Your hand has played out to my advantage, master yoda. Faith will not serve you as destiny comes to meet you soon enough.
2007-07-30 13:51:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It says: Judge not, lest ye be Judged. That is exactly what your doing to our Judical system. Every Judge in the United States, and the Jury, work hard and aim for fairness. There are Laws in this country, that go by the Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not Kill, Thou shalt not Steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neighbor and it goes on and on. Gods Laws upon this land needs to be carried on and obeyed. Judges are instruments of God to make sure God's Laws are obeyed. What you gotta do, is know the difference between a Judge of Law and a person who Judges others, before even knowing the complete story. A Judge of Law, will hear all the evidence and then place a sentence upon the Guilty, making the guilty know they have done wrong. (hopefully) . A person who judges others, without knowing the truth, is where the Bible scripture says: Judge not, lest ye be Judged. It has nothing to do with our Legal, Law abiding Judges. They do not fall into that catagory. Think about it !!!!!
2007-07-30 14:05:27
answer #2
answered by Norskeyenta 6
It means I should try my best to understand; because I can judge nothing I do not understand. Sometimes I do this well and it is a triumph for both of us. Sometimes I do this well and it is something I wish I did not see. Sometimes I do this poorly and it is a funny 'truth'. Sometimes I do this poorly and make an @ss of myself. But I am always willing to consider an appeal. It is the same process I subject myself to - and try to judge the judgment passed on me as well. Going to heaven or hell does not rest within my judgment no matter what I decide about anything for others - I am not even certain that it matters how I judge myself. That is God's decision. MY judgments I question - I trust God's judgments.
2016-05-18 01:40:30
answer #3
answered by ? 3
The judging spoken about in that verse is not evidence/fact/truth judgement. It is actually based on judging what we do not know. It is about prejudice, actually.
First, it is like someone who sees a mother come into church with her four kids, all five of them are in 2nd hand clothing and look a little shabby. Mr. Smith sees them and says, "Ugh, trailor trash. I'll bet all four kids have different last names". Then he keeps his distance. He made a judgement. Now, what if he went to that lady and her kids, introduced himself and welcomed them as he would any other. Then, through getting to know her, he finds out that she was widowed a year ago and has no family to help her out.
See how judgement is wrong, here? It is also wrong to judge sinners - "They're going to hell!" Well, if they don't come to the Lord and repent, true. But who are we to say they are condemned to hell? I once thought a fellow I was talking with would never come to the Lord - he was too full of his own knowledge. I had judged him. I was wrong - he got saved that night and was a rock solid Christian.
It also says in scripture we are to judge the church. That is, we should first of all, be aware of our own motives and actions and weigh them before the Lord. Leadership in the church are to keep a watchful eye on each other and those who may "harm the sheep". This is judging in the sense of simply distiguishing right from wrong or scriptural from non-scriptural.
2007-07-30 13:59:29
answer #4
answered by TroothBTold 5
No. That's really not what the verse is saying and it is one of the most abused verses in Scripture. Judge not, doesn't mean we don't use judgment. We used judgment everyday; "is this a good decision, investment or a person."
Judging here is more like, we are condemning someone because they are unworthy or because we know their heart. For example; I could do not return your phone call because I'm busy and have higher priorities. Judgment would be if you claim you know my motives really are because I don't like you or I think I'm better than you.
Jury duty is an obligation of citizen in a civilized country. You're not acting independently as an individual; you are acting as an agent of the Judaical system and you are not questioning whether the person deserves God or not or is worthy in His sight.
2007-07-30 13:54:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You are really taking the statement too far. The whole context of Jesus' teachings was how people should treat each other so that we can all get along. He did not mean that criminal justice should cease to exist, any more than "an eye for an eye" means you should really poke someone's eyes out.
2007-07-30 13:53:24
answer #6
answered by ? 5
If you are a Christian it is not against your faith to judge. We are told that we will even judge angels so the little things of earth are nothing.
2007-07-30 13:51:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
This is not a problem for we are supposed to be in subjection to superior authorities as it is an arrangement of God for them to judge. (Romans 13:1-2; 1Peter 2:13-17)
2007-07-30 13:58:15
answer #8
answered by grnlow 7
I think it means not to make judgements about who you think is going to heaven and who is not.
They had judges in Jesus's time. I'm pretty sure that's not what he was talking about. :)
2007-07-30 13:48:08
answer #9
answered by Acorn 7
no... if you read the verse in context.. you will see that it is being applied to people who have a certain sin, and are juding others with the same that would be pretend they are better ....
2007-07-30 13:48:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous