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Would you try to rationalize it to fit your beliefs or could you just accept that something might be wrong in the bible?

2007-07-30 02:08:56 · 27 answers · asked by Sarah D 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers


2007-07-30 02:11:37 · answer #1 · answered by pestie58 the spider hunter 6 · 3 0

This happens, especially with new Christians and atheists.
When something comes up that makes no apparent sense, the person should write it down or remember it.
If they do not ask someone that has more education in Bible, then they have to either begin the hard work of researching it, which they should do also anyway, or...
No one sees all the pieces to the puzzle all at once...when more information is gained, it sheds light on those other parts that are confusing.
When the whole of scripture is taken together, it does show itself to be a harmonious, complete work.

2007-07-30 12:35:26 · answer #2 · answered by Jed 7 · 0 0

The bible was written in such a way as not to be understood by all, all of the time.
There are time periods meant to be understood later by the happenings at that time.
The bible isn't a novel to be read through and fully understood by all. It is more of a library of events at certain times. Proof that God know it all and has made provisions for these occurrences.

You still don't understand , do you? Try this website for a better explanation, or even get a bible study on something from someone who does understand it.

2007-07-30 09:17:02 · answer #3 · answered by Wisdom 6 · 1 0

There are quite a few things in the Bible that don't make sense to me, and I have no good answer for them. For example, the number of the Beast, the Whore of Babylon, and several other things as well. I am told by God that it will be so, because the Whole Truth is not for any one man, nor for all men collectively, to know. The fact that there are things that don't make sense to me and for which I have no good answer in no way means that what is there is wrong, any more than it does anything else ever written anywhere else in all of history. The foolishness of God is wiser than all the wisdom of mankind; how can I hope to know all the truth when I am but one man, with not even a full measure human wisdom? Truth does not require our understanding, or even our belief, in order to be true. It is up to us to acertain the truth, it is not up to truth to make us understand it.

2007-07-30 09:25:33 · answer #4 · answered by Steve 5 · 1 0

How about neither one. I understand and accept the fact that not everything in the Bible makes perfect since to me. For instance, why did God handle certain things, or deal with certain people the way he did? I can't explain everything to everybody, and I don't pretend to know it all either. Does science have an explanation for all of it's irrational theories, no. Yet you see scientist coming up with all kinds of ideas that would explain what they hope to be true, barring evidence. I presume that there are those who do this in the Christian realm also. As for me, I am content to know this much to be true, that, Jesus is Messiah, the Son of the Living God. I am sure of this, because I know him, not through religion but through relationship and that's all the evidence I need.

2007-07-30 09:34:31 · answer #5 · answered by Jimbo 2 · 0 0

I have more reasons to believe in God then just the bible. I have seen things, experinced things that make my hair stand on end and just make no logical sense. I have seen miracles.
Unfourtunatly the bible has been translated many times. if you want to play with semantics about wording in the english bible then thats just silly. Study the original hebrew it retains the original meaning. For instance the word love has several different meanings in hebrew and they use different words. the english bible just uses 1

2007-07-30 09:17:41 · answer #6 · answered by Surger1 3 · 0 0

No doubt the Bible has a lot of faults. People need to accept these things were written long ago and altered here and there to better apply to what people wanted to believe. People living 900 years? A boat with every animal on Earth? Sorry. No disrespect or nothing, but its a book of stories. It wasn't meant to be taken literally. Its stories to help people. Good Idea, bad execution. Period.

2007-07-30 09:14:51 · answer #7 · answered by Dregop 3 · 1 1

Well, if something doesn't make sense, then I can accept that something might be wrong in the Bible. But, just because something doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean that it is necessarily wrong. Understand?

The Bible is not science or mathematics book. It's a religious text. Just like the texts of Buddhism, Taoism, and other religions, some of it is hard to make sense of. That doesn't make any of it wrong, necessarily.

2007-07-30 09:14:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I would say I didn't know, then I would study it. I refuse ever to "just accept" especially when it comes to the Bible.

If I find something that seems a little...off...I reread the passage, using several different versions, while praying for some enlightenment. So far I haven't found anything that escapes that.

2007-07-30 09:20:03 · answer #9 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

I would study the Bible for an explanation. Never lean on any man's understanding. That is almost always wrong. Letting the Bible interpret itself is the best way.

2007-07-30 09:13:44 · answer #10 · answered by grnlow 7 · 0 1

Well, its called a miracle for the sake of the "unbelievers." So therefore, the circular logic goes that miracles are there to convince the people that cant go against their sense of reason or logic.

What I need to know is why did Jesus appear to Saul (and others that were with him) after his death and converted him to Christianity but no one else (visibly) in the last 2000 years.

2007-07-30 09:12:42 · answer #11 · answered by leikevy 5 · 0 1

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