To me it does because at least then when bad things happen you can know that one day if you are blessed with following God's plan you will be eternally happy with him.
2007-07-31 06:57:56
answer #1
answered by ALASPADA 6
Not at all.
My life would be so much easier if I didn't feel compelled to give my money away, keep from sinning and spend my time praying, reading an old book and going to a religious ceremony early in the morning on a weekend. My life would be easier if I didn't feel responsible to someone else for what I do. My life would be easier if I didn't have to worry about whether I am going to heaven or hell, if I have free-will or not, and what the meaning of a random passage in Revelations or Isaiah is.
But would my life be better? Absolutely not. There is a fulfillment and a peace that comes with belief in God. There is a comfort that comes in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. There is great freedom in having a purpose and a reason for living.
Is it harder believing in God? Yes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
2007-07-30 06:43:18
answer #2
answered by nbrs6121 2
Not insulting at all! Yes, I believe life is a lot easier. Not all of my prayers get answered the way they want, but look no further than Bruce Almighty to find out why God can't give me everything I want. God gives me everything I need: family, friends, food, fun, funds, freedom, and forgiveness.
But then again, this is life, and it's no cakewalk. It's not always smooth sailing on calm seas, sometimes the waves pick up and a gale starts gusting, but the difference is that I can see how God gets me through, and I see how I'm a stronger and more complete person when I come out the other side. I still feel anguish, I bleed like anyone else, I cry and despair sometimes, but I've always come through, not by my own strength, but by something higher.
2007-07-30 06:32:26
answer #3
answered by Dan in Real Life 6
No. If you don't believe in God and an afterlife, you don't feel as if you are judged for your actions. You feel that you can do anything you can get away with. I am spiritual, but not very religious. This does not make my life any easier. It is comforting to know that there is a purpose behind it all, but that does not make anything easier while I am alive. It is actually harder to walk the right paths knowing that I am responsible for my own decisions. I hope this helps.
2007-07-30 06:36:11
answer #4
answered by Patrick 5
I think it makes life easier if you believe in it. Its good because some people worry so much about the future and to know its determined by God and everything will work out for the best is pretty key.
It appeals to a certain personality type.
2007-07-30 06:50:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Life doesn't seem easier, no. In fact, it seems a little harder, in the sense that more things are thrown your way.
But it also seems a little easier in the sense that you can deal with it, and you aren't alone. God will always be there with you no matter what.
The only reason you have more things thrown at you is because Satan doesn't want you to believe in God. He is going to try his best and detain you from having those beliefs. But, God always helps us through it. He is our shield.
2007-07-30 06:33:42
answer #6
answered by Catelin 2
As we all know life is not an easy matter.
But when you believe in God you feel as if you always have the help and support you need to sustain a healthy life. When you cease to believe in God your troubles are more troubling and your fears are more fearful.
I believe that because I have God in my life I will always have someone to depend on no matter where life takes me. And to have everlasting love for something that will continue to love you back makes the ride much more smoother.
So yes, to me life seems much easier when someone believes in God.
2007-07-30 06:34:11
answer #7
answered by Tay 3
Back when I was religious, I was a child and I pretty much believed all the Bible stories told me. I've grown up and left organized religion and I have to do more searching for my answers. There are times when it seems like it was easier just to believe in God but there are other times when it is easier not to... mostly because it's hard to fathom what He looks like. It's hard to ask yourself why He would let people kill each other in war. It's hard to wonder why so many fatal diseases exist, and why He would allow His people to suffer to that extent.
2007-07-30 06:59:07
answer #8
answered by Lily Iris 7
When all your answers are in one book...
But seriously, I don't think it makes your life any easier or harder. I've found being non-theistic Pagan to be more rewarding and fulfilling than being Christian ever was for me. Does that mean that being Pagan makes life easier? A lot of people would disagree with that.
Also, if it made life so much easier, why has over 2/3 of the world population rejected it in favor of other faiths?
2007-07-30 06:31:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You put an honest question and I am giving you an honest answer. Yes lefe is easier when we really beleive in God. Now easier does not mean that everything will come as you like it or without any difficulties including sickness. But when you beleive in God when faced with any of these you take them with a new perspective. They are part of life, unfortunately, but when you take them as being permitted by God you will come sure that the pain of this earth is nothing compared with the eternal life in Spirit of God.
So if you really come to know God, especially through Jesus Christ, you will have another vision and accept what to the world is not accepted. Yes, in borning pain or other not liked happening, it is very natural to moan in pain and God will understand us that these are coming from a human being. Even Jesus Christ, on the eve of His crusicixtion, was troubled and asked God that if it is possible He will change his death, but then Jesus says that " Let not my will be done but yours".
Even when faced with death. It is very natural that we cry and mourn, especially after a sudden death of someone we say always that "WHY ? ". If we let go in God's will we look about it differently. Accept it and should be 'happy' that the departed one has been released of this world and now is able to join in Spirit with God. Now in Spirit but then comes a time when like Jesus we will rise from death as Jesus himself promised that He is " The way, the truth and Life".
So come to know more about God by coming close to Him through the Holy Scriptures and you will have that faith necessary instilled in you. It comes slowly and we have to stay in contact with the word of God. You may knew or heard about Mother Theresa, how happy she was in all her pain and poverty with others. Still she had the true peace that nothing in this world can take away from us.
God bless and wish you all the best.
2007-07-30 06:54:06
answer #10
answered by domenic x 5
Rove, when i wasn't introduced to God, I frequently found myself in temper, using expletives like crazy, felt like attack my own people violently, care less what other people think of me, do whatever pleases me, kicked my little dog in the stomach, and simply had no love for myself... Ever since I became a Christian I realized how wrong I was. Today I have a little that dog I paid $2,300 and I have never abused it, for God is in the way. When I am searching for a parking spot to park my car, I would easily find one, for the Lord is always there to lead the way.
Yes, life is much easier when you believe in God.
2007-07-30 06:34:33
answer #11
answered by John 2