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misinterpreting "love your neighbour as yourself" as an obvious sexual reference?

If you don't believe in Jesus and God, why disrespect people for their belief and following?

why choose to be rude?

2007-07-30 13:27:06 · 16 answers · asked by Ramjet 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Christian bashing is the last acceptable form of bigotry in our society... I hope that changes one day...

unfortunately those who bash do not live by "live and let believe" motto...

and you are right, being rude is a choice... nothing in our soul makes us do that...
BTW, you *do* walk funny

May you always find peace...

2007-07-31 11:17:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I agree absolutely. And it isn't necessary for atheists to express their non-belief with cruel insults. I've always really respected you for your use of gentle,whimsical humor. Sure,it's taking jabs at religion - but in a playful way that gets across your point of view without insulting people,in fact most of the time you make me laugh out loud. That's why I can be deeply religious and still be a fan of yours. Which I am. It was nice of you to post this question. As you know things have been vicious lately. You had that run-in with zionists; I had an atheist post a clone of me last week. It's all so senseless. I'm really glad I'm not the only person calling for a more civilized standard of conduct.
Keep up the good work and hang in there,because you will always be one of my favorite regulars.

2007-07-31 18:20:20 · answer #2 · answered by Galahad 7 · 2 0

I agree. I see no point in it. Why should being a non-believer cause a person to relentlessly attack the beliefs of others? And yet that's what many atheists spend most of their time doing. They can be really savage,too. I mean,I could see a little teasing. But such viciousness! It's so unneeded.

2007-07-31 17:42:24 · answer #3 · answered by Brynn 3 · 1 0

why would CHRISTIANS disrespect people of other religions/belief systems, just because they are not christian? unfortunately, they are not following the 'love thy neighbor as thyself' rule.

there is no right or wrong when choosing a spriritual path - each person is meant to fulfill their own soul with what feels right for them.

"Nobody's God says 'hate your neighbor' - even if your neighbor doesn't believe in God" (The Roches, "Everyone is Good")

2007-07-30 20:33:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

From a Biblical perspective, the answer would be that the world didn't treat Jesus well, and we're less than our Master---so we can't expect better.

Yet also, because we, the church and christians, haven't always behaved in ways that reflect our faith.

2007-07-30 20:46:16 · answer #5 · answered by Jackie L 2 · 1 0

I believe in Jesus and God, just not the made up christian version.

Love and blessings Don

2007-07-30 20:32:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Precisely the reason I disagree with the Atheists that choose to call themselves satanists. I hate when Atheism is used in such ill ways.

2007-07-30 20:29:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Because despite what Christians want to believe, the world is sick and twisted, and always looking for a loophole. Find more Christian friends.

2007-07-30 20:30:39 · answer #8 · answered by writersrule05 2 · 3 2

Some people don't know "love" to mean anything else.

2007-07-30 21:16:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have wondered about this myself many times.

2007-07-30 20:31:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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