ROFL!!!! i actually choked on my coffee! (i'm still coughing ;P) that is so funny. but seriously i don't think God picks sides. i'm sure it's much funnier to Him to watch a bunch of guys running around chasing a ball. now that i think about it i think He's on the ball's side. i bet He's holding the ball and making it do all those completely unexpected fumbles and turns! FUNNY!!!
Psalm 98:1
O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.
2007-07-30 04:29:22
answer #1
answered by tif 2
2016-06-08 22:01:42
answer #2
answered by Bryce 3
GOD doesn't pick sides in sports, and He certainly doesn't interfere with their game. Mi Dios, can you imagine what would happen if that were so?! No, if these teams pray to Him before each game, part of it could be because of the faith that some of them hold in God; I half-suspect, though, that some use God just as they might use a rabbit's foot, or a good-luck charm. God has no time for that sort of prayer. I can't even say that He will interfere even if the prayer were sincere! After all, imagine if you had two sincere, Christian teams on opposite sides both praying to God? I think God will very wisely stay out of that one! He'll probably sit back and say, "I love all of you boys with all of my heart ... but you're all on your own for this one!"
2007-07-30 04:43:19
answer #3
answered by Jewels 7
They pray on the sides of war too. Makes you wonder, don't it?
Maybe they are praying to the wrong God. (1 John 5:19)
2007-07-30 04:43:07
answer #4
answered by SisterCF 4
You'd think schools like Notre Dame would be unbeatable if he did pick sides. I say they should knock off the bs "God wanted me to rush for 4 touchdowns today" and just play ball.
2007-07-30 04:25:01
answer #5
answered by Dethklok 5
God is always involved in the life of a Christian at their request. That doesn't mean that they always win the game but, they are winners, in life, because of Him and their reliance on Him.
2007-07-30 04:27:02
answer #6
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
Gee, I thought He did. Go figure. Must have missed another staff meeting. Damn it!
2007-07-30 04:22:32
answer #7
answered by Steve 5
Because...he makes bets on the games...
2007-07-30 04:22:00
answer #8
answered by ? 6
God loves everyone, but not equally.
2007-07-30 04:32:38
answer #9
answered by Fred 7
and people like Ray Lewis do it before all of their games, ray lewis killed a couple people in a parkinglot
2007-07-30 04:21:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous