I have heard that argument also and it's possible that Muhammad adopted the name of a pagan god for the deity he made up. Whatever the origin of the name allah, it is not God. Muslims will say allah translates to God but so what? I could call my dog allah but she certainly wouldn't be God. allah has a deep dislike (ok, hatred!) for the Jews when the Jews are God's chosen people. allah says that in the end times all Jews will be killed by Muslims and Israel will be destroyed (we see terrorists trying to fulfill this and it will get worse). God says that He will always protect Israel. She is eternal! This is Jewish and Christian prophesy, but not Muslim. allah has no son. God has a Son! allah cannot be God. allah is a deceiver (says so in the quran), which also happens to be a trait of Satan.
God Bless.
2007-07-30 17:11:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't see any open minded and unbiased answer here, if that's the one really expect. You'll either get for or against Islam. Even your question is based on biased theory by non-Muslim scholars. In that case, it's my obligation to ask you to look at this link on how the moongod theory is wrong.
By the way, crescent moon was never used as a symbol of Islam at times of the Prophet, the 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs as well as Ummayad and Abbasid dynasties. Officially, there is no symbol sanctioned in Islam. It is used by modern Muslims to associate themselves with the last Islamic Caliphate i.e. Ottoman Empire. The symbol is by right more political than religious.
We observe moon in some occasions simply because we use lunar calendar. What do you expect then? If we use solar calendar, of course we'll observe sun instead. Will those scholars find a way to say Allah is sun god instead?
Maybe you should send a message to Arab and Indonesian Christians to stop using the name Allah in their bible. Maybe you are intelligent enough to come out with alternative name in Arabic if you can. Obviously they think Jesus is moon god as well. Don't forget Trinity is clearly based on paganism.
You may also call your dog God or Yahweh or Jesus, but that makes your dog neither God nor Yahweh nor Jesus even if you also worship the dog. So what's your point?
2007-07-30 14:54:02
answer #2
answered by Adi Keladi 5
God’s name is Yahweh, Jehovah, and (AL), if you don’t call the creator by his name He wouldn’t listen to you. Islam called Yahweh Allah, which they copied it from the Hebrew word (Al). The Moslems followed the moon movements as calendar. The Hebrews and many religions including the Moslems are still using the moon’s movements as calendar till this day. The ancient Moslems didn’t worship the moon but they sanctify it. When Russia and the USA landed on the moon, the Moslems protested this invasion. They claimed that the western world defiled the moon. If Allah is the same God why the Moslems refuse to call Him (Yahweh). If Allah is the same God why the Moslems refuse the Hebrews and the Christians in their musk. If Allah is the same why the Moslems refuse to marry with other races. If Allah is the same God why the fanatic Moslems are terrorizing the western world.
2007-07-30 14:26:33
answer #3
answered by Zimrari 1
Ok first of all, Allah is not a Moon God despite what anyone says. Islam STRICTLY forbids idolizing and worshiping of 'gods'. If Allah was the moon 'god', we would have several other 'gods' too right? NO Allah is one God, One true God.
Islam does not have any symbols. Some people might use the moon because Ramadan and Eid (the holiday) both start with the sighting of the moon.. that's all.
P.S... You asked Muslims not to answer, but I can't let people believe something which is false. and the non-Muslim answers you get will be biased too.. Because they are not Muslim and almost all of them will simply agree with you even though most don't have a clue about Islam. That makes that answer biased as well.
2007-07-30 13:56:42
answer #4
answered by ۩MoonLit Muslima۩ 5
Which scholar said it wasn't the same? Allah is the one God who created the heavens and Earth. He created the moon, he's not the moon. Moon god, pfft. I hope open-minded to you means the true answer.
Allah is the same God as Yahweh. Yahweh and Rabb mean Lord. These are titles. The names mean the same. Therefore the God is the same. It only appears different because it's translated to Arabic.
2016-12-08 18:47:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I KNOW it's ridiculous no and one guy came and showed me the moon god (witch was a statue like hubal or something) they think were worshiping it .. what are we blind .. i never sore that statue in my life how can i be preying to it .. They make up things and believe it i guess :P EDIT: Nimmy .. haha yah i hang there too from time to time and have a good fight or two ..it's fun i don't know why :P
2016-05-18 01:43:11
answer #6
answered by lien 3
I believe that Muhammad sought to reach out to the pagans and the Jews and the Christians by mixing them all together. He added these other Gods to get the Meccans involved in his religion and then got himself in a little hot water over it so he abrogated it...Satanic verses. Used the name of the prophets and Allah the moon God and Jesus to attract followers while teaching his own religion.
2007-07-30 18:22:57
answer #7
answered by djmantx 7
You have indeed been doing some fine research in order to come across with this information, which certain people would of course deny, along with the fact that a certain religion came about shortly after its founder heard the word of these early Christians preaching their beliefs throughout his little corner of the world - right before he received his calling to become the greatest of all - interesting hey?
2007-07-30 13:59:44
answer #8
answered by Donna M 2
Most ancient gods were derived from celestial worship. Yahweh was, and so were the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Allah could have been the same.
Note how the first Muslim answer I saw started off by accusing the scholars of being Jewish. This goes to show that the anti-semitic conspiracy theories are alive and well, even in Westernized Muslims.
2007-07-30 14:01:43
answer #9
answered by Minh 6
I'm Muslim and I'll answer anyway. Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the same God. ALLAH means THE GOD in Arabic. ALLAH(SWT) is not a "moon god". ALLAH(SWT) is the Lord and Creator of the entire universe. About the crescent moon. That is not from Islam. Islam doesn't believe in symbols. The crescent moon has to do with the Ottoman Turks.
2007-07-30 13:55:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous