Hmmm. Hard to beat the one above, so to speak, with reference to all that vile temptress leather stuff, but I am assuming you want to know about rite type of rituals. When I am so inclined, I use candles, the color of which is determined by what chakra(s) I want to revitalize, heal, energize, focus on, yada, yada, yada. I use incense -- almost always Nag Champa because it clears the air and negative energies beautifully, without a density that makes you choke. I use crystals, frequently doing a full body crystal healing while I do Reiki on top of that. Unfortunately, I can only do the upper front part of my body, so I will sometimes put some crystals on the floor beneath my massage table aligned with my chakras. And I always make sure I have some smokey quartz, hematite or onyx at my ankles and feet. I usually use essential oils -- lavender and rose for relaxation; lavender and mandarin orange for energizing.
Lastly is the music. I know it sounds tacky in this day and age (oy -- I sound like my mother), but I think Steven Halpern is perfect for healing and meditation.
Those are my rite-type of ritual tools.
2007-07-30 13:55:51
answer #1
answered by Shihan 5
Well that is an involved answer. It would of course depend on what the ritual is for. but for a typoical Full Moon Esbat I use a Pentacle Tile to represent element Earth, A Chalice of wine of Mead to represent element Water, Incense burner to represent Element Air, and candles to represent Element fire. I also use an Athame to focus any energies that are rised, a Wand to project the energy of the circle casting, Food and wine as an offering to goddess and God, and a little bell to mark transitions between portions of the ritual. And of course my Book of Shadows to serve as a general guide to the structure of the ritual and occasionaly serve as the actual wording of the prayers, although I much prefer to make up the actual wording as I go, it makes it more relevant to me when the words come directly from the heart rather than from paper.
Raji the Green Witch
2007-07-30 14:14:10
answer #2
answered by Raji the Green Witch 7
Seek no further than Batman's utility belt. How did I obtain such a belt you ask. POW! WHAM!
2007-07-30 13:27:23
answer #3
answered by LordVader 4
I have the handcuffs and whip and he brings the most important one;-)'s just the question and my perverted
2007-07-30 13:30:40
answer #4
answered by ? 4
a fork a spoon and a meat grinder ...
2007-07-30 13:26:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous