I agree with you. Therefor I can't get the ten points. Now I don't believe in God. But, It is much easier to follow the popular opinion than to have a voice of your own. It is so very hard to have 95% of the world against you because you don't believe in a God of any sort. Ive yet to loose an argument about religion. Because, it's hard to argur your point when your own book that teaches you your belifes is the same book that is being used to prove you wrong.
2007-07-30 14:41:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Top ten reasons I personally believe:
1. Complex creation. Go climb a mountain and then ask this question again. Maybe you'll see at least a possibility. Backpacking is awesome anyway.
2. Love
3. The fact that forgiveness can bring tears to ppl's eyes
4. The existence of morality and human worth. Good and evil
5. The fact that Jesus was born to ordinary parents, didn't own anything, never travelled 50 miles from his home, never held an office, and died like a criminal, but became history's most influential person and fulfilled a bunch of Jewish prophecies. Random coincidence?
6. The existence of pleasure.
7. Music.
8. The way the teachings about human nature and motives in the Bible are just so right on, even when applied to myself.
9. The impact on my own life. He basically healed my heart
10. The fact that no-matter how much I read (including "The God Delusion"), search, honestly question, and talk to educated people, it all supports it, or at least doesn't prove it's impossible.
Main point: perception is everything. None of these answers will change your mind and nobody will get ten points because God is someone you have to look for and want. When you do, you'll see the logic behind it, feel it, and know why it has to be about faith so that we can still have free will. (If God appeared on a cloud and said, "Obey and love me", it would be the same thing as a person holding a gun to your head and asking you to tell him or her that you love them. There has to be a choice to see. God doesn't want to force himself on you. CHristians should remember that.) It's a heart thing and an open-mind thing.
2007-07-30 14:39:42
answer #2
answered by Mrs. Eric Cartman 6
Leaving one's personal beliefs and opinions out of this, one can certainly make an objective case that supports the existence of God. There is historical evidence that supports monotheistic religion. The name we call him differs by belief set....Allah, God, Zion etc. They all refer to the same God. One person answering wisely pointed out that more people believe in God now than at any time in the past. This is amazing considering how science now tends to support the existence of God. Archaeological findings have just added more evidence.
So without getting all preachy, it becomes clear that the evidence for belief in God is very compelling.
2007-07-30 14:46:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I believe in God. I don't consider myself "so religious" where I put "God above all else." I just try to be the best person I can. This means that I follow the teachings of Jesus and listen to what my Church teaches me.
I don't try to change any body's mind on anything. Change has to come from within that person.
2007-07-30 14:44:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Do you believe oxygen exists? Have you ever seen oxygen?
Read the Bible and you will see the prophets sent by God predicted many things that happened and none of the Bible prophesies have been proved to be wrong.
Those who choose not to believe in God will never see the evidence God gave us because they don't want to see.
Ask God, who came to earth as a man we call Jesus, to help you see the evidence. Read the Bible. You will see if you want to see...
2007-07-30 15:00:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You may never have seen or felt God but that is because you choose to think he isn't there. First of all reading your bible or attending a church service may help you understand. But when you have a real relationship w/ the lord and put your faith in him you will feel his presence. You will hear him answer your prayers. He's there but he does not force his way into your life. He just waits for you to come to him and when you do he will welcome you with open arms with his love and mercy. Maybe visit a church sometime, you may feel the love of God overwhelm you but you have to give him a chance. God bless you~I will pray for you.
2007-07-30 14:42:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i believe in God. and yes, i do support celebrities that thank God above all others. because that's the right thing to do. God is so awesome we can throw out as many adjectives and Bible verses to describe Him, but that wouldn't even sum up 5% of how wonderful He is! God is divine, perfect, everlasting, no beginning/end, timeless, and forgiving. God SHOULD be the number OnE priority in our lives. look at what He has created. we are all perfect in His eyes. even people like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Sadam & Osama, etc...!!! He forgives EVERYONE. and if you can say you can do the same, you're lying. anything you do, God will forgive. and He will love you NO MATTER WHAT. THAT is why we love Him and have total adoration for God. He gave His only son for us. Jesus. Whom went through all that pain, suffering, torment, for us (SINNERS!). the question we have to ask ourselves is if you were at the foot of the cross, would you be laughing at Jesus, or one of His followers, weeping at His feet? .that. is why we thank God above all others. He is the most important. not money, power, or anytthing else.
2007-07-30 14:42:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
first of all its God not god and i believe. have u ever seen oxygen? God has a good reason 4 u not seeing him, does it not say in the bible that if u see his face u will die(he said that 2 moses who was about a million more times worthy of seeing God then most people in the world 2day). would u rather take your thank your parents who(might have been with u for most of the stuff u went through), your fans(who have done nothing 4 u), or God who has loved u, cared 4 u, been with u through EVERYTHING, and without him u would have nothing(u wouldnt even exsites).now u chose .as far as me changing your mind that is impossible the only person who can do that is u...
2007-07-30 14:42:00
answer #8
answered by midge 2
Yes, you can't "literally" see God....but you can see God's work...i think if you look at the most simplest of things..very closely you can see God's work...look at a baby's smile..or the pure beauty of a flower...Look at the rainbows in the sky, or your wonderful family...You were blessed...You have received blessings...Think about what's in your heart, and what causes you to love someone or fall in love...sometimes believing isn't about being "logical"..I think this is more of a simple "feeling" and just knowing...then going through the whole..."how did this happen, how can this have happend?" we will never have all the biblical answers we want...Even the most devout Christians have "questions" about happenings in the Bible..etc...But that does not mean they don;t believe..I am just asking you to feel or go with what your heart is telling you.
2007-07-30 14:39:14
answer #9
answered by cutegirlin_tn 5
I'll tell you-if you can look at the sky and watch the birds flying overhead or hold a newborn baby and still not believe that there is a God, I guess that's up to you. I have no intention on trying to get anyone to change their minds about God. If you truly dont believe-you havent been paying attention.
2007-07-30 14:35:56
answer #10
answered by phlada64 6