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God believes;
- in blood offerings;
-has talking animals;ie.snake, donkey,
-thought the best way to populate a world was with incest;
-believes in burning and torturing his off spring forever;
-thinks woman are second class,
-has no problem with murdering thousands at a time;

Christians...good god..yes or no....

And you wonder why we don't want you in our goverment and schools and courts!

2007-07-29 23:02:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

In god we trust...doesn't say in the christian cult god we trust.....its the christian cult's dogma that we want not pushed in our lives. I believe in God. Not the god of the evil christian cult.

2007-07-29 23:26:10 · update #1

In god we trust...doesn't say in the christian cult god we trust.....

2007-07-29 23:30:17 · update #2

10 answers

As Mark Twain once put it, "Our Bible reveals to us the character of our god with minute and remorseless exactness, It is perhaps the most damnatory biography that exists in print anywhere. It makes Nero an angel of light and leading by contrast."

And we will probably get some of them saying that this country was founded on the Christian religion... let me crush that tiny argument right here.

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." John Adams, Treaty of Tripoly, article 11

And now someone just had to give me a reason to put a body count up here didn't they. Oh well death from above started it...

Killed by God:

? -- Drowned everyone in the whole world except for Noah and his family (Genesis 7)
1 -- Saltified Lot's wife (Genesis 19:26)
? -- Burned all of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (except for "good" Lot who offered his virgin daughters to a mob of men and then slept with both of them himself later)* (Genesis 19:24)
1 -- Slew Er, Judah's firstborn son (Genesis 38:7)
1 -- Er's brother, Onan (38:10)
? -- The firstborn in all of Egypt* (Exodus 11:4)
? -- Drowned the pharoah and all of his gang in the Red Sea
2 -- Nadab and Abihu for making a fire
? -- Burned some Jews for complaining
? -- Sent a plague against Jews for being greedy
11 -- Sent a plague on Jews who gave the chosen land a bad report (Numbers 14: 36-37)
? -- Korah and other Jews who didn't like Moses
14,700 -- Sent a plague on Jews apparently for the hell of it
"many" -- Sent serpents on Jews
? -- Philistines
50,070 -- Jews who looked in the ark of the covenant*
1 -- Nabal for scorning David
1 -- Uzzah for touching the ark when trying to keep it from falling*
1 -- David and Bathsheba's child
70,000 -- Sent a pestilence because David sinned*
102 -- Sent fire down on Ahaziah's men
42 -- Sent bears to kill children who mocked Elisha*
? -- Sent lions to kill invaders
185,000 -- Assyrians
80,000 -- Lots of bad Israelites

Killed on God's orders by the Jews:

? -- Jacob's sons killed every man in Shechem
3,000 -- Jews worshipping the golden calf (Exodus 32:27)
1 -- Man gathering wood on a Sunday
? -- Canaan
? -- Took the city of Heshbon from the Amorites
? -- All of the people of Bashan
24,000 -- Jews who followed Baal
? -- All Midianites except for the virgin girls
? -- Everyone in Jericho but Rahab, a hooker who betrayed her city
? -- Achan and his family(who had nothing to do with it) for stealing
? -- Everyone in the cities of Ai, Makkedah, Libnath, Jarmuth, Geder, Hormah, Arad, Addellam, Bethel, Tappuah, Hepher, Apheh, Lasheron, Madon, Tasnach, Megiddo, Kedesh, Jokneam, Dor, Goiim, Terzah, and all of the Amorites.
10,004 -- The men of Bezek
? -- The people of Jerusalem, Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai
? -- The people of Zephath, Gaza, Ashkelon, Ekron, and the king of Moab, Eglon.
? -- The army of Sisera and the men of Karkor
? -- Jephthah destroyed 20 cities
? -- Samson killed 30 men who solved his riddle, the Philistines, and tons of people when he died
50,100 -- The men of the tribe of Benjamin
? -- The tribe of Jabesh-gilead
? -- The Ammonites, the Philistines and the Amelekites
331,269 -- killed by David for various reasons
3 -- Solomon killed a few people too
? -- All of Jeroboam's extended family
? -- All of Baasha's extended family
450 -- Prophets of Baal
793,000 -- All Jewish Baal-followers
127,000 -- Arameans
1 -- Man who wouldn't strike a prophet
? -- Moabites
172 -- Jezebel, Ahab's sons, Joram, their priests, and their friends
142 -- Ahaziah's relatives
? -- All of Baal's followers
1 -- Athaliah for killing sons
1 -- Mattan the Baal priest
10,002 -- Edomites and two servents
? -- All of the pregnant women in Tirzah*
20,000 -- Hezekiah killed a bunch of people
500,000 -- Israelites killed each other
50,000 -- Ethiopians
23,000 -- Seerites
510 -- Haman's army
75,300 -- More of the army

Grand Total:

more than 399,933 people killed by "God"

...going only on the numbers listed (not counting, oh, say, the entire population of the world at the time of Noah, 3 cities, and other such things that were not enumerated in the Bible).

more than 2,017,956 people killed by followers of God

...not even counting the 65 cities they destroyed without seeing fit to give any numbers.

2007-07-29 23:08:33 · answer #1 · answered by draconum321 4 · 4 3

I am not christian but christian people don't all just go along with everything that was written in the bible. A lot of good comes from christianity also, they encourage giving, understanding, forgiveness, acceptance, they support a lot of charities and they believe that they are making the world a better place. Some of them are crazy but there are crazies in any religion (and crazies who have no religion). I think it is mean to have a go at people about their religion because they cannot help what they are born into and raised to believe, or even came to believe on their own! What is putting christianity down going to accomplish?

2007-07-30 06:09:00 · answer #2 · answered by SmEllY! 6 · 0 3

Even if I did believe in God, which I don't, these would be just a few of the reasons I wouldn't be a Christian.

2007-07-30 06:07:07 · answer #3 · answered by Two quarters & a heart down 5 · 5 2

It is God who directs the lives of his creatures; everyone's life is in his power. Job 12:10
I, the Lord, am a God who is full of compassion and pity, who is not easily angered and who shows great love and faithfulness. Exodus 34:6
God is not like people, who lie; He is not a human who changes his mind. Whatever he promises, he does; He speaks, and it is done. Numbers 23:19
This God? How perfect are his deeds, how dependable his words! He is like a shield for all who seek his protection. 2Samuel 22:31
The Lord your God is kind and merciful, and if you return to him, he will accept you. 2Chronicles 30:9
God is there and Jesus is alive and He can forgive sins. He forgave my sins.

2007-07-30 06:35:38 · answer #4 · answered by Brinda 3 · 0 3

I would recomend you spend just a little more time in your schools, cause you really don't have a clue. And by the bub, OUR goverment was founded on this God, so get over it.

2007-07-30 06:09:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

and here come the christian folks who havent read the bible to say "no, you've got it all wrong"...

ALLEN- care to cite a source on that "USA was founded on GOD' stuff?

2007-07-30 06:09:02 · answer #6 · answered by dr schmitty 7 · 3 2

I completely agree, there is something not quite right about christianity.

2007-07-30 06:05:57 · answer #7 · answered by Jeni R 4 · 5 2

Gavin, stop handling, touching or making money... IMMEDIATELY!!! it says "in god we trust" on it

you are sadly confused and misinformed...

Stalin (atheist) murdered about 20,000,000
Mao Tse Dong (atheist) about 10,000,000
Pol Pot (atheist) about 4,000,000
Eastern Europe post WWII about 2,000,000 murdered by atheists
Followers of Stalin (atheists) about 5,000,000

do those figures disturb you ?

2007-07-30 06:17:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

sounds like your talking about false christian religions to me.

2007-07-30 06:06:41 · answer #9 · answered by pestie58 the spider hunter 6 · 3 5

this should be good....

2007-07-30 06:05:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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