*The hertz (symbol: Hz):
is the SI unit of frequency. Its base unit is cycle/s or s^[-1] (also called inverse seconds, reciprocal seconds).
*In English, hertz is used as both singular and plural.
As any SI unit, Hz can be prefixed; commonly used multiples are
KHz (kilohertz, 10^3 Hz),
MHz (megahertz, 10^6 Hz),
GHz (gigahertz, 10^9 Hz) and
THz (terahertz, 10^12 Hz).
*Mbps stands for millions of bits per second or megabits per second and is a measure of bandwidth (the total information flow over a given time) on a telecommunications medium. Depending on the medium and the transmission method, bandwidth is also sometimes measured in the Kbps (thousands of bits or kilobits per second) range or the Gbps (billions of bits or gigabits per second) range.
A megabit is a million binary pulses, or 1,000,000 (that is, 106) pulses (or "bits"). For example, a U.S. phone company T-carrier system line is said to sustain a data rate of 1.544 megabits per second. Megabits per second is usually shortened to Mbps.
Some sources define a megabit to mean 1,048,576 (that is, 220) bits. Although the bit is a unit of the binary number system, bits in data communications are discrete signal pulses and have historically been counted using the decimal number system. For example, 28.8 kilobits per second (Kbps) is 28,800 bits per second. Because of computer architecture and memory address boundaries, bytes are always some multiple or exponent of two.
Note:Mbps is not to be confused with MBps (megabytes per second).
2007-07-30 06:27:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
MHz is a simple measurement of a waveform that expresses the frequency it operates at in millions. Mbps is mega bits per second and is an expression of how quickly bits(data) can be transferred in a digital system.
2007-07-30 06:07:13
answer #2
answered by Gene 7
MHZ stands for megahertz and measures frequency (i.e. radio waves)
Mbps is for Megabits (corrected) per second and measures how fast information is transferred
2007-07-30 06:04:54
answer #3
answered by Abaddon Rising 3
MHz is Megahertz
millions of cycles per second
Mbps is Megabits per second
millions of bits transmitted per second
MBps is Megabytes per second
2007-07-30 06:03:43
answer #4
answered by Worm Brain 2