But do you think Satan will EVER give in and ask for Gods forgiveness? And if he does would God accept or is it too little too late for him?
7 answers
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➔ Religion & Spirituality
Yea you are completely right... Thats like "casting" the devil out your home for lust but yet you still are involved in it. The devil would just reply "You still have my goods." But great answer!
14:13:15 ·
update #1
"And answer my questions too...please and thank you okey dokey...smiles"
Ha but hey Ablebaby I have talked to you in like a minute… For some reason your screenname sounds like that song “Abaye Abaye Abaye Abaye…” lolz I’m a dork rite now ^_^
But yea HEY!
Btw, yea so basicially he went full force wit his plan and theres no turnin back....RETARDED! :/ I swear at the cost SOME people want their glory. The devils such an ATTN. ho. lolz
14:21:04 ·
update #2
robert p
Yea that is true!
Personally I don't see how Satan fate already predicted yet and still go on full force on a sin spree. But hey lucky I'm not him... Great response though.
14:39:58 ·
update #3
No, Satan will never "give in" to God nor will he ever ask God for forgiveness. Even if he did ask God for forgiveness he would be lying because he's incapable of telling the truth
2007-07-30 13:57:23
answer #1
answered by ReliableLogic 5
No matter what the Devil will never ask for God's forgiveness...besides it is too late some may say it is never too late but ummm lets be serious here..Satan actually had time to think out his whole plan so he had second thought he could have stopped this but he continued in other words he carried his plan out with no guilt or now will he ask for forgiveness...If he were to ask God would forgive him but that won't bring him out of where he is...Satan has too much pride to ask for forgiveness he wanted to be something he will never be...He won't give in and of course GOD won't he is a man to his words
2007-07-30 14:01:19
answer #2
answered by Ablebaby 6
No. Satan is God's enemy. Hell is where he belongs. And I'm sure Satan would never repent, because he has too much pride in himself. Hell is the place where he dwells, that is where he belongs.
-Nazi's are Satan's helpers, kind of like Demons. They tried to kill all the Jews so that end times wouldn't happen, but oh is the world in for a surprise.
Do you know what the end times are?
2007-07-30 13:53:30
answer #3
answered by wormwoodkid 3
Satan will never ask:
Rev 20:
10And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
2007-07-30 14:26:01
answer #4
answered by robert p 7
satan has already chose his fate, and knows what his fate is, but he will try to bring as many of God's people with him, as he can.
This is why satan tries to trap us into repeated sin, so we will continue in them, and if we continue in them without ceasing from them, he will have us, no matter what we say with our mouths i.e. " I'm Saved " or " I'm under Grace " or " Once Saved Always Saved"
If we continue to knowingly and willlingly obey satan and continue to sin, without ceasing from them, well sad to say, if we do this, we shall meet satan in his kingdom. Know you not, that our Master is to whom we obey, whether unto God or unto satan.
In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ
2007-07-30 13:58:31
answer #5
answered by DiscipleDave 2
satan will not give in he wants to be worship like God.
2007-07-30 14:01:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He's in trouble, I've been plotting my master plan to take over!!!
2007-07-30 13:52:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous