist at the same time until age 13, I had to make a choice. I quickly learned that each religion had its own man made doctrine that controlled the "Believers" and placed a very distinct imprint of their belief on life and others of different faiths.
At age 25, I attended synagogue with my boyfriend for several years. The Jewish community was very welcoming, yet mine was not, when I told them, all the while devoted to my faith and teaching Catholic education to children for the past 4 years at that point. I was asked to step down. I was literally breaking a "rule" in the church. There shall be no other church, the Catholic faith is the only one. "HOOWHEE"
I was shocked, to be so dedicated and devoted to my "faith" and the respect to share the "faith" of the man I loved. What is the crime here? I quickly realized it was knowledge. Knowledge IS power. I questioned more than accepted. My "faith" was questioned, because I lacked "blind faith".
I turned away from those religions and studied many other ways the "world" praises the creator. I quickly learned, its the same Entity, the same divine spirit, with many different names and ways to praise. What a humble feeling to accept that.
I became a minister in 1999. My entire family was shocked, since I did it in "Hiding" and declared myself "free" to have independent thought and review all the historical/ relgious material and form my own opinon of God, Jesus, Mary, Old Testiment, New Testiment, the Evoluation theory or what ever.
I do reference the bible in my prayers, yet it is just a reference book, like so many others in the world. Written by men and "assumed" to be the word of God. The messages are very clear to the reader, yet can be manipulated by a speaker to serve "their" purpose. Which I do not approve or accept.
In your case, dear. You are perfect the way you are.
Serve the Lord the best way you know how. Use the incredible knowledge from your life experiences and bless the world with the gifts God gave you!
I'm sorry for the typos, it was too long and difficult for the poor spell check to stay with me on this one!
2007-07-30 22:13:11
answer #2
answered by Denise W 6
I am a Jewish Catholic. I know that JESUS is ONE of THREE PERSONS that are YAHWEH ELOHIM, the GOD of the Jews.
Even in fully taking on a complete human nature, JESUS preexistent DEITY never diminished in HIS PERSON.
In the days of the first Apostles of JESUS, the Apostles taught about the TRINITY, and never did the Pharisees argue agoinst THREE PERSONS being the only DEITY. They argued that HE was not ONE of the TRINITY, disrespecting the MAN they saw. But the Jews of that time expected a MESSIAH at that time, and expected HIM to be the SON OF GOD, and even realized that this SON OF GOD was HIMSELF GOD made into a SON. That is why the believers in the TRINITY of WHICH JESUS was ONE of THREE PERSONS often started first with the assertion that JESUS is the MESSIAH - because, if that could be proved, then it could no longer be denied that all that the MESSIAH was prophetically described as being JESUS HIMSELF was.
2007-07-30 22:02:22
answer #3
answered by Travis J 3
YES!!! A christian believes in God the father, and that Jesus is the Son of God. I think the difference in christians and jews is that christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah and Jews believe that the Messiah has not come yet. Christians and Jews believe in the same GOD. They just differ when it comes to who they believe Jesus was.
2007-07-30 22:00:19
answer #4
answered by i'm trying 3
Yes, I think it is possible. However, where it becomes and "issue" is when people insist/believe that Jesus IS God.
The Jewish believe (as per my understanding) that to believe Jesus IS God and not just the Son of God the Christians are putting a false idol before their God. This I happen to agree on.
Also, in the Qur'an, Allah points out very much the same thing that Jesus was merely a prophet and goes further to say that He had no "son" as in begetting.
You can also go to www.religioustolerance.org they have good essays.
2007-07-30 22:40:02
answer #5
answered by Malachi 4
Are you trying to please both parents? Please know I’m not trying to be offensive or intruding in anyway, it’s just that I get the sense that you may be feeling like you have to do this.
Our Christian roots start with Judaism. The Jewish people of the Old Testament were God’s chosen people, the first that received His covenant. God preserved His promise through them so that He could save us with His only Son. When Jesus came, He fulfilled everything that God had promised in the Old Testament, and ushered a new covenant, a new age for all people. This is the glory of Jesus Christ. The same God who lovingly shepherded the Jewish people is the same one Who delivered us through Jesus. This is why we love Him so much, why we love Jesus so much.
The Jews are our kindred brothers in the faith since we both worship and adore the same God, but they do not accept His Son. Sadly, they continue to wait for the arrival of the messiah and ignore that He has already come and is risen. The old age is gone and we live in the new, through Christ, our King.
All glory and honor to Him!
2007-07-30 22:02:07
answer #6
answered by Danny H 6
Yes, you can believe in both. But do you relize that their is three in one. The father the son and the holy spirit. I am aware that you were raised by a jew and a catholic they don't believe in the three in one but it is true. I am a Christian. God Bless
2007-07-30 22:00:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Every thing you put in your question is right on target.
It is possible to believe in both. All the early Christians (Peter, James, Paul, etc.) did. They were Jews and they came to understand that it was thru Jesus that the God of the Jews was working out His promises to Abraham.
2007-07-30 21:59:30
answer #8
answered by kazmania_13 3
They are the same person I John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." The Word meaning Jesus Christ. If you don't believe me go to www.powerbible.com and look what the Word means in that verse.
2007-07-30 21:57:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Big conflict! If you are a Jewish, that will mean that you are still waiting for Messiah and Jesus was just another man. But if you are a Christian you are recognizing Jesus as Messiah. You cannot serve two kings and cannot be displaying lukewarm behavior; you are either hot or cold. You have to cross the fence to be saved, because the fence belongs to Satan.
2007-07-30 21:57:47
answer #10
answered by Aeon Enigma 4