*hugs* I'm so sorry you're being targeted. We love you, though! So just try to ignore it as best as possible.
2007-07-30 02:10:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I had to make my account private a while ago because people were reporting old questions and so forth...since I did that, I have had 1 violation in about 3 weeks and probably deserved that one...so we do what we must do...and some people on here must be mentally ill to take the time to go through our accounts like that...
2007-07-30 02:13:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, that explains things. I was wondering why there wasn't one of those groovy little blue things by your name.
I'm sorry you're dealing with a stalker. Do what you have to do, and report it to Yahoo. We should have all been reporting the targeting anyway. I know I was...I hope everyone else was.
Sorry Pangel! If there's anything I can do, let me know. I've been through it before too...from the politics section.
2007-07-30 02:34:48
answer #3
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
I got one because I stuck up for the black school boy, who was shot in the head and killed. I think that is sick, the boy worked hard at school, and had just got a place at college to study science. He was no gang member, I believe what his broken hearted said about him. Maybe I would not have got one, if I had agreed with the anti blacks, but I dont.
2007-07-30 03:17:01
answer #4
answered by ? 5
i'm sure i'll get it too at some stage, but have a few profiles up me shirt (dont have many tops with sleeves, they cover the tats. lol) in reserve. sory you had to go private.
2007-07-30 03:44:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with CBG777, and the fundies were upset by all us vile temptresses running rampant. Gosh, who on earth came up with this crazy idea of giving women free will in the first place?
I feel your pain. I made my profile private for the same reasons.
2007-07-30 02:11:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You did well dear, everyone who has haters has to do it.I had the same problem, but i m not angry with anyone.Just did my network private and thats all.Here few people you can trust
2007-07-30 02:57:59
answer #7
answered by Leonarda 7
I had it happen a while back, but I complained to Yahoo about it and it actually stopped. I can't explain it....
Sorry to hear some creep is doing this.
2007-07-30 02:12:24
answer #8
answered by Samurai Jack 6
I am sorry as well. Let me be your first Fan...:)
Edit: Pangel, its not allowing me to be your Fan, it says this person is not accepting contacts. Darn, i dont think i can see your questions anymore...:(
2007-07-30 02:51:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I've taken several hits for valid answers.
2007-07-30 03:58:31
answer #10
answered by novangelis 7