These is my answer and I am not referencing anything (other than spellcheck).
Short and sweet answers:
Atheist - Believes there is no "God" or greater force than what can be explained by science.
Agnostic - Believes there may be a God but that as mortal beings we are unable of proving or disproving.
Theist - Believes there is one or more "God" or greater force.
Deist - Believes there is a greater force but not necessarily
intervening in our lives. Type of Theist.
Gnostic - Believes in God and path to Him is through
knowledge. Type of Theist.
Pantheist - Believes there is more than one thing we may
call God. Type of Thiest
2007-07-30 15:15:17
answer #1
answered by Astrapulvis 2
Theist- someone who believes in the existence of a God or Gods.
Atheist- someone who believes that no God or gods exist.
Gnostic-someone who adheres to the beliefs of Gnosticism, namely, that matter is inheirantly evil, and spiritual freedom is attained through special knowledge (gnosis) of God and certain religious practices.
Agnostic-someone who believes that any ultimate reality (as in God) is really unknown and is probably, ultimately, unknowable.
Deist-a person adhereing to Deism: the movement that sprouted in the 1600's, advocating natural religion, emphasising morality, and (in the 1800's) denying the interference of the Creator in the laws of the universe (no miracles exist).
Pantheist-(1) A person that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe (2) someone who worships all gods of different creeds, cults, or peoples indifferently, also, toleration of the worship of all kinds of deitys.
ATHEIST is completely exclusive.
THEIST completly covers Gnostic, Agnostic, Deist, and Pantheist.
GNOSTIC covers Theist and Pantheist, but excludes Athiest and Agnostic.
AGNOSTIC covers Theist, but excludes all others.
DEISTS are Theists, but exclude all other terms.
PANTHEISTS are Theists. They may also be Gnostics, Agnostics, and/or Deists, since they generally accept everything as possible or plausible.
2007-07-30 22:17:34
answer #2
answered by MamaBear 6