We don't need them....
Ahahahahahah some ppl are't reading the whole question
2007-07-30 02:11:43
answer #1
answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7
I'm a part of Christianity, but am a Gnostic, so I still qualify to answer.
Not only are we against it, but it is in fact an abomination of every faith. I know, I studied them. There are only a few Pagan religions that allow it, but they also worship the Devil.
This is one of the most unnatural and Vile things we as a society allow. It ranks just below a child molester.
I don't care what anybody says, homosexuality is not a born with (natural) thing. That is just a cop out and a excuse for an unholy union.
So yes, every faith that does not worship the Devil are in fact against it. As far as a wedding goes, all faiths give a thumbs down to it, period!
If it wasn't for the Vile, money grabbing lawyers, this wouldn't even be a question.
For every last one of them would still be peeking through the crack in the door, from the closet.
I say we as a society, should shut the door:)
2007-07-30 02:33:58
answer #2
answered by Christanti 3
I don't know about Christians, but in Snoutiism PRETEND weddings are particularly encouraged and deserving of special blessings. Especially those between people of the same gender when neither are homosexual. Or between homosexuals of opposite sex. Whatever.
2007-07-30 02:46:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No, I'm not. Actually, I think we should do away with all state marriages, and make it a religious institution. Then, if anyone wants to make a lifetime commitment, they can do it through the courthouse. But if they want to be MARRIED, it has to be done in a church, or at least done by a pastor or priest.
Marriage is a religious thing. The state never should have gotten involved.
I may be against same-sex marriage, but I am FOR civil unions.
2007-07-30 02:22:50
answer #4
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
I was not against the pretend R&S Wedding of you and the Daughter of Isis.
2007-07-30 02:39:01
answer #5
answered by Marvelissa VT 6
I believe that marriage is something that was originally meant for a man and woman, and it should continue to remain that way forever. I don't necessarily look down upon those involved in a homoseual union, but I certainly don't think its right. However, if it's not effecting me then I have no business trying to interfere. Those people are allowed to do whatever they want.
2007-07-30 02:10:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Christian fanatics and other uptight creeps feel the need to protect the children from content they feel might lead them astray.
2007-07-30 02:10:28
answer #7
answered by PoseidenNeptuneReturns 4
I am not a Christian but it upsets me that neither of you are marrying me. It is an upsetting thought.
My eyes briefly went green then.
2007-07-30 02:15:50
answer #8
answered by Link , Padawan of Yoda 5
Rachel, it was actually us atheist guys who reported that. lol
EDIT: Not the ceremony darling - the consummation.
2007-07-30 02:11:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
How dare you burst my bubble? This must be some sort of a sin to you Christians.
2007-07-30 02:08:39
answer #10
answered by Drake the Deist 2