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im trying to buy a car but cant seem to find one at a fair price... anyone know a place or a website in los angeles california with the lowest prices though and no scam or rip-off, nothing...that everything about it is great....maybe one of u bought a car and would recomend that place...

2007-07-30 14:07:00 · 2 answers · asked by princess me 1 in Cars & Transportation Buying & Selling

2 answers

If you are in for a new car and you want to cut the BS out, I suggest you use your AAA membership or Costco membership to buy the car. They usually give you inventory price minus what they suggested. You need to know the dealers deal with them. Sometime they are willing to go even lower.

2007-07-31 18:09:45 · answer #1 · answered by naekuo 7 · 0 0

Sorry, not in the la section. A studio starts in the $one thousand - $1100 selection. Any classified ads you will possibly be able to as nicely see on media like Craigslist with decrease rents is the two a scam or does not quite exist. Plan on a roommate, and in case you do be guaranteed to set out the homestead regulations and household projects in WRITING so each and each roommate has a reproduction. you would be wanting if in case you ought to sue somebody for shifting out and leaving you caught with lease/expenses you may not handle to pay for.

2016-10-01 01:41:57 · answer #2 · answered by mangini 4 · 0 0

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