Well....yes. The Judeo-Christian god is one of blood and blood sacrifice. Christianity is, by definition, a blood sacrifice religion.
They worship such blood sacrifices.
Pretty morbid, eh?
2007-07-30 14:40:31
answer #1
answered by Samurai Jack 6
I think more of God than to think He would invent a race that He knew would fail (God knows everything, even the future, right?), and then turn around and blame the race for the fact that they were not made perfect and incorruptible to begin with. Pretty circular, self justifying and cruel. No that's not how it works.
2007-07-30 14:44:26
answer #2
answered by coralsnayk 3
Blood offerings for the Jewish God in the Torah were done only for unintentional sin. The rest were grain or other offerings.
They were not meant to even exist at the beginning of the new religion Abraham founded, but the people came from previous religions where blood sacrifices and other offerings were done, and it was extremely difficult to change their ways suddenly, without them reverting back to that.
So they were instructed by God then, on how to do it at least according so it wouldn't be the same as their old religions. This was NOT to be a permanent thing, but only until they were weaned off such things. Over time, you can see in the Torah, God telling them first that the aroma was pleasing, but then less and less so, until it was stinking in his nostrils. Finally the Temple was destroyed, and the Jews then asked God "What will we do for forgiveness for sin now that we have no Temple and no place to bring sacrifices?" God replied that from then on, the PRAYERS of their lips would be as the bulls of their sacrifices. As it was meant to be from the beginning anyway.
This is in Hosea, LONG before Jesus, and shows that blood sacrifice was no longer needed at that point, let alone a human virgin blood sacrifice for sin which was always considered an abomination to God in the first place, and was never to be done.
The idea of Jesus as human virgin blood sacrifice for sin was a Church sponsored throwback to older blood cults that sacrificed human beings for forgivness for sin and to appease their gods.
Human sacrifice never existed in Judaism, and it has never, ever been the role of the Messiah in Judaism either. In Judaism, the Messiah is NOT killed for anyone's sins, he lives a long life, marries, has children to whom he leaves an inheritance, etc. etc. etc.
So yes, a virgin human blood sacrifice for sin IS a cult, dating back to the times of the ancient Baal worshippers and others. But not the Jews. Since the time of Hosea, for the Jews it is prayer, and prayer alone that is the bulls of sacrifice. When the 3rd Temple is built, when the Messiah comes, there are rabbis who say that the blood sacrifices of animals will resume, but there are other rabbis who say no it won't, this is not needed and is now an abomination.
As for me, I surely hope that animal sacrifices will not be resumed. I find it disgusting. Especially since that was not supposed to be the way of it permanently anyway.
2007-07-30 14:46:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God did not need a blood sacrifice, the people did.
From the earliest of times. men offered a gift to God to acknowledge his supremacy over us, and our utter dependence on Him. People were afraid of what they did not understand. They feared the earthquakes, thunderstorms, the high mountains, floods, wild animals, etc They called on their God to give them courage, make them strong and overcome all manner of evil.
With the appearance of a man called Abram (later called Abraham) God promised to guide him and his descendants if they obeyed Him. He told them not to use their women and children as human sacrifices, to respect women, to speak the truth or be silent, etc.
2007-07-30 14:59:01
answer #4
answered by Bibs 7
The surrounding cultures in Biblical days all sacrificed to their gods. Even with Revelation at Mt. Sinai, the Israelites still had trouble following God's word. It took 40 years of wandering in the wilderness before they had learned enough to enter the Promised Land. Perhaps God decided to let them continue their sacrifices -- on His terms. You can read what He commanded in Leviticus.
Yes, sacrifice is permitted, but NEVER a human sacrifice as practiced in surrounding cultures.
All critters must be killed in the most humane method possible and the meat must be consumed by the Levites -- no animal is to be slaughtered in vain. Only the aroma was meant for God.
Forgiveness of sin never depended on sacrifices. Prayer was always acceptable, but prayer was unknown at the time. Eventually, after the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 C.E., sacrifices were replaced by prayer.
2007-07-30 14:49:37
answer #5
answered by Hatikvah 7
hmm you have a very thwarted view on things- as well as history.
In the Old Testament/ as well as the new testament things were different in comparison to today. Could you imagine us today still crucifying prisoners? Would that be acceptable? Could we still stone someone for wrong doings?
Goodness, before you make such derogatory statements about Christianity- become a little more literate in historical teachings or you come off as very ignorant.
2007-07-30 14:40:51
answer #6
answered by LuvMy2Kids 3
In the OT, God was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the Israelites. And yes, a blood sacrifice was required (not human blood; the blood of an unblemished animal).
Jesus' blood became the final blood sacrifice, and provided atonement for all sin. He literally became sin, not just a sinner like you and I are.
There will never be another blood sacrifice needed. That's why we call Jesus the Lamb of God.
2007-07-30 14:40:46
answer #7
answered by mrscjr 3
Yep, the Christian religion is a death cult, they do not want to acknowledge that.
If they would actually take their time to see that history has many humans sacrificing other humans for their Gods, see for instance the Maya civilization, they will realize that their religion is only a NASTY BLOODY CULT disguised a a good thing for humanity.
very Sickening!
2007-07-30 14:40:41
answer #8
answered by . 2
Abraham offered sacrifices so do Jews and Muslims. The sacrifices were shadows of the coming of the lord. These things were fulfilled by Christ. The wages of sin is death. The gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus.
2007-07-30 14:41:36
answer #9
answered by djmantx 7
The reason it is all about the Blood is because of the Blood Jesus shed when he was beaten, tortured, spat upon and suffered more pain and agony than any of us could even imagine. If someone is going to go through all that just so you have the chance to go to heaven, then I think it is awesome! You can believe the way you want, that is free will, but I hope that you give a few minutes thought to what He went through for you. Thanks and have a wonderful day!!
2007-07-30 14:39:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous