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I do, and not just because the Quran says to, but because I feel it in my soul, too. What is your take on this? Does it say something you did not know?

"Fifth: Islam unequivocally affirms the right of each individual to freedom of thought and religion. If one takes the time to read the Holy Quran and study the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his close followers, one will find that they built a society based on love, lenience, justice and brotherhood. One will also discover that their acceptance of Islam was a result of reasoning, conviction, and satisfaction, not violence, compulsion or oppression. The Holy Quran commands,

Let there be no compulsion in religion, Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. T.Q., Sura 2, The Cow, verse 256.

2007-07-30 13:49:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Islam insists that all people [not just Muslims] enjoy freedom of religion and worship. Islam considers sacred all religious places of worship [whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic] and asks Muslims to defend the right of liberty of worship for all. Islam seeks the establishment of a universal, liberal society in which all can live enjoying religious freedom in safety and equality. Allah says:

Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of God is commemorated in abundant measure T.Q., Sura 22, The Pilgrimage. verse 40.

2007-07-30 13:49:35 · update #1

16 answers

I do, we each find our truth in our own way, to force someone to your way risks them not finding their own.

2007-07-30 13:56:49 · answer #1 · answered by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5 · 3 1

There should be freedom of ALL religions. Like any other freedom, it requires responsibility. Killing people of different beliefs is not responsible. Government needs to be influenced by the people who have a moral foundation in religion. Without that, the devil has an open door to create caos. The idea of freedom FROM religion is as absurd as saying people should have the freedom from co-existing with other people. Every religion has nut jobs in it. Islam just happens to have a greater quantity. Standing up to those that want to kill us because we don't worship allah is a duty we must carry out with strength.

2016-05-18 01:43:05 · answer #2 · answered by lien 3 · 0 0

Not for nothing, but I've read a good chunk of the Koran and it seems that mostly what it is saying is that all other religions are wrong and you should just follow Allah.
From what I've seen it tries to get the Jews and the Christians to convert since it's 'so obvious' that Mohammad was the next prophet in line. And to the 'nonbeliever' (aka Me) you are damned because not believing is the worst thing you can do.
So I wouldn't call that religious tolerance.
Don't take this as me slamming just Islam, all of the Abrahamic faiths have the same attitude. Pretty sad if you ask me.

2007-07-30 13:55:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Yes, I believe in Freedom of Religion. And having Respect for other Religions. We can not say we have Respect for others and then turn around and do the opposite. We all need to have Respect, and let all cultures worship as they have been taught to worship. We can't force someone to change ,unless they really want to. Some of your quotes from the Holy Quran is beautiful, just like many beautiful scriptures from the Bible. We need to live and let live. Worship as we have been taught and have Respect for other Religions.

2007-07-30 14:18:54 · answer #4 · answered by Norskeyenta 6 · 0 1

You see, force never solves a problem. It is obvious that whenever something is forced on someone, their resistance increases. This is the nature of humans. That's why people from different religions (including Islam) can only explain and show the others what their religions are offering, but the final decision is always the individual's decision.

Allah said in his Holy Qur'an that religion should not be forced in Soorat Al Kaferoon:

[109.1] Say: O unbelievers!
[109.2] I do not serve that which you serve,
[109.3] Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve:
[109.4] Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,
[109.5] Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve:
[109.6] You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

2007-07-30 17:37:01 · answer #5 · answered by Red Dragon 6 · 0 2

It's interesting that for example the Taliban are executing (Christian) missionaries in Afghanistan. I agree they should never have set foot there but why behead them, why not expell them as even atheist Communism would have done.
Also we well know about the persecution of Jews, Bahais, Christians and other minorities in present day Iran.

2007-07-30 14:00:29 · answer #6 · answered by Imogen Sue 5 · 2 3

I believe ONLY in freedom - there is no better thing in one's life. The sad thing is that, no matter how much you believe in it, some people just won't let you be!

P.S. - I'm an Christian Ortodox

2007-07-30 13:55:05 · answer #7 · answered by Uros I 4 · 3 1

1) No...I do not believe in "freedom of religion"...and anybody who does is ignorant or naive. A person could form a religion that involves pedophilia and child sacrifice. Should we just say, "Ahhh...wonderful. Not my religion, of course...but good for you! Keep on freely practicing your religion..."

2) You are either an ignorant or naive Muslim if you do not believe that ALL should be Muslims...or else be forced to convert to Islam...or else be killed in a holy Jihad. Your watered-down Islam makes me almost as sick as watered-down Christianity.

3) Muhammad was deceived by a fallen Angel...who imitated an Angel of light. Satan himself masquerades as an Angel of light, so this should not surprise anyone...

4) TRUE Muslims KILL the heathen that don't submit to their God. TRUE Christians are KILLED while laying down their lives in love for the benefit of those who don't know Christ, in hopes that they will repent, believe, and so be saved along with them.

5) Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. All other roads lead to hell. You are FREE to believe what you want...but you are NOT free to "practice" religious "things" that are against the law. NO true religious practice of Christianity is illegal in a free country. Conversion to Christianity in a Muslim country will result in GREAT SHAME...and such people who convert to Christianity are KILLED by their own families.


2007-07-30 14:07:50 · answer #8 · answered by yachadhoo 6 · 1 5

Yes. And I believe that freedom of religion means freedom from religion if that's what you want.

2007-07-30 13:53:10 · answer #9 · answered by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7 · 7 1

Lots of fundamentalists would do well to learn that lesson from Islam.

Every time some red-faced screaming bible thumper screams that his religion is the only right one and the rest of the world is going to hell on rollerskates, I bet God cries from the sorrow.

2007-07-30 13:53:36 · answer #10 · answered by Acorn 7 · 4 4

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