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2007-07-30 04:21:39 · 2 answers · asked by witchfinder general 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2 answers

You hurt not me
You hurt not them
You only hurt yourself in trasgression for your actions

Allah says I don't overburden you with more than you can handle and I am ever mercyful upon you....
we only overburden ourselves and allow ourselves to be treated as such.... If a man is yelling down the street, do I hear him.... surely I can choose to not listen to him at all...
They make that choice the same way they make the choice to leave the submission of Allah... Salam


Allah is all good he never does anything to harm us other than what we do for our ownself... Salam
If he made it all easy, then what is the point! Its called a blessing and reward... if you didn't do anything why should you be blessed.. Cause Allah SWT said he will give those that are not with him more than those who are with him in this world.. and those who are with him will have infinate blessings and mercy for eternity... I rather have nothing here and everything there...anytime!

One eyelash in heaven is greater than everything we can see and imagine here ONE EYE LASH!
And the lord says.... good riddance for those who don't believe. If he says good riddance what are we going to do.. huh? lol
Those who are guided will remain in the guidance for ever and ever for eternity.. and those who have allowed themselves to be led astray have never been guided by anything on the face of this earth... Amin.

What comes up, must come down... they will be dealt with in accordance to what they do... and he will inform them of all things, and everything they ever said and did, will be revealed and thier own skin will remove itself and speak against or for them.. Salam and that day, they will have to do exactly what he says and nothing else.. that day is the day we all wait for, those who believe, Christiians, Jews and Muslims alike even those that say they are Atheist they may have a mustard seed of faith in their heart and they don't even know it.. they will be saved... the only ones that will not be saved are those who make partners with Allah... for that is the greatest sin any soul can commit against itself.... The lord is Just.. you have been given a choice.. and you choose it.. don't cry to us about it... surely the lord said its forbidden for you to complain after you have been given the proof for your very eyes to see and reject the faith is like rejecting yourself..he cares not what you do.. but he wishes for you to be with him.. that is why your born to worship him and him alone...1.5hrs for him 22.5hrs for yourself.... I think that is more than a fair deal....don't you!

2007-07-30 16:13:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


God believes in Himself (or Herself).

With love in Christ.

2007-07-30 15:06:24 · answer #2 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 1 1

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