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i am really sad all the time and i HATE therapy....i am hesitant to go on antidepressants again. Before they upset my stomach so i had to stop. I really want to feel better because i dont want to do anything right now, like go out or anything. I just really want to feel better. I would like to know if there is anything else besides antidepressants and therapy to get through this...

2007-07-29 21:08:14 · 13 answers · asked by lovelygirl155 1 in Health Mental Health

13 answers

It'd be nice to know what anti-depressant you were on. Starting at a very low dose, and working your way up will decrease symptoms. If you are unwilling to try or therapy, than the only thing that there is left is you. You have to realize that you are the only one who can take control of your life. You have get yourself up and do thing, you have to be willing to live to beat it. It's hard... but you have to get so fed up with feeling like ****, that you decide you are going to make a life change. Do things even if you don't want to. Use will power and determination. Find where you want to improve in life and make yourself work on it. Make yourself. If you believe in a higher being, sometimes that also helps. But know that you have to do it, no one else can help.

2007-07-29 21:16:25 · answer #1 · answered by Theresa 2 · 3 2

If you hate therapy so much, then maybe you need to find a different therapist. A good therapist is one who can really get the lines of communication going. You shouldnt hate going to therapy, because your therapist should be helping you to release some "stuff." It should help, not hurt you. You may have to try getting on another type of anit deppressant. There are so many out there, that 1 should be able to work for you. I was extremely hesitant for the same reasons. I am now court ordered to take any medications my therapist sees fit. She gave m alot of tests and she recommended wellbutrin specifically. I have been on it for 8 weks now, and i feel great! No tummy problems either!! I dont feel like I am living in the 3rd person anymore. Try other things. If you are unhappy with something than try to change or adjust it, so you can be happy.

2007-07-30 05:34:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

there's U, ur Body, ur Mind, and ur Heart(ur soul, may be?) these four are all one inside U.
From what i see, You've started to drift away for mthe "beautiful-side" of the picture to the "sadder, depressing-side" of that once beautiful picture. Whatever u see, whatever u hear, whatever u think, whatever u feel, there has to be at least a teeny weeny bit of "beautiful" in it. Start looking for it, who knows u'll find loads? but it's gonna be hard for u if all u can think about is sadness and depression.
People say, "if there's no hate, how will u know there is love?" (or is this from the Bible verse?)
"If there's no darkness, how will u know there is light?"
"If there is no sadness, how will u know there is happiness?"
you feel sad n depressed now but live with the hope that there is happiness, love and warmth for u somewhere in the coming days "tomorrow never comes" you must've heard it, right? but it does come n becomes today instead, and who knows there's this little happiness with it when it does come?
Everytime u feel depressed, think of your God as if He is indeed with u at the moment, tell him what ur thoughts are, what ur feeling are. It'll help a lot if u can write them too and imagine you're writing it to someone who u know will always be there for u(even if its imagination u gotta go on).
There's many things u can do, "pray, hope, wish and want"..how much do u know about these four words? How different n similar is it?Pray, hope, wish and want..whatever u pray, hope, wish and want for.
Go for wild rides in amusement parks, take cold/hot shower to ur preference, i do recomend taht u shout out once in while without words to let that big heavy thing on your shoulders, cry if u feel like even if u've got no reason to do it so. Live your life since u're the one living it ^ ^

2007-07-30 04:50:32 · answer #3 · answered by --[[S.W]]-- 2 · 1 0

There are many different types of antidepressants available. If these are bothering your stomach so much that you're willing to quit taking them, then you need to tell your doctor that you want to try a different kind. There may be ways to ease the stomach discomfort, too, like taking antacids along with the pills or spreading the dose out over more intervals.

2007-07-30 04:14:06 · answer #4 · answered by ivansgirl 3 · 0 0

I totally understand your not wanting to take meds. I suffer from bi-polar and won't take the medication. I wrote a list of things I make myself do when I get depressed.

1. Force myself to get up and shower and eat breakfast.
2. Listen to easy going music. Stuff that doesn't do my head in.
3. Go for a walk daily
4. Avoid difficult people
5. Talk to someone that you trust daily. Perhaps confide in someone and ask them to phone you - even just for five minutes a day. It could be a mental health worker or a friend.
6. Try to avoid the downward spiral of negative thinking. When you feel your thoughts going down - find a distraction.
7. Don't allow yourself to sleep during the day as this will upset your night sleep.

Most of all be kind to yourself and know that this will pass.
Thinking of you. Take care

2007-07-30 04:16:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

there are many ways on how you can relieve your depression and anxiety, you can try reading a book, watching a movie or find a new hobby..or maybe, you just want somebody to talk to..feeling depressed without having someone to hear all your problems is a major dilemma, it can only make your depression worst.. the only way you can resolve this feelings is by letting it out, walk one step at a time, don't shoulder all the problems in the world,..

don't try to resolve your feelings by taking anti depressants because these meds are only used when there is no other option available..try to look for other alternatives..

2007-07-30 04:22:16 · answer #6 · answered by undiagnosed_girl 2 · 0 0

You can go herbal. I know when I had PMS I would depressed everytime about 1 week before my cycle. I told my naturopathic doc & he told me it was low seratonin & put my on Tryptophan.

Tryptophan is natural in turkey (tired after Thanksgiving dinner?), it makes you sleepy so it's a 1 before bedtime supplement. By taking the tryptophan, it raises my seratonin levels. I took it for 1 month (30 days straight), then after that just one a day before my period - b/c that's when *I* was depressed.

So there ARE ways....just be sure to research them well.

2007-07-30 04:20:10 · answer #7 · answered by mkt 5 · 0 0

Exercise always works it just takes some motivation. Exercise release endorphins naturally which make you feel better. Go for a walk, bike, swim, hike etc.. It can be fun enjoy the environment and clear your head.

2007-07-30 04:15:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety / Stress / Depression(Bereavment) / Mood Swings :-


Sudden with restlessness and fear of death Aconite 30X or 200X,1/2 hourly (3 Doses)

Prolonged with periodic and panic attacks Arsenic Alb.200X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

With fainting spells; profuse sweating; worse in the morning Sulphur 30X or 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Makes patient walk fast; due to anticipation Argentum Nit 200X, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Worse lying in bed and closing the eyes Carbo Veg 30X or 200X, 4 hourly (6 Doses)

Anxiety aggravated by upward or downward motion; going in an elevator; worse till 11 P.M, Borax 200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxious about business even when seriously ill Bryonia Alba 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Full of apprehensions in the evening Causticum 200X, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxiety and fears in the evening with restlessness and palpitation Calcarea Carb.200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxiety worse while lying still. Sad music ameliorates the complaints Manganum Acet 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxiety due to fright, fear,exciting news; stage fright; worse while appearing for examination or interview etc Gelsemium 30X or 200X 3 hourly (6 Doses)

Mood Swings, Anxiety due to grief or shock in the subconscious mind Ignatia 200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxiety; better after eating Anacardium Or 30X, 4 hourly.

DEPRESSION & GRIEF(Bereavement) :-

Severe shock due to sudden death of loved ones; restlessness, anxiety and fear Aconite 200X. 10 min (3 Doses)

Prolonged mournings; cannot overcome the loss of loved ones and/or Mood Swings. Ignatia 1M or 10M, 6 hourly (3 Doses)

When the grief is in the conscious mind; patient weeps; does not like sympathy Natrum Mur.200X or 1M, 6 hourly (3 Doses)

For chronic grief and indignation Staphysagria 200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Depression with suicidal thoughts feeling of worthlessness, Aurum Met 30X, three times a day half hour before meals.

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

Take Care and God Bless You !

2007-07-30 04:22:50 · answer #9 · answered by Soul Doctor 7 · 4 0

i dont know anymore. just know you arent the only one. i know i feel better when i go to the gym on a regular basis.

2007-07-30 04:11:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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